Friday the 13th thread

Bear in mind this game is completely free, you just have to play with ruskies who have 300 ping if you don't have friends.

What does everyone think so far? Jason needs a serious nerf to detection range, honestly. If he couldn't see me through a fucking tree half a mile away, it'd be a pretty reasonable game, I don't even hate the house detection mechanic.

I can't believe people paid 40 bucks for this shit though. For 20, I might have considered it.

It's literally just dead by daylight with an official licensed character. Will be completely forgotten in a month or two.

Sure, but it's alright for a few days. Shit like this is never going to maintain an audience longer than that.

Jason doesn't need a nerf at all. It's not hard to actually do the goals and escape.

The real problem is the people playing counselors. They pay no attention to how much noise they're making. They all crowd together, and when Jason shows up, their fear goes through the roof all at once, so he's able to sense them from further away when they run. Loud-asses bring Jason to slow stealth characters, etc.

It's not Jason that's the problem. It's you.

>russian kid playing vanessa
>runs towards you

I spent the entire match solo, managed to call the cops, and then I crouch walked all the way to the exit to wait behind a big tree. With a minute to go and no noticeable fear on my character, Jason comes barrelling towards me from 500 meters away and then murders me.

There's something wrong with the system, man.

>games with "The Game" on the title

the game sucks

The worst is when 2 of you are in a house, Jason grabs you, and instead of the other guy stunning him easily, he decides to just run away.

And then Jason just smashes your head and grabs the other guy in 20 seconds.

people suck

Are the achievements in this game bugged? It seems like the majority of them aren't working and the percentages for super easy ones are strangely low, even for a game that's only been out 3 days.

That's why you should buy these kind of games for your Console instead of your Desktop but Sup Forums insists on being irrational as fuck
>Not having both
Get a job, literally any job will afford it
Hell Titanfall 2 is still doing solid on PS4

It's because you were in the dark for a long time, idiot

>game is completely free
no it's not

The only nerf Jason needs is for traps to be disarmable. Only way to complete trapped objectives is to move as a group and deliberately trap yourself, heal, run, die and hope your teammates do it while you're dying.

>Jason doesn't need a nerf at all
There needs to be at least a slight delay on grabbing after shifting. It is so infuriating to put distance between you just to be grabbed and instantly murdered even as tommy.

Spending the entire match solo gives fear

Its free if you buy it

What does this game need added to improve it?

I don't get what point you're making?

gift me it then. steam id: ObeseKGBSpy

what did you mean by this

It's funny 'cause this is what literally all the films are actually like

I think he's implying that more normies use consoles, which means PS4/XONE servers will have longer attendance than PC. And yeah, if you work and save your money $40 isn't a horrendous amount to spend - people spend more on a fun night out with friends, while this game will definitely give you more than one fun night.

So is the game actually fun or I'll drop it after 2 hours?

>It's the fuse got looted by a russian Vanessa that got killed while crouching in the woods

How can you win against Jason when the counselor's stupidity is against you?

It needs to be remade from scratch by more capable hands

>a better combat system, one that isn't nullified by grabs
>more items/weapons
>more maps
>single player WITH nudity
>better gameplay design than nothin personnel shiftgrabs
>more voice lines, communication wheel

This would be a start

Yeah it's fun but make sure you have a mic

Anyone have download codes or something for ps4 would love to try


just like in the real movie!

>Russian Jason
>Too stupid to find anyone
>Gets juked left and right
>Quits in frustration


I don't know what they were thinking, I'd like to check it out but that's too much for what they're offering.

I really wanted this game to be good, but it sounds like it's trash, god fucking damnit.

"On January 27, 2017, It was reported that shooting would begin in March 2017 and were looking for someone to play a young Jason Voorhees and would be released on Friday, October 13, 2017, with the working title of Friday the 13th, Part 13.[86][87][88]

On February 6, 2017, it was announced that Paramount has officially canceled the project due to the low box office grossings of Rings, with the release date of October 13, 2017 instead going to the upcoming film, Mother!."

>find some guy straight away on a teleport to the phone
>he starts crying about how he doesn't want to be the first to die
>decide to kill him later because his whining is pretty funny
>kill 2 other people
>find him again
>laugh again, let him off the hook
>kill another guy
>find him AGAIN
>he starts screaming some shit I don't even hear before I smash his face in
Man, salty players are the fucking best.

