Maddox uses great satire and humour to explain the faults with Ocarina of Time

>Maddox uses great satire and humour to explain the faults with Ocarina of Time
Is he /ourguy/?

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Maddox went to shit literally the second he started conscripting his shitty friends to make content. He needs to go back to writing articles and making scripted videos instead of chasing decades old trends like animated podcast clips

>literal cuckold
>"our guy"

Fuck off Madcuck

Madcucks is atleast funnier that Maddox

>There's nothing wrong with being a cuck

>bald cuck makes idendical video as other cucks AVGN and arin from GG.
>games are only good if you mash lots of random buttons
>cant have fun being comfy
what an annoying cuck. fighting games and their fans are garbage.

Maddox did a stream with Density recently where he argued that there was a fundamental problem with democracy because of Trump and Brexit being allowed to happen.

A typical libcuck can't be /ourguy/.

>Maddox will never return to the days of masterful comedy writing thanks to having a boner for YouTube


Didn't Maddox get literally cucked by Dick Masters after he made that video defending cuckolding?

Guy's just a trainwreck. I guess that's to be expected when your crowning achievement is writing a book laughing at other peoples' children.

he was ourguy 15 years ago

he REFUSES to update his website, instead opting to do podcasts where he espouses his cuck shit.

Cucked by Dick.

I lost any remaining respect for him when he tried to argue that homeowners associations are libertarian governments.

first time watcher
sorry but he's not funny
and his points are shit

Literally a nobody loser who has to live with two roommates in his 40s. If you want this cuck to by /yourguy/ go ahead.

What the fuck happened to him? He was so great during the web 2.0 era

Lad would've been better off getting hit by a truck ten years ago, this is just pathetic

>how to be a successful youtuber 101
>yell a lot
>makeup tutorial vids
>complain about shit everybody else likes

hmm I wonder if this possibly fits into one of these categories


One time, Maddox and Dick were at a wedding that was also attended by an ex of Maddox's. He had a new girlfriend at the time so Dick didn't think anything of taking the ex home and sticking it up her pooper. Maddox got mad so Dick lied to him that he just took her one, but eventually one of their friends spilled the beans to Maddox and he broke up their friendship, reportedly in tears.

Apparently Maddox is really fixated on forming a harem with his girlfriend and exes and that's why he got so upset over something so trivial.

>defends being a cuck
>opinion is worth anything
Pick one

>fucking influx of /ourguy/ posting.

I'am thoroughly convinced anybody who does this is of a younger generation because only you fags give a shit who you think is cool.

Fucking Filterbans when ?

I hope Dick gets the Billboard-thing up in the next few weeks.

the angry jaded gamer guy shtick is completely overdone and hasn't been funny for years now. Maddox has been running the same joke for over a fucking decade

Is he the guy form thebestpageintheuniverse???? That shit was cash back in 05...

More like 98

I really hope he doesn't make it #dicklies though because normies won't get it, read about the infamous rapist 4+Sup Forums and he'll only make his own life more difficult

yea, but he got a little bit of flak for it on FB, reddit and twitter since yesterday. He is very kind to listen to his listeners or at least the patreonies.

What would be a good billboard? A happy picture of him kissing 80s girl?

Let's get this shit started
>30 grand to design a website

>no patreon for the BPITU, cause people wouldn't donate to his patreon then

>Dick is now over 20k

Holy shit you are right, im old as fuck

An ad for the dickshow site next to dick giving a dorky thumbs up with something like "as seen on TBPU", that logo needs to be on there because I want to see Maddox bankrupt himself on a court case he can't possibly win

How about Dick as seen on TBPU #seeyouincourt

Toy Story is 22 years old, user
PlayStation 2 is 16 years old
PlayStation 3 is 10 years old

eh it shouldn't literally address maddox

also hashtags are for chodes

time to kms

Get raped

>Toy Story is 22 years old, user


"OOT is bad" is the oldest and lamest contrarian opinion of our generation. Nothing wrong with hating it, but calling it bad is fucking retarded.

Never really understood why this guy was popular. It makes sense that he's not anymore though.

Pathetic. I can't believe this guy still has any sort of audience.

His audience is an echo chamber. You know that thing that he complains about. Oops

Oh hey, it's that guy who thought people found out about his secret fetish because someone on the internet called him a cuck so he responded with a video that defends NTR.

>great satire and humour
>Is he /ourguy/?

Can this post be any more viral?

Was his rant on pepperoni his last half-decent video?

reminder that Madcucks' patreon is more than Maddox and the Cuck Christmas Album ranked higher on Itunes than Maddox's bonus episode album.

He's not necessarily wrong, but that he is a cuck does a serious discredit to any opinion he has, even if it is correct.

so no

>but that he is a cuck does a serious discredit to any opinion he has
Why, though? Do you have so low self-esteem that the word "cuck" triggers you?

He may be a cuck, but he's right. A lot of modern video games have a lot of walking. These are the kinds of games that get praised for having 30-40 hours of "gameplay" even though it's 90% walking and cutscenes. Meanwhile a good 10 hour game gets shit on for being short even though it's 10 hours of pure gameplay.

you can't take the opinions of a "man" seriously who sees no issue with being cuckolded, much less make them /our guy/.

