Main menu changes as you progress the story

>main menu changes as you progress the story

Other urls found in this thread:

>main menu shows your customizable character posing with his current gear

>final boss is your wife's son

how do they do that?
is it scripting or some sort of technology?

Depends on the game I guess.
Save story or character data in seperate files
and you can easily access them from anywhere in the game.

>you only c the main menu 2 times

>Final boss was you all along

dumb slutty frogposter


>Game has 2 Savefiles only

Game automatically overwrites these saves if you continue playing

>cocks shotgun
>"been waiting to hear that for a loooooong time, dylan"

KOTOR 2 was likely just a change of the model upon reaching certain triggers (read: bosses defeated) in game.

>Call of Duty 1

What else?

There's a lot of Mario games that take whatever blue sky you had and turn it orange when you 100% it. Not sure how much it counts but it's there

Even there, just a change of color helps to convey some finality to your efforts. It still helps to internalize that experience forever.

So yeah, definitely counts.

>beat the game in one sitting and never notice

Spec Ops: The Line

Not sure if counts, but Majora's Mask has that one thing when you collect all the masks that was pretty cool.

nier automata

idolmaster 2 had various title screen wallpapers you could download for free.

>get to point in game
>game turns into main menu
>the 3 save slots are all full
>selecting each different one takes you to a different area and you need to do all 3 to progress


Didn't the Skyrim menu change aswell when you collected all the masks?

Half Life 2 and episodes

>Main menu remembers your selfless gesture of hope

>call bro to help you out on a quest
>he fucking dies

Good riddance, i hated that cuck Cyrisus from the start
What kind of chicken farming idiot uses ahrims with an abyssal whip
I mean come on
Even back in the day that's garbo

Both Trails of Cold Steel games, though the difference is somewhat slight in the first game. Doesn't really count, but Nayuta also had a special title screen it only used after you're sent back to it from beating the game.

Black Mesa

The Last Story
G-Senjou no Maou

Three good games nobody here has played that do this.

>pressing PLAY/CONTINUE on main menu shifts the camera to gameplay seamlessly with no load screen

Super Mario World changed all enemy models after you get all big coins

>screen transition doesn't protect you.


Literally only happens in 1 monumental game.

Name of game, and is it free?

Driver: San Francisco?

>Literal carbon copied megaman screen transitions/jumps/runcycle

Well it came free with the BD of the anime its based on. but here's a download for it. also has some mostly english patched file to replace.
and its better than MN9

Bad Company 1. The music changed as well, it was real neat.

>and its better than MN9
So was network transmission. That means shit.

2.5D is what you should be comparing it to.

>Final boss is you're doggo

How good is 2.5D?
I've been meaning to play it with a friend but hes been busy.

It's real easy when understand the engine your working in

fuck you

It's very good. Very nice homage.

>title screen and music change over the years as updates and expansions are released
>in the twilight of the game's life, devs bring back the original title screen and music, flooding everyone with nostalgia

Most Mario Kart games.

>overworld theme changes

>overworld theme changes

> when the haagen dasz hit hard

Portal 2

Rewrite and several other KEY VNs

What's that game Sup Forums?

Tekken, when you max ranked main story characters.

That spooked me a bit back in Tekken 2

>main menu is a 3D environment
>you can explore it in game

Life is Strange.


>the first menu is the best one