How the fuck do you even manage to fuck up this bad?

how the fuck do you even manage to fuck up this bad?


Better than Battleborn at least.

Balance patches planned for the ends of seasons instead of during them.

Even reddit is up in arms about it, they're planning a blackout of the game on the 3rd.

Why is it bad? Never played it


peer2peer is a huge issue resulting in DDoS in tournaments and lagswitching out the ass. Lack of balancing patches throughout the game's "seasons", instead opting to balance between them (meaning find the meta day 1 or 2 and stick with it for 2 months) and of course, p2w on top of the game costing money despite being built as a f2p game.

Ignoring everyone asking for servers

No, it's pretty fun, but it's just how the cycle of games work now-a-days. With new games coming out at every turn, fewer and fewer people stick with one game for a long time minus some exceptions like DotA/Lol, Counter-Strike, etc. Games are now "get it while it's fresh and drop it the moment something new is out."

Jesus Christ

>mfw all the shill threads before it came out

The game just never looked like it could sustain a playerbase and live long.

I'm not surprised at all desu.

It's a tryhard containment 'game'.

>Balance is off
>P2P can fuck up the larger game modes sometimes

Also people are mad at , which is retarded. Most people focus on 3-5 heroes and maybe play the others once every now and then.

Don't listen to the last part of , the game actively encourages people not to spend money like tards.

The concept of this game is just so fucking retarded.

The base game is a pretty neat technical fighting game, but it's just caged by the many, many usual Ubisoft annoyences like P2P multiplayer (which is suicide) and tons of pay to not grind garbage even though the game isn't free.
The game probably doesn't even exist to Ubisoft now that Wildlands is out.

It's absolutely true though. It encourages you to spend money for better gear or else grind your ass off which is a chore because of p2p servers meaning it's a fucking gamble whether you can actually win or not, and naturally, losing gives you pennies compared to what you get when you win.

The pay to not grind options are there because Ubisoft want you to use them.

I don't know much about it, but the game doesn't have a lot of content right? I can see it getting boring pretty fucking quickly.

And yeah the 60 dollar price tag doesn't help.

This game could have been so fucking awesome...
It feels so good when it works
Which is practically never

You don't even get good gear until you hit Rep 3 status with heroes. The game says this, and in doing so tells people not to spend a lot of steel on gear before then.

Anyone who bought Steel thinking it would get them better gear instantly is a fucking retard.

So what you're trying to say is that for honor is fun for about 20 hours. and you realize that you touched the bottom 10 hours ago and it's not getting any better?

And who Ubisoft like because it's more money for them.

Okay so it tells you not to till rep 3.

after rep 3 you're still going to need to grind or buy more packs.

Feels bad. It really had high potential

That's why you save your Steel you fucking degenerate. By the time you hit 3 you should have plenty enough to get most of the Rep 3 gear, assuming you didn't spend your Steel like a tard.

It's honestly surviving longer than I expected. The Steam reviews also seem to have levelled off at 50% and I expected way lower.

The game has style I'll give it that. But that's all it has. Most game modes are shit, connections are shit, micropayment shit, ubishit.

Not everyone goes through two layers of drm to play ubishit

its a month old
console versions arent doing much better

>a month
Damn it feels like at least 2 for me.


Im a level 5 going up againts prestige 20s, the balancing is shit as fuck, and i can barely ever play without getting an error.

>The concept of this game is just so fucking retarded.
Of all the retarded things about this game, you literally picked the ONLY THING that isn't retarded, you typical Sup Forums shitter you.

The idea for the game was fantastic on paper, and when it works it's actually quite fun.

What lets it down is it's massive host of issues, such as bad balance, p2p issues, server downtimes, lack of communication over issues, pay2win, absurdly high price, season pass, bugged heroes, cancerous community and so forth...

>playing on PC ever

Overwatch is garbage
kill yourself nigger

its the same on consoles tho

Proof ?

It made you mad, so it fullfilled it's purpose.

>only pretending
yeah okay kiddo

sure thing champ


try finding a match
i dare you

>free right now


my 2 cents
Ubisoft has a history of making games like that. First that comes to mind is The Division, Ghost Recon Wildlands etc. They are huge open world multiplayer games that look so fucking good.
Then the games gets actually played for more than 2 hours of testing session, and it is just bug riddled, servers are probably located in Albania and the HUD, god the HUD... Every game has so many useless effects on the screen, the simplest of task takes half my screen...
This is a recipe that leads to great first impression, like a donut. Looks yummy, but when you bit in it, you realize it is just coated in chocolate and the inside is just paste.
Sorry for broken english

>"mouse sensitivity 360 spin abuse is part of the game guys"

Game needs dedicated servers and reductions in the grind. It was promising and fun when it was shown but it doesn't work when people on bad connections host and lagswitch their way to victory.

Hopefully, Ubisoft will give this game the Siege treatment, and make it better in the long run.

1. Start by making a game with great core mechanics
2. Fuck up balancing
3. Fuck up multiplayer
4. Spend a gorillion dollars on marketing so dumbshits once again throws money at you
5. Abandon ship directly after release and never respond to the community ever.

I think Ubisoft won again.

>4. Spend a gorillion dollars on marketing so dumbshits once again throws money at you
5. Abandon ship directly after release and never respond to the community ever.

That's literally what Conan: Exiles did, they probably planned it that way in advance as well.

Seems to be a common strategy for game devs these days, get a ton of streamers and let's players to play their game and ride the wave of hype sales from retarded kids.

>ubisoft always sells 45k copies and then get's 1k people only a month later, max

How do they do it?

Is this their intended business model?