Maddox is like Yahtzee without all of things that makes Yahtzee tolerable

Maddox is not an AVGN clone as he was there before AVGN, but the archetype is completely overdone and you need charisma to pull it off wich he doesn't have at all

Literally what the fuck are you talking about? If what you're getting at is that he is actually literally a cuckold, how the fuck do you know? If not and he's okay with other people being literal cuckolds, then you are on the wrong message board, because as far as the eye can see here it's weeb hentai degenerate garbage and ladyboy upskirt peepshows. Maybe there's a nice Christian message board you can shitpost on.

Ahuh....right, okay.

>you can't take the opinions of a "man" seriously who sees no issue with being cuckolded
Opinions about other things than those you are opposed to?
Someone simply being a "cuck" is enough to shut off your rational mind. That's pretty feminine of you, user.



He's gained weight over the years. C'mon Maddox.

>Dick gets paid $20,000 a month to make a show about bashing Maddox
>A Maddox parody make more money than the real guy

the literal definition of a cuck

>t. Cuck

You can't argue because you know I'm right. If you're not sure whether you're man enough for your woman you'll just have to learn to deal with the doubts.
Please go back.

>Cucks don't like it
Hey, OoT looks a lot better all of a sudden

t. nintenbro

Madcucks > Maddox
fight me

>dons a burger king crown and talks like a retard
>gets more money on Patreon than Maddox himself

He's alright in my books

>Great satire and humour

He has never been funny. He literally panders to Gen X with his extremely forced comedy. Even 10+ years ago his comedy was complete shit.

Nothing has changed, if anything he further deteriorates brain cells now that he's on YouTube. He's literally a shill and attention whore who wants to relive the glory days.

I hope Dick really buys that billboard

is that cuck still around

I remember really enjoying Maddox. I checked his site a few times a week and even bought his book, The Alphabet of Manliness. I got a great laugh from his content.

Of course, I was in high school, still a pretty juvenile teenager.

Now his edgy contrarianism falls flat, and his whole schtick of being a cool manly guy has broken now that we can see what he actually is: A beta nerd projecting his insecurities onto the world in place of criticism.

is this video supposed to be satire?
because that is how exactly i feel about open world games

>unironically defending cuckoldry

found the Maddox fanboys

His entire shtick is contrarianism. He finds things that most people like or pretend to like and then makes arguments for why you shouldn't like it. He has an entire section of his website critiquing the artworks of small children.

In this case, lots of people like OOT so he finds the biggest flaw in the game and focuses on it.

>Maddox still hasn't killed himself

Did your girl cheat on you or why does it bother you so much? Have you tried either manning up or stopping going out with sluts?

Not only that, but asterios cuckmas album is literally Billboard ranked now thanks to the spite of former Maddox fans and dickheads

Hello Alt-right dummies,

Let me begin with this

Seeing as you all are easy to manipulate,
below is free viewing to Dax Herrera's/Dick Masterson's Bonus Episodes to his patreon. Seeing as he stole the love of my life I will allow you to view these without having to give that loser a dime.

Since Dax Herrera is no longer my friend or business partner I just wanted to inform you all that his 5 dollar per month patreon videos are simple to access once you get access to vimeo.

Knowing that you idiots here feed upon your own, I thought it would be just to allow him to be fucked by the people he thinks cares about him. Even if you report me to him, I can just deny it. Even if this forum page gets deleted many of you will have copied these links, save the videos, and just reupload them later. Even if one of you watches any of these videos I would have denied that loser at least 5 dollars. I have planted the seed.

You will thank me for these videos.

Bonus Eps 1-7

That s hillarious and never will not be

Thanks. I sent him a copy of your post.

Sent him a screengrab too.

So to be "our guy", you just have to talk shit about a game that people generally consider good?

To who?

Man, Justin Credible is lookin haggard

Don't forget he also sent the job lynch mob to get Dick kicked off a bunch of comedy shows saying he had and maintained rape list so the group of sjw descended on him.

He now has a patreon that is close to 20k a month and Maddox now has a failing podcast network he just sunk his life savings in after all his "friends" have abandoned him for being a shit bag.

I like walking

He maintained a rape list, lynch mob or not that's fucking stupid

I have no idea who this guy is but nothing about that video was humorous.

Even erins retarded ass nitpicking video was better than this bland snorefest, and at least his nitpicks ALMOST floated.

Please stop it hurts.

Why are all the people who hate OoT pathetic and often literally cucks?

Why does Maddox even keep trying anymore? Madcucks, Asterios and Dick all beat the everloving shit out of him at every turn.

And you know what? Dick could be lying about everything. Dick could be a total snake in the grass and is secretly a huge scumbag. At least he lied to us, unlike Maddox who keeps trying to sweep it under the rug and pretend all that shit never happened while selling Madbux.

Trying to make a claim to e-fame.

>making this thread again

This guy's a retard but so are all you guys.

He also is very smart and a great showman.

Just listened to the bonus episode and episode 41, he is brilliant and has a great comedic timing.

He also has a autistic memory of the old show.

Go watch your girl get fucked faggot.

I saw the same exact post a month or so ago, it's not him.

Thanks user, never thought I would ever see the day someone leaked my favorite show

Maddox or not, based user

The problem with democracy is that our fucking voting systems are garbage. FPTP? Really? In this fucking day and age?

We don't HAVE a democracy. We have a dictatorship of two. You can choose which one you'd like to vote for, but you don't get another choice. There is no nuance in our electoral systems.

He already was a tired meme 10 years ago and this just seems desperate.
Go figure.



thanks me and your gf need some background noise to drown out you crying while we fuck