I am enjoying this game more than dead by dead light only because of more survivors. Still fully expect to lose interest in a week or so which is a little more than I played the other game for.

>Playing as Jason
>First player I find is playing one of the niggs
>Toss a knife at them and then just let them run away, following them
>They systematically lead me to every other player, one after the other, and even give away people hiding that I didn't sense because they're saying stupid shit to them on an open mic

Nog players are the best thing to ever happen to Jason.

it surprises me how many people don't realize that jason can listen to conversations

now I warn every cunt that speaks around me if jason isn't near otherwise I stay quite while the guy freaks out and gets murdered by jason.

If you don't crowd together you get fear and then you're dead. Best bet to beat Jason is to have a crowd of guys just bully him while a lone AJ gets everything to leave

you won't get fear if you turn on your flashlight in the dark and outside, spent the whole game by myself and ran the time by sticking around the houses near the lake without the character getting freaked out

>call Jarvis and get wrecked by Jason shortly after
>respawn as Jarvis
>2 other players have fixed the car, and they're riding down the road
>run out, they stop for me, Jason hot on our heels
>shoot him for the incapacitate, hop in the car, and we all ride out of the camp before he gets up
Felt fucking good, man.

>Jason shouldn't have a disproportionate advantage over counselors

Have you motherfuckers even SEEN a Friday the 13th movie?

I just want a good single player game based on the movies.

Make it start out at Crystal Lake and youre a new counselor. You get familiar with the came for a while, like a couple days doing normal camp shit before Jason comes and starts rampaging.

Then when Jason comes, you can find and team up with other counselors and try to make it, or go alone because fuck the others. Make it where you can try and save counselors, be able to issue commands like "go here" and "grab that", even make them try to fight Jason while you fuckin split because fuck you I wanna live a bit longer.

Then, if you and other counselors live and bail from the camp, you can go to a nearby... Fuck, i just realized that State of Decay wouldve been better if it was a Friday the 13th game instead of a shitter zombie game

Jason has never been able to magically appear in the sights of a counselor and grab them. Shift grab is retarded

I think it's a little frustrating to die 20 seconds in because you happened to spawn next to the car/phone.

But the spectate feature alleviates it way more than I thought it would, it's still pretty fun to follow the rest of the survivors around.

Yeah, shift needs a nerf.

>mfw play Jason "one man klan" Voorhees

I only kill Vanessas while whistling Dixie

Shift grab IS retarded, but otherwise Vanessas and Buggzies would just run away and you'd never catch them. Ever.

>Person running from Jason
>Sprinting at full speed
>Scene of Jason's feet as he power walks
>Person continues sprinting for another minute, trips
>They get up, look behind them... nothing
>They around and Jason is there (in front of where they were) and murders them

How else would you simulate this, exactly?

>the racist is a literal deformed retard


>having to wait 10+ minutes for your welfare XP if you were unlucky and Jason ported near you right at the start
>rolling for perks costs a shitton of points and it's a huge gamble, most perks you get are useless or have abysmal percentages
>Jason always has a chance to Sense you no matter how wounded/afraid/stealthy you are
I still have fun, especially with mic, but fuck these three things are so badly designed

i seen the footage and i wince every time jason killed a counselor

just like the movies!!!

>fix a car
>need only keys
>some muffled childish voice is talking about all set
>he starts the car
>get in
>he crashes on the fence next to car
>Jason nothing personell in
>i scream to get out
>some guy who respawned as Tommy stuns Jason
>i toss firecracker to prolong stun
>meanwhile kid starts the engine and tries to escape alone
>Jason tp in front of the car and stops it
>child is panicking and running away
>i stun the killer with my second firecracker
>i steal the car and escape with Tommy while i spectate child getting killed right now

Fucking kids.

Thought this game was $40?

I really enjoy it its fun to fuck around in it. Its best to play Jason for fun when you get him rather than just aiming for kills. My favorite thing to do is to find vocal groups and listen into their conversations and covers with them just to see how long it takes for them to realize I'm Jason.

Is it even worth it to stay in a match if you get killed in the first few minutes? I can't be arsed to spectate a sneaking AJ forever

Get a perk that lessens your fear while solo and or one in the dark.
Apparently its being patched in soon, you have to use a pocket knife or something though.

leaving after getting killed very early is fine unless you desperately need that xp

Honestly, I am, kinda. But once I unlock every counsellor I guess I'm gonna start doing it.

