Why is that "strong" female characters who aren't completely objectified trigger Sup Forums so much?

Why is that "strong" female characters who aren't completely objectified trigger Sup Forums so much?

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Why is every HZD shill thread some form of "lol, u mad Sup Forums?"

Dunno man but strong grill characters are my fetish.

Why is it such a staple of videogame visual design to slap random glowing blue things everywhere

It only sold 2.7 million copies and didn't met sales expectations.

Because the game doesn't have anything to seperate from all the other open world games released in the last few years.

Because a lot of Sup Forums is triggered by anything other than anime trash.


Aloy was a tolerably bland forgetful character in a dull tedious game.

Give me bigger multipart complex robot foes.

Give me complex, constantly moving climbing puzzles.

Give me mouse aiming.

Give me 'arcade mode' so I can play all story missions back to back without filler.

Give me a useful interesting skill tree.

You haven't played the game, have you son?

>completely objectified
You mean attractive and beautiful? What you wrote literally translates to

>Why is that "strong" female characters who aren't attractive and beautiful trigger Sup Forums so much?

The answer is because you chose to make an ugly woman just to pander to the mentally ill and a nationally sanctioned manhating cult, namely feminism. You can make anything in video games, and you chose to create mediocrity.

You can tell a society by what it glorifies in it's art. What does this goblin on the left say about you?

Petty envy and hatred for those that have more than you. That's what it says. What's more, this is a hole that has no end. Few months ago i saw an archive of an article decrying that Aloy has perfect skin.

Do you see where this is going? There is no bottom to this stupidity. First it was the "impossible beauty standards". Destroyed, you got the ugly woman. Now she has skin that's too good looking. Guess what the next step is because i don't fucking know what's going through their heads right now. It's anybody's guess.

I too remember when The Boss from MGS triggered Sup Forums hard

>meanwhile Sup Forums complains that Aloy wears no make-up

Did you see the fucking shitstorm that game caused here when it came out? Sup Forums was mad as fuck about it.


Oh god, the anti-shilling by drones was obnoxious and autistic in a whole new level. It'll taken years of horizonwebm's to even the karma.

So what you're saying is, because the technology is at a level where it's possible to make realistic looking beautiful women in games, developers are required to make every female character hot?

You sound shallow as fuck, m8.

>Hating women

Imagine being this fucking gay

Most of them are just there for (((diversity)))
If you are going to make a stronk womyn, make her like Lara Croft atleast

>Shit technology
>95% of female characters look attractive
>Good technology
>95% of female characters look like men or are painfully 4/10.

These children have just gotten past the "girls have cooties" stage and are now at the "hmm, girls sure do look nice" stage. Being told that there is more to a woman than the way she looks frightens and confuses them.

>who aren't completely objectified
What does that even mean?

I know, right