The second highest rated PS4 exclusive according to Metacritic is a moeshit KAWAII UGUU MOE MOE KYUUN~ highschool...

>the second highest rated PS4 exclusive according to Metacritic is a moeshit KAWAII UGUU MOE MOE KYUUN~ highschool garbage made for otaku and pedophiles

Anime was a mistake


Stay mad, faggot.


It's the highest rated since remasters don't count. And it will soon lose its place to Red Dead Overrademption

It's not a PS4 exclusive.

Stay triggered, m8.

Should spend more time playing games that have a semblance of taste than your generic FPS / or tumblr inspired space adventure.

I fucking miss the western developers of the past PC generation, now it's Slavs that are the salvation, but you fags think the Europeans are Western Culture anyways.

Get better taste, westerndrone

Xbone doesn't count

I didnt know we call PS3 ports ''PS4 exclusives'' now. Must have missed that sonybro meeting.

It's okay mate I'm sure Ghost Recon and Mass Effect: It's Not Bad Trust Me Guys edition are providing you with lots of fun as well! :^)

You forgot to mention it's a weeb high school simulator for faggots never got to enjoy their youth

It's also for PS3.

>for faggots never got to enjoy their youth

So made for Sup Forums?


You're so the same person making all the shitpost Nier threads

>get a Japanese console
>be mad it's got Japanese titles

Stay mad, you prancing la-la homo man

How assblasted do you have to be to make this edit?

>my subjective opinion is now objective fact
No (you) for you.

Zelda doesn't deserve a 98.

Show me your well-thought out argument.

>ps4 exclusive

Good. It's games like these that I buy Playstations for.

It'd be a decent JRPG if it wasn't so bogged down with the boring ass VN shit. I hate when just anything made in japan regardless of quality is just automatically called weebshit, Persona and sadly this new installment fit the bill. Its 80% fanservice and VN shit and 20% decent JRPG. That doesn't make it a bad game or anime a mistake though.

Persona has ALWAYS been serious otaku/ACTUAL-Weeabo bait and to pretend otherwise is nothing short of delusion.

how retarded are you that you don't know that edit is old as fuck

It's so easy to spot the Redditors when it comes to these types of threads

I love how incredibly butthurt everyone is over not being able to play this game. It's fucking great and no amount of shitposting will change that

>haha it's not a PS4 exclusive it's also on another Sony console!

All tge weebshit pandering doesn't make the game bad tho

And it's still one of the highest rated games of the generation, get fucked.

What is this picture of an abused child supposed to tell me? What is your response?

Yes. That does mean it is not PS4 exclusive.

>It's actually an ok game if you are into grind and visual novels.
>Somehow Op just can't not buy a game that isn't for him.
>Probably because he has to swallow every exclusive even if it drips like cum from a desperate bums ass

Exclusives retards were a mistake.


Yeah thats what I said. "That doesn't make it a bad game or anime a mistake though."

I was expressing how its not my cup of tea but how I'm also aware that persona is weeb bait but not nessecarily garbage because of it like so many people use to dismiss it.

Shame that autism isn't just you exclusive faggot

And the PS3 version is fine. So yes, PS4 championing SonyPonies are BTFO on this one as a poor fag can get the same experience they are enjoying for less than 150 USD---not even counting piracy options.

>it's on another Sony console, we win!

what the fuck is your point

He's a pedophile who tries to hide his insecurity by berating people for liking drawings.

Still bothers me how much effort people put in to telling others that they shouldn't like something that doesn't actually effect them at all. It also bothers me when people put effort in to telling others why they should like something.
Why bother?

You don't get to bring your personal special definitions.

I never said it wasn't, but then again "One of the highest rated games of the generation." isn't exactly a high bar, especially when it comes to metacritic. I imagine this will be the meme phrase used for this game instead of posting its metacritic scores.

>he could have picked reddit
>instead he chose Sup Forums the japanese imageboard to complain about anime
neck yourself idiot

A dating sim is the second highest ranked sony "game".

Really makes me think.

Sup Forums is a politics imageboard now.

Sup Forums hates the weeb subculture that's here and wants to turn Sup Forums into Stormfront 2.0.

That it's not a PS4 exclusive, and you can also play the same game on PS3? I don't understand who you think is winning here, OP was just being a dumbass.
Saying that Persona 5 is PS4 exclusive is like saying that Cuphead or Ori are XBone exclusive, it is not true.