I love the game but...
>Try to roll a perk, game freezes
>Try to edit my Jason's abilities, game freezes
>Get a perk that says tunnel vision and loss of mini-map from fear won't occur - I get tunnel vision and lose my mini-map after I am face to face with Jason for 5 seconds.
>Play 20 rounds, only get exp the first 1 or 2.

Should be level 15 at least, but I'm just sitting at fucking 10. Gee, I just love not being able to progress at all.

>Bear in mind this game is completely free

>he doesn't enjoy betraying randoms
>he doesn't make sure to bring key parts out with him as he escapes
>he doesn't enjoy waiting near the police with the shotgun and then gun down a councelor before he leaves
>he doesn't tell Jason where the others are even if he decides to kill you
>he doesn't enjoy the butthurt after the game has ended

Who else here /devilish/?


>Bear in mind this game is completely free,
its $30 on steam you asshole

The game uses percentages and range. A Vanessa sprinting down the road has a chance of not showing up on stealth just a very very small one. Its rolled EACH time Jason uses sense so you can have 10 stealth and have no fear and you can still show up.

Free for anyone who isn't braindead retarded like you.

>mfw clicking Credits in main menu

Help me then

>two guys finish readying the boat when I get there
>get in and drive off with it
>they're left shouting at me from the pier
>I took the car keys with me

I crave more of this feeling.

Kek, just did this. Didn't have any parts with me tough. They had found the propeller and fixed the engine, while they ran off I ran there, filled it up and went full speed towards the exit.

Feels good being a little cunt.
game was only 3 minutes in as well


It's probably filled with streamers and their autistic followers too.

>finally get to play as Jason
>Only two kills because I immediately felt an overwhelming urge to go take a piss and didn't know what the white circles meant
Caught that boat but they had the Sweater to immobilize me. It takes a match to get used to playing him, so hopefully my next chance goes better

Was your character black

>Will be completely forgotten in a month or two.
don't bet it on, game is popular as fuck

That music is pretty dope

So was Cities Skylines, Sims 4, Planet Coaster, The Division, Ghost Recon Wildlands, etc etc.

Tfw killed by a conpletely unrelated flop

>Wanting to play with Russians
>Being a NEET with no money

Paramount is second in stupidity to Warner Bros. I'm not surprised.

>Jason nothing personell in
Fuckin perfect kek

>join match
>jason sees me immediately
>wait 20 mins for match to finish

Come on man

Last FIVE fucking games in a row:

>Spawn in near phone/car/electrical box
>Barely get in the door when VHS noise all over the screen
>Character shrieks before I can even see Jason
>Using a stealth character with no stam
>Dead in less than a minute

The trophy you get for stealing a car & leaving solo as Chad is a sweet cherry on top of the /devilish/ fun

If you want to try it out but don't want to pay for it yet just pirate it and we'll get a lobby going

So XP is broken for everyone, right? I sure do love having to play as the starting characters.

Reddit please

back to the /r/the_donald you drumpster

These types of games live way longer on console and generally avoid the hacking and cheating that's eventually gonna come with this game once the novelty wears off and a meta gets created.
For example mgs v's shitty ass online is alive and thriving on PS4.

I played from 10pm last night to ten minutes ago, I leveled up once from 8 to 9.

Be honest you don't know how to drop the keys or are too autistic to tell people in voice where you dropped them


I smile when I see faggots like you cry while I drive off.

So you're too socially awkward

No, nice projection.

The fact you thought about projecting means I'm right on the mark

>Comparing going out with friends, creating memories/actually living to wasting away with games

I swear, you nerds are the dumbest thing ever.

Those games weren't forgotten in a month user. Maybe if you only visit this site, and this site only. But if you actually enjoy video games, I'd doubt this is the only site you visit.

>But if you actually enjoy video games

Whatever makes you happy you dumb nigger. Here's your (You) since that's what you're after.

>spawn in
>4 guys in the same tiny area
>go to loot
>Jason spawns
>figure I'll be fine because I'm still inside
>some cunt opened the fucking backdoor and he's already inside
>nobody can be bothered attacking him for the save, they all just run away
FUCK other survivors. If I ever get the chance to steal a vehicle from these pricks, I'm taking it.