What does this to a man

What does this to a man

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Playing the same shitty card game for years.

>tfw u will never tune in at 7pm to kripp and mumblebros playing poe again
why even live. watching him cry about shitstone gets old pretty fast.

>People always post retarded shit like this
>Literally just one picture of him smiling with another picture of him not



Sup Forums


Why is he dating a fat gypsy?

Sleep-aid, that's what he is.

cause he is a skinny gypsy so they fir well together

Being Vegan

Please someone just take me back

Women for some reason suck the life out of men. You can instantly they turn greyer and start hating life after they get a gf or married

Seriously unless you want children ASAP why get a gf?


wtf guys my opponent played a card this is such bullshit

Came to post this

>was legitimately happy back when he was going for the world first inferno kill of diablo
>started playing hearthstone and fell into a deep depression
I knew there was something evil about the fucking game. I'm glad I never touched it.

This. My gf broke up wih me a month ago, I can barely sleep at all and I don't want to eat a thing anymore. Only pure willpower is allowing me to keep it going at this point.

Is there a way to watch the old vods of Kripp playing Poe? I'd like to put that on while playing myself.


When you watch one of his videos he's literally the least energetic and enthusatic person out there.

Now compare this to someone playing fighting games.

Full of energy, hyped as fuck and swinging their dicks all over the place

Dude's sister got killed, give him a break

The only time Kripp has fun nowadays is when he plays shadowverse every once or twice a month
You can tell how fucking sick he is of most of hearthstone's bullshit but it makes him so much money and, even better, a reliable viewerbase

being forced to play a shitty card game for a living

you're seeing his work face, not his leisure face

>What does this to a man
going second

4 months for me. I'm kinda curious how long depression can last, cause man I have zero motivation to do anything anymore, just waiting for death at this point.

Because when you get paid by a company to promote their product and don't read your contract and realize you're going to be stuck playing it exclusively way past it's expiration date, you're gonna realize at one point or another that you've forsaken yourself to irrelevance.

He's hitting that point right about now. Viewercounts going down, less and less resubs, fewer donations. I hope for his sake it was only a few year contract.

I just realised his old vods are still there on twitch. How the fuck can they store all that shit?

Depression =/= sad

>Because when you get paid by a company to promote their product and don't read your contract and realize you're going to be stuck playing it exclusively way past it's expiration date, you're gonna realize at one point or another that you've forsaken yourself to irrelevance.

he's not contracted

hearthstone is just the most popular game he can play and you'd be retarded to not force yourself to play it as much as you can while stockpiling all the fat stacks you make for the future

>force yourself to play it as much as you can

Literally sounds like being a chinese gold farmer. Except better paid.

i.e Not fun at all.

It'll go away just wait. Trust me.

>be happy /r9k/ powergamer glitchmaster
>replace cumrag with a gf
>move out of dad's house
>start selling out
>become vegan
>happiness goes extinct
>"hey guys let me promote this EA mobile game and buy my Amazon coins!"

No wonder she broke up with you.

You sound like a beta-male


This. And when you get another gal or 1nite stand whatever, youll realize how much time you wasted acted like that. You wont give a shit at all.

Who are some other people that got ruined by gaming? I love researching this kind of shit

if you went from working minimum wage at a computer shop to pulling in possibly six-figure sums by playing a shitty but passable video game all day you'd choose the latter too

I mean we know that the top streamers are not doing badly

I actually ruined my hormonal balance and something something blood cells by starving myself to sickness after my gf broke with me when I was a clueless 16 year old boy.
My health has been shit since then, regardless of trying hard to change it. I did learn to play the guitar though. Posing to people who aren't there, just thought I should play the guitar when I am sad and alone on the attack and haven't drank any water today. Felt aesthetic. Like I was being sad in the right, proper way.

Oh fuck I destroyed myself. Please implement a rewind button, Zeus.

Just watch one of his recent Path of Exile video how fun and energetic he is

Then later check up on his stream and you see what RNGstone does to you

That can be easily explained by the genetic differences of humans and animals (such as negroids)

He got ruined by marrying though. He now NEEDS more money, so he has to sell out, which makes him feel like shit.
Prior to that he didn't need as much, so he didn't sell out, so he was enjoying himself.


pick one

Check out Kripp Salt Chronicles by multiple Youtubers. It's depression central.

>Kripp Salt Chronicles

Link some.

New patch means a lot of fucking around and yes, some fun to be had in the meantime. Pretty decent game.

>get off work
>kripp playing some new mmo
>already broke the game and got banned
>explains in detail what he did and how he could have took it further if he didnt get banned
man that and the oj jokes were gold

>kripp will never be no life again

I wonder if he still has that red t shirt with holes in it

>something something blood cells by starving myself to sickness
Just stop being upsetti and have some spaghetti, my dude.

