Redpill me on what I am in for

Redpill me on what I am in for

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>dude this game is so hard lmao xD

Nah. A great world with a great atmoshpere, and fantastic level design. It punishes you quite a bit if you die and you may end up doing the same sections of the levels over and over. However, the fear of losing your progress adds a great sense of danger you don't often see in games nowadays.

Also remember to upgrade your weapons, I struggled for hours wondering why do I deal so little damage before I did.

Perfection that defined a game with no hand holding that which modern games are so full of these days.

A fucking grand adventure

it's not that hard just take your damn time and think logically about encounters

RES is a useless stat, don't level it

a shit game

It's an easy game. You should have no problems.

Play online always for a proper experience.

Heh, right.
Anyway, I'm playing through it right now and even though it can be cheap, at times, if you pay attention to your surroundings and to where you're going, you'll be able to avoid ambushes and be effective.
Learn to parry and backstab.

Holding the left trigger and right/left on the analog stick.

It actually is easy. I'm not memeing or being ironic.

The rules are simple. If you get hit you take a large amount of damage. Multiple hits simultaneously will kill your character. Most of the time you can survive 2-4 hits before death and you have several ways to avoid damage. There are "cheap" deaths but as you noted if you pay attention they are easy to avoid.

It's like driving, I guess. Intimidating at first for most people but when you finally get the rules of the road it's a simple task. Although most people ARE shit at driving, just like most normies are shit at simple games... actually, I guess that just fits the analogy all the better, I suppose.

A Demon's Souls rehash.

The first line was more about the online part.
All those nice invasions, yum.
Apart from that yes, you're perfectly right.

Is there a class one shouldn't play?

Always pick deprived if it's your first run

Deprived starts you out with only a club and no armor but you'll find armor and weapons very easily. It offers the most customization and build freedom.

ALWAYS take master key as the gift.

sorcerer and hunter are probably the worst

pyromancer is the best, warrior and knight are also good

I don't think you should take master key on your first playthrough

just average hack and slash with difficulty, but hey some hipster said it was cool because the dev make it a little bit hard

cringe desu

Play it like a platformer and you'll do fine.

I don't feel like completing this game 10 times, I just want to complete the 3 in order

A decent game if you like grim-dark atmosphere and horrible pacing for an ARPG.


>ALWAYS take master key as the gift.

You mean the pendant.

ok then pick the fucking pyromancer and the old witch's ring

Bandit = Warrior = Pyromancer > Wanderer > Cleric > Sorcerer > Knight > Hunter > Thief > Deprived

Says the one writing "desu". Shithead.

also, if PC version get the DAS fix before doing anything. 60fps and increased resolution.

>being THIS new
lmao desu senpai

who else /couldntgetpastthe2dogboss/ here?

after playing das3 it fucked me up how every boss so far in the game was a fucking gimmick

its average. but people insist it is goty because it provide a little rush in their blood.

>im such an ironic weeb desu sempai haha xD
end it

that anime guy is suicidal and desperate


>ironic weeb calling others new

baka dude


Master key is bad for a first playthrough.

seriously, it's a speedrun/challenge run item. locked doors help gate the player out of places they shouldn't be.

good level design, overrated bosses that will disappoint you more often than not.

a forced meme of a game.


A great game that has not since been replicated, no matter how hard people have tried.

The only remarkable aspect of dark souls 1 is the interconnected maze like world, and that goes to shit after you get the lordvessel. Other than that, its a pretty mediocre game especially compared to bloodborne or demons souls.

Masterkey is best when you're familiar with the game and want to do specific boss runs or getting certain items early, not recommended on a blind playthrough.

Pyromancer is the most versatile and adds a lot of fun options to your playstyle.

>or demons souls
bad taste

It's the first game that I personally encountered where you also fight against your own apathy and confusion. Why do you play this game? Why continue? Why try? Why not just go hollow and forget about it.

I think it's intentionally built to be also a psychological challenge beyond a mechanical one.

You play it, battle your way through the asylum. Make it to Firelink. Get a bit lost, maybe find the skeletons. Get your ass kicked. Wonder what the big deal is. Stop playing. Wait for a major case of depression and try it again. Learn the Undead Burg. Become hopelessly addicted for a month. Then play Bloodborne/Souls 3 while hipsters demand you play Demon's.

Dark souls is just a demons souls rehash pcbro. Not like youve ever played it anyways.

>if you don't agree with me you're a pcfag!
just die you slag

Stay mad pc turd.

Sounds like you dislike the game or have depression. Only got this feeling with dark souls 3 which was utter shit.

You sound like an enormous faggot desu.

Listen to this man. Also find out what the stats do beforehand

If you say certain words they change automatically to weeb shit you fucking dumbass

If you immerse yourself into the world instead of just focusing on the mechanics and atmospherics you will quickly realize that the world is very bleak and there's very little point in actually doing anything, as everything is dying.

Why is this particular hollow the chosen undead? Because you chose him and gave him life.

