Sup Forums btfo

Sup Forums btfo
haters btfo
biodrones btfo

Fallout 4 > Witcher 3


>Sup Forums btfo
Why? Don't you guys love The Witcher?

I pirated it.

I own all three games and have beaten each at least twice though.

i liked the first two games, the third one was kind of a piece of shit, I spent more time being pissed at it than actually enjoying it

you need to be subtle

Agreed, OP. Skyrim and Witcher 3 are truly the bestest games ever. They sold a lot.

That's just you, faggots.


But it's split into 4 areas with loading screens in between how is that open world?

Nice, hope they dont fall same SJW hole as Bioware/Bethesda


What did they mean by this?

Atleast you tried

Sorry sweetie

Haven't played Fallout 4 but Witcher 3 was a lot more "SJW hole" than Skyrim

How can you enjoy this game with the awful voice acting and the shitty combat ?

1>2>I really wish I never played 3

Sup Forums suffers cognitive dissonance from Witcher series, because It's a good series made by slavic developers. Sup Forums like the game, but being a closet naziboo they don't want to accept the fact that slavic people can do anything right.

>he didn't play in polish

Gameplay wise, of course.

>Sup Forums btfo
Sup Forums love this game, nice try numale.

Why would i play in a shitty 3rd world country language?

The Witcher trilogy is the Holy Trinity of video games.

popularity and sales are not valid criteria for quality

The first game is boring as fuck. Second game is trash, third game is the only entry worth a shit.


This, I played in the original language Japanese

It's mainly Dark Souls fanboys that are disappointed that another game is getting more hype than theirs. So you get these raids in every Witcher thread about how the gameplay sucks while offering nothing to their arguments.

The man is completely right, those damn polacks can't even code properly let alone make interesting combat system.
You should just get Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition if you want to play fun video games, both of them have won numerous Game of the year-awards as well.
That's not all, chicks dig them too, so you can also be the cool guy in their eyes!
Imagine saying: "Today I saved the world from clutches of evil omnipotent dragon and people all over Tamriel cheered me shouting my name!"
I don't work for Bethesda, the best game makers there is, but I would if I were given the chance!


Of course not. My opinions are

Yes, you can also have opinions, user.

How people can have such bad disposition against Witcher 1 is beyond me. The music and atmosphere is god tier. The writing is good and the premise for the story a pretty interesting, quasi-mystery. The combat is serviceable, and gets better with the better combos.
Second game is decidedly worse than both 1 and 2, In my sentiment. But to call it trash is needless hyperbole.

Where were you lads when you found out that Poles saved gaming from the clutches of the subhuman American and Japanese devs.

That would be the case if the second wasn't shit.

>bought the game
>haven't played it yet

Maybe one these years. I think I have my Witcher 2 save somewhere.


Jesus, how many more of these do we need?

Fuck off commie collectivist scum.

Sup Forums is an individualist anarcho-capitalist board.

You kept the tat, right?

all those payed awards

Come again? At least this man is sensible person, as is this man as well, because they at least recognise the magnificent treasure they have managed to get their hands on and they realize they live the best possible days!


DaS is one of my top games and I love TW.

>Best RPG
>A fucking DLC

How can they be proud of something THAT rigged?

>when DLC beats 3 full blown games and the most successful mmorpg expansion
Truly, Poles are the master race.

Witcher 1 is fucking great niggers

The competition was trash.

did u see the other contenders?


>implying it wasn't better than all that shovelware garbage
Get better taste.

No, honey.
1 == 3 > 2

I love Soulsborne series, but let's be honest here, DaS2 and 3 were fun games, but not worthy of any awards. Both of the games seem to get their sales because of the Souls brand and the 2hard4u marketing these days.

It's shit. Doesn't even get decent until Act 4.

Game's a waste of time.

I think you are confusing this with Overwatch and Fallout 4

Fallout 4 isn't really better than anything, to be honest.

One of my all time favourites.

2 > 1 >>> HoS >B&W>>Dogshit>>Witcher 3


To be fair Mankind Divided got gypped bad. It was just a lackluster sequel compared to Witcher 3.

>The music and atmosphere is god tier

Neverwinter Nights is better.

Also the writing is fucking retarded.

TW3 would be loved here if it wasn't overrated by casual players. And the only way it could have avoided that is by not being full open-world.

>How people can have such bad disposition against Witcher 1 is beyond me.

because god forbid it's not a by-the-numbers third-person action game and they have to learn new shit to enjoy the game. it's what ubisoft coined the term "familiarity factor" for.

2 of the greatest games of our time vs a bland shit story game with shit voice acting and terrible game play

no im not confused about shit

Witcher 3 made the series popular.

Guess what that meant Sup Forums had to do?



>How people can have such bad disposition against Witcher 1 is beyond me

Maybe because it doesn't get good until Act 4? Seriously, the first 3 acts are an absolute bore.

>Someone will make a Witcherlike Soulsgame

Omg user you're contrarian and hip :3 Can i suck your dick?

top ten witcher3-like video games

We need a Fallout 4 or Skyrim soulslike game! Wait until you see Skyrim 2 and Fallout 4 2!


It's trash. Especially the detective nonsense in Chapter 2.

See, I don't understand this. I thought the whole game was good, except the prologue and some parts of act 2

How is it "fucking retarded"?

People have differing opinions.

Some people like the early parts, some people hate the first two acts.

Amazing isn't it? I love the game, but I hate the second act.

>I need to find the Salamander!
>but first, let's play detective and solve this case!
>oh no, the real culprit was the Salamander!

Yeah, because the whole point is they're being used by Radovid to strike at Foltest and Temeria in order to show that Northern Kingdoms are rivals to one another. Did you miss that entire point or something?

>Overwatch and Fallout 4
>greatest games of our time

>The Witcher 3 has bat comba-

>Sup Forumsbtfo
i thought Sup Forums liked the witcher?


I never got the praise for it. It's pretty generic.

>>I need to find the Salamander!
>>but first, let's play detective and solve this case!
user, that's exactly what the case was about. You were trying to find a guy who worked for the fire mage

>my opinion is reality

Isn't half of that Witcher 3 alone?


I bet this'll trigger you.

He's probably DSP.

>Enemies keep blocking my attacks and interrupting me? WHAAAAAT?


>The Witcher 3 has bat comba-
>At no point does Geralt transform to a bat

Might as well compare it to bottles of water being sold or how many times unity has been downloaded

Yeah, it did. I feel it vibrating in my scrotum

So they've basically made like $1,000,000,000 off the Witcher series

holy fuck

>Geralt doesn't turn into a bat

I really need to make myself sit down and play the second one some more
and relearn the traps and runes all over again

Fallout like games would be actually great because I love the setting of post apocalyptic wasteland and people trying to rebuild the world from what's left of it

Too bad fallout games fail to conceive this feeling and they just feel incredibly arcadey and the worlds feel a bit too much "alive"
Never did I ever feel lonely when traveling the wasteland, having my trusty radio playing good music 24/7 it didnt feel apocalyptic in the least

>CDPR shills dtill come here

Good, good, hope canacucks and burgers learned something from this.

Yeah, pretty much
Check the financial report thread ( ), it says how much pure profit they have made off those sales

Is everyone on Sup Forums illiterate nowadays?
This whole thread it's like talking to niggers who can't even speak properly

>25 million copies over 4 games and hundreds of dlcs
>breath of the wild alone will sell as much

It had potential, but fell for the open world meme, and so will Cyberpunk, sadly.