European Dead Zone

>European Dead Zone
>Oasis region on Mars (cut from taken king, was almost finished before activision demanded it was cut)
>Hyperion, the Jupiter moon

>The Traveller is killed by the Cabal
>The Ghosts all die
>Guardians cannot respawn anymore
>The Queen's Brother Crow becomes the first Dark Guardian (using the Darkness instead of the Light)
>More open world than the first game
>Fully open world Reef to fly around in with space combat

>2 raids on launch
>Cabal Raid in European Dead Zone
>Vex raid in the Oasis called "Pyramideon"

i don't give a fuck

>20 years of updates

That all sounds shit

The real question is does this come for PC?
I mean this could easily kill WoW.

sorry i have no idea, my dad did say that Destiny 1 has a fucking PC build ready to go since Taken King that was never released for some reason

They even have a VR build apparently

Why do you fucks keep asking, it's literally the only confirmed piece of information we have right now.



>2 raids on launch

what good are raids with no matchmaking

better than any raid in WoW.

I'm really wary but hopeful for destiny 2. The horrible production cycle and Activision forcing them to cut up the game into dlc probably caused a lot of the shittyness. They have a chance to pull it off. When destiny actually did things right it felt great. But at the same time I can't trust them any more. I have to go in expecting dissapointment which kinda sucks

>The Traveller is killed by the Cabal

>the ghosts all die

but nolan north is back for destiny 2.

haha fuck off

I'll deeply enjoy them without your lot fucking raids over. Go to WoW is you want Raids with matchmaking, see how you like 'em.

yeah to do a death scene where they try and make you cry but youre like "ok"

yeah lol. i wouldnt be surprised if they just find more travellers in space or something

If they don't add matchmaking the game will end up as dead as the original Destiny. 90% of players will stop playing within a month and they'll be left with an increadibly small amount of hardcore fanboy players who refuse to admit the game's shit.

>wanting to do raids with randoms

I've played enough random dungeons on WoW to know that's a bad idea

It was more like

>game getting hyped
>enough content created to warrant a release
>also financially lucrative to "test the waters" while actually profiting
>game is hit/miss
>fix misses with DLC
>game eventually becomes really damn good
>now they know exactly what direction to go for the sequel

It wasn't all made and then cut, that much is apparent.

The fact of the matter is that Jason Jones, paranoid the game was "too much like Halo", cut the story Joe Staten had slaved over for 5 years to pieces and stitched it back together with scotch tape a couple months before release.

Everything after that was damage control.

>this thing I won't use shouldn't be in the game

you and your 'friends' can still set aside time in your day to pretend you're good at video games together

just because activision is too cheap to let bungie do it well doesn't excuse its absence

>If they don't add matchmaking the game will end up as dead as the original Destiny.
The game was always active. In fact it's the most consistently active shooter on both platforms, while others lose more population due to a new game coming out every year. This argument is retarded since even Titanfall2, the least popular shooter, is still perfectly alive on consoles so even if what you're saying was true (which it isn't) it still wouldn't affect the game. But anyway:

Almost 3 years after launch, here are YESTERDAY's numbers alone, from ONE day:
440,335 Crucible Players Yesterday
902,844 PvE Players Yesterday
Also 400 groups looking to form Raid parties RIGHT NOW on DestinyTracker's site alone.

Btw those numbers are only the players tracked by that website (or use that specific website to look for groups), there are of course more outside of that. Especially raid groups, most of which at this point are already established and don't need to look for random people.

You must be completely delusional if you think the game ever had a dead population. I'm sure you just read it on Sup Forums annd didn't even spend 2 seconds searching for actual numbers.

>they'll be left with an increadibly small amount of hardcore fanboy players
And if they fuck up the Raids with your shit idea then those hardcore players will leave too and there will be no one left.
A good Raid is only played by 5% or less of the population. That is how it SHOULD work. They are supposed to be niche. It's not a design flaw, it's 100% intended.

A Raid that can be played by everyone and that can be beaten by a random match-made group of unknowns that probably won't even be in chat would be a shit raid. In fact these things already exist, they are called "Dungeons" so go play those instead.

You mean Strikes?

>The Queen's Brother Crow becomes the first Dark Guardian


How about an in game chat like warframe so I don't have to use a third party website to find people to play your shit game?


>people want raid matchmaking

LFG is funny, but if you're serious about raiding its cancer

They're would be no need for matchmaking if there was a chat


looks like shit

Why does Sup Forums generally hate Destiny? It did a lot of cool shit, one thing I remember is that if you get close to a Fallen and aggro them, they'll sometimes call you a monster. They also refer to Guardians as zombies in some grimoires.

>looks at shit in background
>this is all playable space

no lore ingame and cutting game up to sell dlc no fuck bungie and kys shill

horrible business practices, lies, false promises, activisions bitches

My problem with Destiny is that you can tell it was a frankenstein game.
The story is completely gutted and you have to dig through all the grimoire cards for any sort of lore.
I did enjoy playing the hell out of it with my buddies though, I just hope that 2 has better flow to it.

>please buy our game again
>we won't fuck you over this time we promise

>The Traveller is killed by the Cabal
I highly doubt that.

this and they fired marty

The Darkness and the Light are two philosophies for growing civilizations, not magic sources of power. OP is a fag.

is it the same fucking classes again?

Please no, they're boring.

There is. It's called Party chat, both consoles have it, try it out some day.

Any in-game chat system would be vastly inferior. If someone drops from the game for whatever reason (happen plenty of times) you'd stop hearing him, but while in party chat he can say "Hey guys I think the game crashed" or "It's taking a while to load wait a sec" etc.
Both consoles and PC have inherently superior system-wide chat systems, all of which also dial down the in-game audio so that you can hear people better. Why would anyone care to put one in the game?

It would be neat to have text chat in Destiny, but it woldn't work for Raid LFG specifically. Using 3rd party sites would still be much quicker for a plethora of reasons like instantly knowing what level the players are, how many are in a group already, which part on the raid they completed, what languages they speak, etc from a pop-up window.
Unless Destiny2 has a dedicated Raid LFG interface (not just text chat) then using websites will still be the best way to do it.

Actually the best way is having friends, you should try that, IRL too.

Warframe's chat is serviceable (not good at all, an in-game auction house would be better, but serviceable) for trading items, but that's it. I guess ordering people around while you do casual 40 minute survival missions is another thing people barely feel the need to use

The game was shit at points and has Ubishit-tier DLC and microtransaction price gouging. It's not good enough to play every day for 3 years either. Just good enough to get into for 2 or 3 weeks then leave for a couple of months and then come back, much like every MMO ever I guess

Seems to me most people on Sup Forums read memes and have no clue what the game is about or how it changed over the years. Calling it "shit" is an easy punch and no one can really blame them. Probably most of them only played it at launch, or bought it now with no friends to play so the experience is mediocre. dunno

Since no progress carries over, the classes are probably going to be the same only in name and not ability.

>Crow becomes first dark guardian
>traveller dies

Man they really shat all over Statens work