There is absolutely no fucking reason why this couldn't have been put on PS4 too...

There is absolutely no fucking reason why this couldn't have been put on PS4 too, where it likely would have sold a shit ton more.

>where it likely would have sold a shit ton more.
It actually wouldn't've though
No one in Japan would buy it on PS4 when they can have it portable on 3ds or switch, and it would be even worse in the west.

>The only thing Sony players care about is exclusivity so they can wave and brag about whatever game they have/get in front of everyone while making the biggest asses of themselves

>the single worst [mainline] MH game to ever exist, basically Diet Frontier


>There is absolutely no fucking reason
But there is one. Capcom, or rather the Monster Hunter team, does not like Sony.

>its ok for MH to be a piece of shit looking archaic game because muh portability :^)

I bet all of you fags play it in your beds anyway

Why would you want the worst MH? I thought it was frontier anime shit.


There is no reason for them to fall out over this.

Never ever sony cuckboi.

Never ever.

I think people underestimate how much Nintendo helps to push the series on the West.

MH team is probably super happy working with Nintendo


Falseflagging or not, you should kindly kill yourself.

When we get mainline MH on Playstation. So far all signs point towards that theory being true.

I do play monster hunter in my bed, it's very enjoyable

Does this upset you

Do you have any idea what it would take to port a 3DS game engine and online server architecture to PS4? Yeah, I though so.

It upsets me a series with such potential is being held back by the fucking jews at Capcom.

Why do you care so much? Its probably the worst MH game out there.

Fitting for it to be on the switch quite frankly.

>So far all signs point towards that theory being true.
You mean shitposting and that one rumour that turned out to also be shitposting?

No, I mean no mainline MH on Sony consoles. Can't you read or just shitpost yourself?

Sony players would have a harder time accepting the lower end resolution/old textures which could lead to bad reviews.

Sonyfans need the gameplay dumbed down.
Don't forget that.

>When we get mainline MH on Playstation. So far all signs point towards that theory being true.
You said all signs point towards getting mainline MH on Playstation. I said those signs (rumours) were made up here, unless I missed something

So you really can't read.
Do you want me to post NEVER EVER or some other meme for you to understand?

Nah, they'd complain the game is not cinematic enough first

Hunting a Khezu has always been a miserable experience, long and dragged out, but with no danger or difficulty. I'd say it fits it

I think I got you, by 'that theory' you meant Capcom hating Sony, not the theory you yourself mentioned in a previous sentence. And you dare to call someone illiterate

You know that Capcom and Nintendo have an Exclussivity deal regarding Monster Hunter, right ?

>Monster Hunter is a very profitable franchise in Japan on handheld devices
>Sony drops handheld support over time
>Capcom jumps ship to the largest handheld market

That being said MHXX is going to be trash just like MHX was trash. Wake me up when MH5 gets announced.

They don't want to split the fanbase.

>tfw no mhxx on vita

>tfw toukiden 2 was way better than MHX

You already made this thread faggot.

>there is no reason for someone to not like someone for being an asshole and forcing them to do shit they didn't want to do

Of course they don't, they can't stand thenidea of nintnedo third parties and will do everything in their power to trash it or bring it to playstation or pc, just look at bayonetta 2, years later and people are STILL mad about it being exclusive to the wii u.

Don't give up


Most Ps4 owners only play sports games and FPS

It's almost like they're retarded and don't know what they are begging for.