Post most overrated shit of 2017

Post most overrated shit of 2017

Nier Automata
literally this year's Bioshock Infinite

>released in 2015
try again, EOP-kun

nier automata
persona 5

>tfw you fell for the "2017 is the next golden age of vidya" meme

for a second i thought you were saying outrun was overrated

Nier Automata
Yakuza 0
Persona 5

I got scammed 3 times because of Sup Forums lol

>not BoTW
reminder that BoTW has higher score than any of those games listed.

finally, someone takes out run down a peg

Outrun is great though

>People on Sup Forums screech about how 2017 is the year video games got great again

>Buy Yakuza 0
>its shit
>Buy Nioh
>Buy Persona 5
>it's shit
>Buy Horizon
>it's shit
>Pirate BotW
>it's shit
>Buy Prey
>it's shit

Wow. Such an amazing year, guys

BoTW was extremely good though. With some fresh stuff. While Persona 5 was just like all the other personas, nier is just another MGR:R clone with some other stuff and nioh was... So fucking bad lol

>buy shit
>it's shit

>Pirate BoTW

>BUY nier

how does it feel to be retarded ?

anything you did enjoy from this year?

>Not pirating Nier, BotW, Persona and Prey
wew lad

What the hell games do you even like

You take that back you faggot

I don't know what to choose from, honestly. In the past years you could always easily identify the overrated trash by finding the one or two games people swore weren't shit that year (they were always wrong) like Witcher 3, Overwatch, or Bloodborne, but this year there's so much trash people are honestly deluding themselves into enjoying.

Nioh, Resident Evil 5, Nier, Horizon, Persona 5, Prey, Breath of the Wild, Yakuza 0, all garbage, but people keep touting them as legitimately good games. It's mind-boggling.

Is 2017 finally the year where Sup Forums starts eating shit en-mass just to pretend the hobby is good again?

Only 30 years too late

Will I like 0 if I loved the other Yakuza games?

I dont even play the game lol, just because I buy it doesnt mean I play it xP

Hell yeah. Combat is the best it has ever been.

Go ride a bike or something

Every year I've been seeing the same complaints about gaming since I got a computer in like 95. Maybe it's just you that can't enjoy shit. Maybe Sup Forums and everyone else complaining only likes old stuff because they weren't depressed sad sacks back then, or they were too young and dumb to realize things were not great back then either. Who really cares?

2017 year that games got great again. lul really


>deluding themselves into liking

Geez, thanks for telling me my fun was artificial. I'm sure it has nothing to do with you or your shit taste mate.

You should take up whittling or something, because you seem to have grown out of videogames.


why did you lie to me

>nier is just another MGR:R clone with some other stuff
I... what? Did you even play the game? Hell, do you even know what game we're talking about? That's so far off the mark that it leads me to believe you don't.

>nier is just another MGR:R clone

I recommend Mass Effect Andromeda.

congrats! this is the worst most uniformed post on the board of 2017 so far!

Breath of the wild
Unknown battlegrounds
Persona 5

Im tired of every single fucking conversation in this fucking board being hyperbolized. JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE SOMETHING OT ITS BELOW AVERAGE DOESNT MAKE IT SHIT. Shit is fecal matter, literal garbage not competent or average games. Big Riggs is shit, Bubsy 3D is shit, unity asset flips on steam are shit. None of the games you mentioned are SHIT. START SPEAKING LIKE AN ADULT

It's without a doubt Breath of the Wild. While I think it's a fun game, it's nowhere close to the 10/10 masterpiece that people praise it as. It's an 8/10 at best. I truly do not understand how anyone who has played that game can consider it one of the greatest games ever made.

Every other game that came out this year has been fairly reviewed. Nier was around 7-9's. Nioh was 7-9's. Persona 5 was 7-10's. All of these games had some negative reviews as well. Breath of the Wild is the only one that was unanimously given perfect scores across the board when it's not even close to deserving a perfect score. I don't think I've read a single negative review of Breath of the Wild either.

I'm writing one right now but I'm too scared to publish it.

Out run isn't so bad

>Shit is fecal matter, literal garbage.


What is it that you enjoy you jaded fucks?

if you faggots think Yakuza 0, Nier AND Persona 5 were all shit then vidya is not for you

find another hobby, fucktards.

hahahah every game on Sup Forums is shit hahahahah classic hahahaha it all sucks hahahah my taste is good hahahahahahahaha fuck games hahahahahahaha but i cant stop talking about them hahahahaha its shit hahahah shit hahahaha everything shit hahahahah


i dont play weebshit

>all these PC faggots pretending to have played these games

I would literally pay for the chance to horrifically murder all of you.

how much?