Denuvo is ending PC piracy

>uncracked games keep piling up

>each week a new good game has Denuvo

>CPY busy eating ravioli and fucking traps (in Italy trap prostitutes are in HIGH demand)

>mfw I just realised Just Cause 3 got cracked
Piracy is inevitable

>in Italy trap prostitutes are in HIGH demand

south EU is full of ultra horny men. especially Spain and Italy

Okay, I don't get it

Do Denuvo's investors post on Sup Forums or something? Who are these posts made for?

They're made by shills, for shills. I'm fairly certain roughly 30% of Sup Forums posters are marketers posting for and against each other.

2 shits have been deposited in your designated zone

>forget that Denuvo games even exist
>look them up one day
>tfw stopped caring and can't even be assed to play them for free now
My backlog is too big even without all this.
And Denuvo is such a fucking joke. All it does is kill the buzz around new games a month early.

JC3 is shit. take it from someone with 44 hours in it.

What the fuck is the point in adding games as cracked after 0 days that don't have DRM in the first place? Is that pic some sort of a Denuvo shill poster they parade to publishers that don't actually play games or know anything about them, other than the numbers they make in their bank accounts.

I'd say its probably more along the lines of the years of spite that has existed between fans of games that get released with anti-tamper and groups that just want to crack them because it was challenging and people loved them for it.

But now you don't see praise for these groups anymore in the outlets they care about. Cracks of harder softwares became expected and taken for granted, and people eventually stopped caring because those groups of people are getting older and moving on with their lives where they can't commit to such things anymore, and there was no more e-cred to be earned to counter-act it.

Would you rather live a stable life or spend countless hours with a now-thankless hobby just so other people don't have to spend a little bit more of their disposable income on their hobby?

Nah, the list is just crowdsourced. Some dumbass put Styx up there for no good reason.

>I haven't played a single new game in the last 4 years
I'm good

Too bad all the games with Denuvo are fucking shit


>in Italy trap prostitutes are in HIGH demand
That's good to know.

>CPY busy eating ravioli

Ok, fine. You got me.

Denuvo just proved piracy doesn't affect sales.
Which means eventually Denuvo makes itself redundant.
Why pay for a placebo?

million dollar companies are just too dumb user, you solved the problem

as a trap, could i become rich by moving to italy?


no, but your pimp probably would

the guy in the middle of the thread is stupid shit. crackers and script kitty will come and go. shit you think cpy the only one cracking it. dont u ever think there are a lot of people but prefer to stay lowkey

It's cracked user.

I love how assblasted Denuvo makes the poorscum of Sup Forums

>a new good game

Such as?

bizzaro thread?

so assblasted you have to pretend that denuvo announcements dont make half of Sup Forums shit itself and cry like a little baby? enjoy that denial kiddo

you sound mad

this is a text forum, none of us are making sound


you need to leave

Again, this is an internet webspace, I cannot leave as I'm not physically here, none of us are. You need to unplug my friend, you seem to think the internet is a place one can inhabit.

>About 50% cracked
>Some of those games have been out a fair while now

>I cannot leave as I'm not physically here, none of us are

It is true you cannot leave, although not for that retarded statement you just posted.

>Assburger: the post

I think some of you take the internet too seriously, speaking as though you live in these websites, that you taste and hear things, you lose touch with reality perhaps because your reality is not what you had hoped? Online anonymity is quite the comfort blanket, just don't get too settled to the point of delusion.

I see these threads always but I haven't had to deal with Denuvo once. What games even have it?

>in this moment, I am euphoric

Wtf Im from Spain and I cant think of anyone I know that knows what a trap is, letalone having fucked one

>includin witcher 3
why even bother there's gog version.

we gotta make the list larger to make our argument look better!

think of it like how ps4 lists include multyplats in them

Denuvo isnt killing piracy, its killing gaming.

>CPY busy eating ravioli and fucking traps (in Italy trap prostitutes are in HIGH demand)
Post source and greentext

How does it compare with previous title?

Exactly how much of an overweight virgin do you have to be to make these threads?

As a piratefag, I will just buy less games.
I don't care about shilling/jewtube, and if I won't be able to check the game before buying it, I won't buy i, simple as that.

Only difference is that retarded publishers and devs won\t get to blame me for abbysmal sales.

>each week a new good game has Denuvo
>new good game
>good game

List of good games that I would pirate but couldn't:

This is all.

bad, the fov is so fucking narrow you'll want to vomit in mins, the driving is shockingly shit and...oh its just not worth your effort, stick with JC2

This-o. No try no buy.

