How did we go from this

How did we go from this... this?

Capcom was in his full retard phase not long ago

they looks like they got better with RE7...but the deal breaker will be when they shows up first images of REmake 2

How did we go from this... this?

To this

...To this this?

Anyone have the original "How did we go from this..." screencap? Already forgot what it was about

I don't know whether I want fixed cameras or not.. I'd be glad if it was in the same style as REmake though I guess.

Give me Alyson and a non-fucked up Claire model and i ain't asking for anything else.

I do wonder who they will pick for Leon though. Can Matt Merc voice a young Leon? I would want Paul Mercier, but i wouldn't complain about Paul Haddad return too

7 is the best RE game to date.
I hope REmake 2 follows through 7's success and be also in first person.

What the fuck is this? RE6?

Since we've got an RE thread going, I've got a question. I bought the Revelations 2 deluxe edition from PSN but episode 2 isn't showing up in the download list. Anyone know why?

Is that really what she said? I couldn't hear and I didn't have subtitles on.

First image is RE6. Second image is the new CGI movie which's gonna be god tier i hope so, because it has Becky

Maybe because the episodes are all part of the same game in the deluxe pack? As opposed to if you buy them separately, where episodes 2-4 count as DLC.

No, fuck off.

I am most certain that Alyson's old ass won't be in any RE game ever. Capcom has never brought back someone they've changed/replaced, whether it's a face model or a voice actor.
Her RE career is over.

I'm 90% sure she basically confirmed in that podcast back in august of last year that she's working on the remake/has been contacted by Capcom to work on it. She also said that she didn't work in REV2 because it was a different dev team.

Hard to find the exact bit though, the thing is like 2 hours long

I wouldn't listen to the ramblings of an old insane lady desu

what the fuck am I looking at here


Raid mode from RE: Revelations 2.

You can play as a bunch of different characters/skins and one of them is a human-sized version of Natalia's teddy bear, who at first can only wield a katana.

Are the CGI movies any good? Are they actually canon or not?

They are canonical.

Degeneration isn't bad but isn't the greatest thing in the world either. Worth a watch

Damnation is pure operator kino.

Both are canon. Degeneration takes place in 2005, after RE4 and Damnation in 2011, before RE6.

Because they were at odds with each other in an intense situation. They was never even the remote possibility of either of them firing, they just happened to have guns and be angry.

People will tell you the live action films are trash and the CGI ones are good but the CGI films are really only marginally better.

The CGI have the same campy tone as the games, though. The live actions ones are like a high school kid trying to make everything super edgy.

I doubt people will still care about them if the CGI films weren't canonical

The only good things about the live-action movies is that you can laugh at based Shawn Roberts and how ridiculous everything is.

The CGI ones are actually kinda decent.


That's how I imagine IRL Wesker would look like.

They're bringing back Chris' UC voice-actor for Vendetta.

I've heard that Alyson supports the american voice-actor unions in their work-to-rule thing, so she's shooting herself in the foot on working on the remake

Literally Iker Casillas.

I don't think Leon would be literally pewdiepie though

I think they're using the UC VA to model Chris's face too.


The one with kermit?