How do you cope with Makoto not being real?

How do you cope with Makoto not being real?

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Just fine. I don't need used goods.

>muh virgin meme

That's literally cuckspeak.

Don't remind me


because she is garbage
Every persona 5 girl is garbage that fell for the cock easily

I don't

>Being a cuck


I don't have a problem with that, but I can relate because I can't get Haru out of my head. She's taken over my mind.

That manga is shit and I hate that this image tricked me into thinking it would interesting

Cuckoldry doesn't mean you get with a chick who has had sex before, you meme spouting mongoloid. I bet you think looking at porn makes you a cuck too.

Not an argument.

Still captured by Kurisu.

Neither is that, cuck

>big hands

I don't need to provide an argument when you still haven't disproved mine.

By not being a gay weeb


Why do you guys even want a virginal girl anyway? They're incredibly boring in bed. Plus, I'm not a virgin myself, so sorry for being a "cuck" for not expecting girls to be virgins.

my existence is meaningless
my time is short
my dreams nonexistent
reply this post or your mom dies tonight

Cause if a dick has been in there it's basically the same as touching your dick with another dick which is gay, fag


My dick has also been inside another woman, so does that make my current girlfriend a lesbian?

Yeah but lesbos are hot so it's cool

I don't think that's how dicks work

>used goods
nigger, please

oh ok

That's what I was taught in Health class back in High School, it was also a woman that said this along the lines of "If you have sex with a girl you're also having sex with all the men she slept with in the last 10 years."

Except the only one more pure than makoto is futaba

lmao how tf is she used goods

I dream.



>3D lesbos
>being a yurifag

I can't. I should just an hero

>10/10 outfit
>0/10 personality
no thanks

I can find drugged up slut in real life easily
It's no different than dating Makoto

"You took my little sister's vriginity didn't you?"

pretty easily.

>tfw no haru

however, is killing me