Hitman repack is out mate

>Game Demos are a thing of the past
>you are expected to actually buy games blind

bring back demos ya fags, although given how short games these days are a demo would be half the game

You don't need demos.
Just assume all games are shit until proven otherwise.

tfw denuvo did what my parents and 10 years of neethood couldn't do

I wish publishers went with the id approach of DRM where Doom had Denuvo for the first 6 months and it is removed after the game gets most of its sales figures.

Is this news? hackers said this couple of years ago.

Make you stop sucking cock?

God bless denuvo.

Sup Forums has a shit load of nu pirates. Moral pirates that are complete faggots. Theyre the people that post about how little they care about denuvo games and then beg to have them cracked. This post is obviously to troll them.

>tfw buy games all the time
>still haven't bought a single Denuvo game and never will
What an amazingly helpful piece of software.

You know what I don't get?

Now we have a protection system that is insanely strong, yet game sales are worse than they have been for a long time.

Large numbers of games are flopping, games that sell well aren't selling significantly more than before Duenvo.

Why are companies still even bothering with paying the millions to add it?

Same, it has definitely helped in slowing down the growth of my backlog.

Why is that beaver walking backwards?

because if the game doesnt sell well and they couldnt blame pirates, they might have to look in the mirror

Gotta keep the shareholders happy. Even if it comes at the expense of the customers and often dev studios.

I still won't buy games. If I can't get cracked games I'll just stop playing and move onto a cheaper hobby like watching anime all day.

Crazy idea: Buy the games you want to play!!1

>buying games

If they have Denuvo on them then I won't buy them on principle.

Can agree, and this is not a case of DENUVO CAUSES SHIT PERFORMANCE. I've played a retail and pirated copy it just runs like absolute dogshit overall.

>mfw I bought Nier
>mfw Denuvo won

So does Denuvo do anything other than create an easy way to spot shit games and shit companies?

crack is out nigger

Kills word of mouth advertising and causes games to be forgotten faster.

>people who pirate will buy the game if it cant be cracked
When will this meme end? They arent increasing sales. They're merely missing out on free word of mouth, and completely gut any chance of modding community.
How many denuvo singleplayer games have to die before they learn? Mirrors Edge 2, Mankind Divided, JC3, Dishonored 2..
Only the biggest ones are a resounding success, everything else dies quickly and you never hear of them again.

Why did you spend 44 hours in a game you don't like?

Sup Forums has been invaded by Reddit

Feels good.

This game is about to reach it's one year mark and it still hasn't been cracked on windows.

I wouldn't have it any other way. I like discussing games with other folks who are fans enough to buy the games you/they like.

Super Reddit!

>a good game every week
dude, it's not 1989

Isn't a good chunk of that game the multiplayer though?

They don't give a fuck about increasing sales. They don't want a million mouth breathing basement dwellers playing the game for free on launch. You attribute denuvo to bad games because it has been put on bad games. What about nier? All that begging for a crack.

Son, Sup Forums and reddit are the same thing nowadays.

>wanna buy the game badly since a massive Warhammer Fantasy fan
>like really badly
>but I made a promise not to buy a single Denuvo game (thanks bethesda for removing it from DOOM)

>Kills word of mouth advertising
The internet is a thing.

Word-of-mouth is stronger than ever and companies lose nothing by pirates not being able to gush over a game they didn't buy. For every pirate that isn't discussing the game and giving free promo there are 20 youtubers/reviewers/customers who are doing just that, all over the internet.

That being said I'd still like to be able to pirate at least 2 games releasing this year that have denuvo because I hate burning full MSRP on mediocre content, which the market is saturated with now.

>companies dont care about sales

>bases that only on the amount of discussion he sees on Sup Forums

Fuckin poor people


>Nu pirate fedora mad as fuck

What then? Leddit?
Games that have very little conversation here are always games that also do poorly.

It's a pretty fun game. Flying around in wingsuit is the best thing.

no I meant spending too much time on videogames

Yeah I mean its poor people who care about an periodically online using DRM!

It affects every forum, youtube, modding etc.
Pirates create discussion, video views, twitter activity, mod downloads etc.
The effect is there, the publishers just need to believe its a good practise anyways.

If not buying games because of DRM is Reddit group-think then I've definitely misjudged them as a community.

Lel.... no.

The game has a massive singleplayer campaign map that is going attach every single expansion into one huge world map bigger than it has ever been in the series.

Multiplayer is just a frosted cream on the pie.

I hope it never gets cracked to be honest. Feels good. Piratekeks talk about how "only important games get cracked" yet nobody can tackle this title.

>league of legends
>rocket league

This delusion puts Alex Jones to shame. As expected of nu pirates.

They're doing pretty poorly. Dota 2 is dead. All the discussion in /d2g/ is about how dead it is.