>That's literally what Conan: Exiles did
You sure it's abandoned? Maybe they're just slow as fuck.

>Is this their intended business model?
It works doesn't it?

peer to peer networking instead of dedicated servers in a massively multiplayer game

Structure a good game around being as cheap as possible (P2P, Micro transactions) and this is what happens.

Pump and dump baby.

>you will never make money without effort by overhyping a product marketed for dumb teens and manchildren

Think about it. You only have to take care of the money flow from investors to the tiny temporary production team and the third party marketing agency, then collect your share of the profits.




Also remove fat ogre

Way I see it multiplayer games come in two types now.

You have games like TF2, DOTA2, LOL, Overwatch that will get support for many years, only beaten by their own sequels that generate stable income for a long time.

And on the other hand you have the type of approach that EA and Ubisoft take. They release the same game every year, it dies in a month but that's okay because you'll rake in sales next year once again.

Speaking of, I wonder if Valve is punishing us for complaining about them releasing a new game too fast by not releasing any games ever.


I love him. Especially with the unlock-target glitch for 2x hard hits.

they released a 60 dollar fighting / moba game without dedicated servers, adding the OW style micro transactions, just to get people to spend even more. If the game was f2p with the loot boxes, it would be huge. But spending that much on it and then still having to unlock a bunch of shit is retarded

Yup thx ubishit

It's shit and numbers are gonna go even lower. Reddit's calling a strike on it

They tried to do something like rs6 and failed miserably.

Boring after like 10 hours

> If the game was f2p with the loot boxes, it would be huge. But spending that much on it and then still having to unlock a bunch of shit is retarded

Yeah, it seems like a lot of publishers are really starting to experiment and see just how much they can push the boundaries on unlockables/cash shops.

>oh you dont like my game haha i only brought it up to trigger you

neck yourself

>Balance patches planned for the ends of seasons instead of during them.

I blame consoles with the fucking ridiculous fee to post an update

Balance patches for multiplayer games in general used to come out pretty much as soon as their ready in pc games

and now that consoles have the ability to do patches
patches come out with a greater gap of time between eachother in general just to package balance patches, bugfixes, and content updates to save money

>Terrible story mode that is too boring for casual 'cinematic experience' lovers and multiplayerfags alike
>P2P network
>Shackled to uPlay on top of that
>Microtransactions on top of a 60$ release and a 40$ season pass
>Straight up p2w in at least one mode
>Obvious balancing issues despite high-activity "beta" tests
>Hitting opponents doesn't feel satisfying
>Unbeliavably boring OST
>Long load times, slow gameplay and often occuring chase sequences (because running away is highly viable for some reason) prevent the game from having the 'quick fix' feeling of a fighting game (or even a hop-in-hop-out combat brawler like Chivalry)
Not deep enough for pros, not quick enough casuals, terrible value proposition

It's too late now to make shill threads.

>green NAT
>queue for a game mode with "Very High" activity
>Matchamking extended to all game modes
>Matchmaking error, returning to main menu

the 700 buck for something is just for one char or for all?


reading compression at night is not that good,especially when I ignore images,anyway all of my keks and thank you

they are just slow as fuck + early access shit

It's fine for SP games but for honor is a MP game, they fucked up big time.

>match found
>lobby is full returning to main menu

tfw 2.5 years of playtime is a less significant investment for me


i know the feel, i have more time. than money

That number will only go up over time as well.

>Unbelievably boring OST
Holy fuck this
You have these boring ass drums and that's it

>play for the first few month
>have a lot of fun
>stop playing but come back after a few years
>everybody doing spazzy bullshit spin attacks

cautiously optimistic for mordhau

>less players than a 10 year old game

Yeah it's cancer but if they fixed it the only advanced move in the game would be feinting. I wish they could find a way to tone it down to more reasonable levels though. Hard capping the FOV to something sensible would be a good start.

It doesn't help that all new players are in rank 1-15 servers and promptly quit once they grow out of those because of the spinning fishknights. It would be nice to fight some people that aren't pro at the game every now and then.

>there are people in this thread who think this game is worth $60 but think paying $45 for star citizen just to dogfight is a scam and a rip off

it will never not be funny

Because it made you forget twice as fast.

the sourcemod version was better

Still 3x as many people as SF5 has playing.

pretty much what this guy said

>redditors up in arms
those faggots are the retards who will blindly buy any shit AAA developers throw at them
>they preorder everything
>defend the fuck out of it until release for some reason
>game releases and its garbage
>developer washes their hands
>game is already sold so 0 fucks are given

and then they do shit like this "blackout" like a child throwing a tantrum pretending it will make a difference

i fucking hate redditors beyond words

people buy one garbage game after another and then think complaining, or even not playing it and reducing server load is somehow fighting their own massively retarded buying power?

fucking god damn those autistic faggots are fucking stupid

Welcome to the average mindset of a gamer.
There's a reason people consider them manchildren.
Not that it matters, they won't follow through, lest we forget the "boycott Modern Warfare 2" debacle.

You forget there's new gamers every year. It may look like people fall for preorders over and over but chances are that for most of them it's their first time they get fucked out of 60 dollars for a dead game.

It's almost amazing that Siege had this exact shit happen and through being completely forgotten and abandoned by Ubisoft with a small dev team managed to fix some shit in it and make it a success. Now that Ubi sees its a money making machine they will ruin it sadly.

erry tiem

Were it made by any other dev, this game would have had over half the issues it still has fixed by now.

What is there to fix when the biggest flaws begin at the concept of every game mode that's not 1v1?

typical AAA game. they dont last long.