How much do you want for this item?

>How much do you want for this item?
>"offer :)"
>how about [its average price]?

then tell him to name his price or fuck off

>If you don't like the price i offer then I'll -rep you and report you for lowballing

>he fell for the free market meme

>trading items with other people
>not autistically play with the market with spreadsheets and speculations

>want to sell thing
>fuckface: ok inv me
>inv them
>put up thing to trade
>fuckface: how much r u buying for?

>offer a well balanced trade deal
>refuses everytime

>Austist can't communicate with other autist.

First off, if the value of something is rising (especially quickly) in value an average price of past sales is always going to undervalue the item.

Next, if the person is being an asshole you don't have to buy from them. Always good to remind this to them if they try to be the "expert negotiator". Something like, "Do you actually want to sell this item?" works well.

There price is too high? "No thanks, that's not realistic. I'll find it in any number of places lower. Bye."

Is the potential buyer lowballing? "Sorry, we're too far apart in price. It's priced reasonably and I'm sure a reasonable buyer will purchase."

>Buy out entire market of certain item to supply group
>Sum the total I spent and divide it by list of items
>"Why are you charging above market value? I can go and get it cheaper myself."

>spice must flow
>trade the only guy in the world gold, silver, truffles for spices
>are you just making offers you know I will refuse?

>Maple Story back in beta
>"selling pan lid"
>"How about 5K meso?"
>Holy shit I actually got it
>few minutes later start getting DMs

Thanks captain obvious.

>First off, if the value of something is rising (especially quickly) in value an average price of past sales is always going to undervalue the item.
Why would you expect this to be the case?

Clearly you've never played trading shitfests like D2 and PoE.

Why do people always go crying to mods when they get scammed?
Why do mods oblige them and ban you?

>Playing runescape
>Using claws because I'm an edgy 13 year old
>"Dude, those claws are so awesome. I'll give you my mithril scimitar for your mithril claws"
>15 minutes later..

I didn't even scam him, I made really low offer for a rare drop and he accepted it. And I doubt any mod would have given him time of the day.

As for actual scams, what else would a person who fell for scam do?

>that kid who scams other idiot kids
>teachers ban pokemon cards forever
Fuck you Daniel

>Why is something that is rising in value necessarily higher than the average past sales?

Literally simple math and logic. Instead of proving it, why don't you find me one case where something is it's highest value ever and any average of past sales is higher. Even to say that sentence is to understand how wrong you are.

BUYING STEELY OFFER LA@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

>tfw you fell for the free armour trimming meme

You're so hung up on trying to appear LE INTELLECTUALLY SUPERIOR for no reason that you completely missed my point. I'm an actual M.Ec. You've probably done Econ 101 in your high school.

As I said, you have evidently never played games where this type of thing happens and have no idea what kind of mongoloids you are dealing with in these cases.

*defames you*

We just had people stealing MtG cards. Resulted in MtG being banned in school, fuck.

>tfw you were the one "trimming" armour
*insert smug frog here*

I managed to scam one of them.
I had a trimmed black armor but used my adamantium set.

>Walking with friend to help with quest, he was wearing black armor
>Hello, I can trim your armor for 1kgold
>Oh, no worries bro, I can do that too
>Prove it.
>Friend trades me armor, I trade him the black trim
>Woah dude, can you do it for me?
>Sure, I'll do it for free.
>Guy gives me his mixed mithril/adamantium set

At some point I felt like quitting some game. Some little shit came up to me and asked me to borrow him some really valuable stuff I had. I just went "sure dude", watched him do whatever he was gonna do and then logged off and never logged back on.

In retrospect it just annoys me that he probably thought I was a retard for falling for it.

>that guy who falls for the zammy wine scam

>own a monopoly on an item for some time
>people hate you for having no competition

Why do people get so salty

>consistently sell prime parts in warframe for 10 to 20 plat more than they're worth
>can judge if a player is the type of idiot to do so by using specific question structures and observing grammar, reaction time, etc
>it's way more fun selling shit like that than actually playing the game

I fucking get off to this shit

>have the only item of its kind on the entire server, not even on the auction house
>people trying to fucking haggle me
>tell them where to go

>I'm selling [item] for 20~30K
>Well I'll buy it 20K then
Why do people even do this? Who's going to pay more? If anything you may even negotiate the price down further.

>friend once made me spend like 3 days trying to help him lure people in
only one or two people actually fell for it

It makes you think 20K is a steal.
It's probably worth less.

To make the buyer feel like they're getting a better deal than they actually are

>ultima online
>afk infront of some dudes house
>another guy comes up to me and asks if I'm selling it
>tell him that I didn't intend to but that I might be interested
>trade him a random ass key for a bunch of gold
>run the fuck away
>hear "HEY THIS KEY IS NOT WORKING" in the distance

Well if that's the case sure, but when the average price is the bottom value, I fail to see the point.

>watching those people in chat who drop their own price lower and lower over time as they slowly lose faith in trying to get even a single person to buy their crap

wakfu feels

i used to give dota 2 copies to new players for their genuine items in trade servers back when everyone had like 40 copies in their inventory

>crafting X item
>bring your mats!
>plus tip :-)

If you saw some guy asking for 20K, and some guy asking for 20K-30K, you technically have no reason to choose one over the other, but you'll choose the second option solely because spoils taken are more satisfying than being sold something. Any chance you have to gain a profit, or in this case prevent the profit of another, is more appealing.

One dude in my class once stole a big folder with pokemon cards from some kid 5 years younger than him.
The kid and his teacher came to our class and pointed him out while he was trying to disappear under the table saying "shit, they got me now".

I've never laughed harder.

>Playing Runescape with friend
>He wants to sell his Dragon Spear
>Tells me to stand at one end of the bank saying "buying d spear 650k" while he stands at the other end and sells his spear for 600k
>Thinks this will get him a quick sale by someone trying to make a quick 50k by reselling it to me
>Instead I get a bunch of people trying to sell me their spears instead of buying from him
>This makes me really uncomfortable so I log out without saying anything

>maybe to you

That's why you always run the length of the bank and see if any obvious shit like this is going down


Offerfags can eat a dick

surely their mindgames don't actually work