You sound like the type of guy that just needs a SO get yourself back out there. I seen it too many times with friends. Thank god that it doesn't affect me too much but it hurts and I know you know this too.

I've been like this for past 4.5 years

This, I had some sort of mini-episode of depression after a huge fight with my gf. I think my brain got overloaded. It was such a strange experience, I wasn't sad, or happy, or angry, or anything. I just was. I just laid on the couch for like two days straight.

getting dik succy ery night leading to lower testosterone and other essential hormones from being produced at previous levels before nightly dik succy succy.


That was over a decade ago, my dude. I get plenty of spaghetti these days, it just feels like a volcano inside me every time, because LOL UR BROKEN NOW ENJOY LIFE :D


>Kripp thread on Sup Forums
>Always that one shitty Shadowverse shill who has to push his weeb garbage

When are you gonna off yourself dude?

Same but it was months ago. I don't really enjoy video games anymore, its more comforting shitposting on Sup Forums

he stopped playing challenging games, and his chat went to shit


When Shadowverse gets the critical acclaim it deserves

>tfw no fat homely uni-educated woman will ever hunt you down and forcefully wife you
she seems sweet

>implying hearthstone is any better

I don't play these card games but its apparent which one is less rng,cash dependent and stressful

Kripp's brain was broken in half by the great patriot Shadowswill, doing his part to make sure hearthfag fanboys are deprived of as much fun as possible.


>one guy
Yeah no, maybe people post about the game because they actually like it, and aren't just trapped within the sunk costs of their shitty HS investment
Fuck off

I mean part of me wants to say you're right, but seriously Kripp has become a husk.

He doesn't even fucking drink Sunny D anymore. All he does is stare at his screen barely talking unless hes complaining about enemy luck or talking about his stupid dogs and how they fart and stink up the place and he lives in fucking canada.

He doesn't even have fun playing PoE anymore. He just streams for the money because there's nothing else he can do. He's some like 30 year old vegan shitter with no reputable skills. He can't do anything with his life even if he did stop.

>everyones dressed up in suits at some blizzard event
>kripp gets introduced on stage
>comes out with sweatpants/hoody
>announcer trys to call him out on it
>"why would i spend money on a suit when after this im going back to my house thats a waste man"
i laughed harder than i should

Hopefully after he posts some Cerberus first.

Any of those work.

Thats a cute looking table.

So you're saying you're a broken femboy?

Are you talking about the table or the girl?


Try moving outside, even if it just means walking back and forth. Physical exercise makes you feel good, though you will have to push through the inertia.

>What can change the nature of a man?

Streaming. Streaming 15 hours a day.

Don't make these empty posts.

>get tired and bored of HS
>fans keep pushing on to play it
>get fun with SV
>people dislike the video


he plays the worse shit just for the sponsorship money. some card moba mix star wars cash grab? still on the other hand there is nothing fresh out there for him, he know poe too well, he can play diablo 2 with closed eyes and diablo 3 is dead. mmo's are dead as a genre pretty much. there's nothing, just endless grind in card games

I watched a whole 2 hour episodes 20-30 the other day. Relaxing, desu

Same. Starting to move past it.

Wouldn't be an issue if she didn't leave me then start seeing another guy that very day.

>What does this to a man

Streaming 25 hours a day for several years, shitting and pissing in jars and living on garbage food.

Sup Forums you didn't let me down
This was my first thought

I feel like I know you guys or that I wish I had met a few of you or even just played some online together



How does this man's hairline work?

He looks balding, but his hairline hasn't moved in over 3 years

it's pretty impressive
i hope mine stops too one day

14 billion years and still undefeated.

not everyone balds the same way, hair varies from person to person. some people just get thin hair, that gradually falls off all over and others get bald spots or have receding hair. he just has a big widows peak from the look of things

A magical trick called "Letting it grow"


That's the typical Romanian hairline.

He is not your friend

kek just how dedicated is he?

>mfw the only thing that makes me happy anymore is beautiful mountains and forests
>tfw love nature
i'm a complete loser, how do i fix this?

If you can't live without a woman you don't deserve one, peter.

SV is only fun for him because it's a change of pace from HS. He also had a lot of fun with Force Arena too and admitted he spent way more than he usually would on it.

Kripp got fed up with SV bullshit like Dshift and Miracle Roach, which is why all of hos recent SV streams are mainly arena. New expansion should revive his interest, but he'll get bitter again soon enough.

kripp should play some duelyst desu

fpbp, jeeeeesus

He and a friend had about 10 accounts at various wins in arena so he could snipe Kripp anytime he wanted. Then Kripp complained too much to Blizzard and (somehow) they found his main account and banned it. I think he's moved on from HS now.

Seeing and knowing things.

Intimate knowledge of how humans set the world up to work.

You are what you do, stop doing loser-things. Take up a sport, do something creative, read good literature etc