Still the best Souls game

Old Hunters comes close though

DeS is shit compared to DaS

Get ready to get fucked a million times until it clicks and then it gets ... "easier"

A Japanese game.

Yes, it's a bit like Monster Hunter, in that it takes some time until everything finally clicks and you get what's going on and you you have to proceed.
Both are extremely rewarding experiences, by the way.

>Why do you play this game? Why continue? Why try? Why not just go hollow and forget about it.

For Gwynevere tits. Literally. My first playthrough was done to look upon those divine fruits.

Fake and Gay.

>Breasts are gay.

Whatever faggot.

Someone never learned about Gwyndolin. Enjoy your trap.

A game that was at its best pre nerf. I loved the dragon head trick and the magic shield that sent rings of death like nothing.

If you play offline you're a bitch.

>Gwynevere will never insert you into her vagina

>then play Bloodborne/Souls 3 while hipsters demand you play Demon's
>not playing the best and only Soulsborne game above 3/10

Don't fall for the "second half of DS1 is so bad!" Meme that sprung up lately. While the quality drops a bit the areas are still decent and it's worth it to get to the Kiln of the First Flame.

It's an action adventure with rpg elements very similar to late 90s action adventures like Die by the Sword or Severance.

It was a breath of fresh air since it completely rejected handholding which is ubiquitous these days.

The world is incredibly amospheric and interesting to explore and overcoming challenges feels very rewarding.

The difficulty is generally exaggerated, since you can anticipate most dangers by paying attention and dying is not as big a set-back as people make it out to be.

I would describe it as an adult Zelda or the proper Diablo 3 that we never got.

a really great game. truly excellent. make sure to get dsfix. you need to press backspace to toggle frame rate from 60 back to 30 to make certain jumps

if you intend to play demon's souls or bloodborne, and you should, make sure you play those first, going from 60 to 30 fps is really shitty so get the slow games out of the way first. especially BB since i found the game literally unplayable at >24fps

DaS2 and even 3 to an extent offer a number of mechanical improvements over DaS1 and DeS so I woulld recommend playing them in order if you intend to play them all

boring combat, controls that feel like shit, an ugly world, and an obtuse story that you have to piece together from item descriptions

2 is better. 3 is the best. but they're all pretty underwhelming.

Nigger, lost izalith is one of the most terribly designed areas in any game ive ever played. Crystal caves and archive is also pretty bad too especially with the forced death to seath which is all kinds of horseshit. There is definitely a significant drop in quality you delusional fanboy.

Timed dodges save lives


The devs apologized for how absolutely horrid Lost Izalith was when the game first released.

I disagree with everything except the Bed of Chaos boss fight jump you gotta make. That was bullshit. Everything else is tolerable to great.

I guess sompe people just like the taste of shit then. Enjoy eating your shit bro. Even fucking miyazaki thinks izalith is terrible.

performance issues and 30 fps gameplay, laggy gameplay when you go to certain areas

a struggle for the first portion especially if it's your first in the genre, then it'll get a bit easy for the rest and the last quarter is ez in comparison

drake sword makes the game too easy

probably quit/cheat at blight town

Lost Izalith is a bit shit but it's straight forward and easy until the Bed of Chaos. I agree that the forced death is bad and that the Crystal Caves were shit too but the Archive is fine. None of the areas are bad enough that it actually shits up your experience so bad you want to quit the game.

Best game of the past ten years.

The best game of this generation

I played this game when the PC version launched after playing Demon's Souls on PS3.
I had pretty much zero enjoyment out of it compared to DeS after Undead Burg.
The world just feels so dead an lifeless, I know that's what they were going for but it
feels at odds with the game wanting you to triumph over the challenges it sets you.
Why should I even bother fighting if it's all going to die anyway?
I dropped the game after Lost Izalith, both the boss and level were terrible.
I have no idea why people like Solaire so much, 2/10 poor man's Ostrava.

Use your shield and upgrade your weapons>armour>stats in that order. It's best to sink the soils into your stats if you feel like you'll die soon though.

Pfft, that cunt made Bed of Chaos. Don't trust him.

I fucking hate people who didn't tell me to get master key as my first gift. Fuck you seriously. I missed out on a lot of shit.

"Oh tiny being's ring, regenerating health will come in really handy on this adventure!"

I heard problems about the hit detection using the DSfix
Already fixed?

Shitty console game with lock on and one-button evasion with invincibility, because apparently controlling you character on your own is too hard for console babbies.

Nothing in dark souls is missable if you didnt pick the master key dumbass.

A great game/series that either you'll love or you'll hate.

90% of the game is subjective, such as using shields, armours, what weapons, etc.

Just experiment and find out what you like. Take everything you hear about "how to play" with a grain of salt

Some people want to miss Blighttown.

I didn't get the astorias straight sword so I could get a good divine sword for the catacombs. It made things harder than they are supposed to be.

Ostrava was a little bitch. He had to have you bust him out of every bad situation he found himself in and even then he still kills himself when he finds out about the demon masquerading as his father instead of killing it like a true man