Do you prefer hold or toggle crouch?

Do you prefer hold or toggle crouch?

Toggle for sure.

I like to hold for precision aim though.

>normal gameplay


how is this a question that needs to be asked?

toggle crouch is shit

hold toggle
bound to F

I play left handed so I can hold ctrl with my thumb all day

Hold. In stealth heavy games, I go toggle. Spook simulators like Amnesia, Dude Sex and such.

Toggle for slower games like sims and ghost recon / rainbow six / swat, hold for faster games.

The problem with crouch jumping is that there's never any reason not to crouh jump. Why does a normal jump even exist when crouch jump is in the game?

You still use WASD?

yes. Is there a reason to do otherwise?


Not him, but i'm left handed and can use WASD easily. I have always used the mouse with my right habnd

Seems like it'd be hard to reach keys to the right of WASD

You have rt fg vb immediately within reach with the pinky. It's a lot easier to stretch your pinky to keys like I or M than to stretch your pointer over and keep your other fingers on the WASD keys at the same time.

If I needed to press I or M I'd just take my hand completely off of WASD to press it

He said "hold ctrl with my thumb", meaning he has his right hand on WASD

I wouldn't know how normal people do it. I don't have to take my fingers off WASD and I can still reach those keys.
Also my palm is dedicated entirely to the spacebar. It's like I'm playing with extra fingers.

that pic

alias +crouchjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -crouchjump "-duck; -jump"
bind "space" "+crouchjump"

>tfw jump crouch became crouch jump in source
for what reason?

real men use Shift for crouch

It's like when humping in Halo suddenly became teabagging when all the dumbass 12 year olds joined in with the second game.

>button with an up arrow
>makes your perspective go down

by that logic it should be jump

it's sprint because it SHIFTS the speed of your movement UP

Ctrl should be sprint since it CONTROLS your speed

No, that means you move in a slow, CONTROLLED manner.

>game has toggle crouch
>intense moment where somebody is going to win and someone is going to get their shit pushed in
>try to retreat for cover
>realize that I gripped my controller too hard and actually depressed the analog stick
>watch myself do a patheticly slow crouch retreat and get bodied

evry tiem


You should get some thumbs.

>Thumbing the inventory key
Even if you actually do that, you're still sacrificing your maneuverability. I can palm the spacebar at anytime and still retain air control with wasd while opening my inventory

I bind crouch to z, it's the least horrible option that I've found.

c probably makes more sense if you get used to it since you can still used your other three fingers on WASD (Though ESDF is probably the better option in that too.).

>all these toggle babies

Always hold
Always bind to v

Depends on the game.
>Slow paced tactical operations with potential for sneaking around and likely being crouched for a long period of time along with other movement options like leaning around corners

>Fast Paced action game where crouching is for crawling under the few low ceilings or performing some kind of slide maneuver

I use Caps Lock for capitals instead of Shift.

>having a capslock key in 2017
lmaoing at u