>moeshit KAWAII UGUU MOE MOE KYUUN~ highschool garbage made for otaku and pedophiles
Epic argument

either way it's still a Sony exclusive, so pc and xbots are at a loss

>ps4 exclusive

What was the first?

If you don't own PS3 at this point you only have yourself to blame.

>haha they lose
How old are you

Not an argument

Last of Us, I guess?
So really, the actually best ranking PS4 exclusive is Uncharted 4.

PS4 already has a better library than PS3.

Only game worth buying a ps3 for was Demon's Souls, every thing else was interactive movie wank.

Sony systems get a good game, OP makes an ass of himself and you all correct him as if it's all over

you fags spamming that it's on a ps3 aren't even making an argument, the fact is Sony go a good game

I wish i could get assblasted that hard, at least once.

Then maybe western devs should step up

I don't understand how can people like these anime RPG games, I've tried playing Persona 4 for a few hours and it was one of the most boring games I've ever played.

The thread is all over, because OP is a dumbass.
If you're into JRPGs(which I assume you are since you're so into Persona 5) PS3 does have lots of good stuff.

Western devs release one game a year and market it as hard as possible to make the most profit, it seels like hotcakes regardless of quality.

Japan releases a metric ton of games a year, most of them are bad admittedly but the actual good ones are always great.

I thought this game was supposed to score higher than the GoaT BotW.

That's what the So-nyggers were saying, anyway.

and don't forget the nintenbros xd

Is voice over dlc coming on the 4th or is it available already?
Copy coming in today.

Man as someone who goes to Sup Forums occasionally that's fuckin annoying. They need to stay there, I love my Japanese games.

>1 year time limit
into the trash it goes

Just correcting OP. He specifically said that it's a PS4 exclusive which it isn't.

>either way it's still a Sony exclusive, so pc and xbots are at a loss
...Until RPCS3 reaches a playable state or Persona 5 is released on PSNow.

>but you fags think the Europeans are Western Culture anyways.
Because they are? Poland is Western and European

>the Phantom Pain

Persona games were never "Kawaii uguu" though. Thank god for that.

How does it feel to be objectively wrong, anime poster?

itt people dont know what exclusive actually means

I'm surprised how homophobic this game is.
Why is japan so backwards on social issues, Sup Forums?

>i've never played a persona game
What did he mean by this?


He already did; it's a moeshit KAWAII UGUU MOE MOE KYUUN~ highschool garbage made for otaku and pedophiles. Also anime was a mistake


Haha Japan is so weird XD

Your argument is retarded and doesn't warrant proper rebuttal.

>Game is on Switch and Wii U
>Only the Switch version counts (superior(?) version)
>Game is on multiple consoles and PC
>Only the PC version counts (superior version)
>Game is on Playstation consoles
>Only the PS3/Vita version counts (inferior version)
I'm not even talking about just Persona 5 here.

>Sup Forums
>hating weeb culture

Fresh out of Plebbit I assume?

>RDR getting anything other higher than 91

No one wants to go back to old open world games after Zelda.

Hello newfriend, for you information Sup Forums was just formed because stormfags already turned Sup Forums to stormfront 2.0 and needed a containment board.

so was Forza Horizon 2 not Xbox exclusive?

>implying I'm not going to be playing it on my desktop with RPCS3 soon

progress is already being made, but Sonyshits want to bury the truth about RPCS3 and make 45 Cemu threads instead

Why is this shitty thread still up?

It's on the 4th specifically iirc.

That is exactly how this works. I never understood the concept of "Sony exclusive", that shit is so damn arbitrary and ONLY Sonyfags use it. I have a PS3, PS4 and Vita myself but I'm not championing any of those cross-plats as exclusive because they aren't.

>implying playing it doesn't make me reminisce about my extremely enjoyable high school experience.

Game is fun and well made and gives me nostalgia for hanging out with cute sluts in high school.

Well, if only AAA western publishers considered doing stylized attractive characters instead of going to the dead-end route of REALISM, they wouldn't be in this situation

That is not a well thought out argument. It's not even well thought out shitpost.

You need to go back

PS3 leak when?

>Country in which the birth-rates are plummeting
I can't really blame them for wanting people to actually make babies and shunning the ones who don't.

>another obvious bait thread getting (You)s
Everyone in here kys

>caring about Metacritic
Just fucking kill yourselves. All of you

>He thinks there are threads on Sup Forums that aren't bait threads.

>Thing is objectively bad

Fuck you and people like you

>Sup Forums hating weebshit
>When they co-opted a touhou and posted a bunch of anime girls with MAGA hats through the last year

oi you havin a giggle m8?