Black Desert Online

$5.99 on Steam. Is it worth the try? Or is it not worth the time? Reviews say not awesome end game but it looks fun.

How is the sandbox aspect I see being said of the game?

It's fucking pay2win garbage

I think the combat is fun with a controller, but don't expect to play pvp that way.

I enjoy the game but a ton of people on here will shame you for bringing this cash-grab up.

Its only use is to make hot sluts with the character creator.

>Reskinned Archeage that costs money to play
no thanks

For $6 its' not bad.

Once you hit softcap tho it just becomes dull. The other aspects of the game are pretty much pay2win or waiting game.

quick rundown?

I use an MMO mouse with all the buttons on the side so I would mainly use that. Do have a controller in case though.

For $6 doesn't seem bad, I may just try it.

The videos I'm watching say the same thing. May not bother me too much though

It's action combat, crafting is pretty big, taming for horses that have levels. Has some light story with the usual questing.

pvp exists but pointless due to xp grind and
as you can buy yourself better stuff

I think it's a good game to play casually if you avoid the pvp but don't expect to become the best player without noliving & $$

pay2win shit for waifu faggots
browser game tier model pop-in

Not Steam version is on sale too

I don't like the idea of something or someone keeping track of how many hours I pump into an MMO.

It's pretty nifty, unless you intend to PvP. Very serious pay to win shit there desu. Also massive amounts of grinding once you hit level 50 or so and up to date gear becomes critical.

If those two things don't bother you, definitely give it a try desu. It's pretty, the world is comfy, and it has some fun features that other mmos should steal. Nothing really major but f.ex simple parkour movement with grabbing onto ledges and pulling yourself up nanodesu.

It's pretty fun if you treat it more like a single player open world sandbox RPG and aren't obsessed with trying to be #1.

Not really. Even if you do buy things from the cash shop that people like to say are mandatory for how much convenience they provide you're still spending significantly less overall than you would playing MMOs like WoW.

Get a better PC. It's not pay to win either, so stop memeing.

I enjoyed it the most as a singleplayer game with great ingame communications for a nice community. There's a ton to do, but sometimes you have to search for it. There's supposedly a great guild wars system as well, though I never gave it a chance

OP here, thanks for all the information everyone. I bought it and am going to try it out. Have a good one.

There's a 7 day trial available on their website.

>tfw no Steam package with maid outfit
Why live?

not available in my country

the combat is alright and the character creator is incredible but there's a lot wrong with it. there's no endgame besides just more grinding. there's a lot of systems and mechanics and they aren't explained very well. but you can play at your own pace and level up doing basically whatever you want. gathering, crafting, quests, grinding mobs. it feels less like an mmo, and more like a single player game with other people around. the marketplace is awful. it's poorly translated and the voice acting is laughably bad. but yeah, it's alright for six dollars.

it's just a shitty korean engine, no in game setting will change that
enjoy the cash shop though

For being shitty it's definitely one of the most beautiful MMOs, if not the most beautiful MMO.

this may be a turn off for you, but you get rewards for being just ingame and keeps track of how long you play, and you also get rewards if you minimize the game into the background too. great for colder winters.

I've got 3 56 characters, not sure I want to make the leap for 58 when they become at least viable for pvp. how is the pvp? castle sieges look like fast-paced ragnarok online WOE chaos

This is exactly why I'm hesitant to get it on Steam.

I'd rather play on mid and have a decent draw distance

why dont you fuckin try the trial 7 days b4 buying it

count the minutes, you cannot refound it after 2 hours

you literally cant see shit becuz of trees and grass

So what's the Sup Forumserdict?

So you do have a bad PC and that's why you don't like it.

So just like real life.

as I said you can't change it in the settings

Just picked it up. Heard about the pay2win but I'm just looking at something to dabble in casually, and seeing as it gives you benefit even while offline, it seemed interesting.

I only bought this cause of striker.

>Once you hit softcap
What does that even mean?

how does afk rewards work when you can get pk'd starting at lv 45

>It's not pay to win either

Apparently I need a pet for combat not to be tedious shit.

Is it cheaper to buy the adventurers pack for the pet and the mount? How long will I have to play before I can get a pet and mount in game, or how much would I have to pay on cash shop?

how big you can make the girl ass in this game?

Unless you live on the west coast then I hope you enjoy constant lag and 110 ping.


They give you a mount really early into the game just following the basic quests.

how is the ERP

You know the answer to this already.

>not big enough

>They've gone from shilling in XIV threads to making their own
So this is the power... of P2W Korean devs...

Pvp is 60% of the game though.
Without it you're just doing boring, simple minigames and grinding mobs that can barely fight back for endless hours.


Im more interested in Tera next generation of mmo i really enjoyed reaper gameplay.

well he's getting a buff in the next patch but his teleport is still bad

Isn't Tera dead? I just want a fun game to play.

Have they fixed the graphics.
I remember this game being a huge ugly pile of shit.
The people, trees, grass, the monsters, all popping in and out of their high poly/low poly forms regardless of settings.

Ugly smeared turd with shit AA locked into pop-in graphic hell.

If the game is actually pretty now I might play it again.
Shit was making my eyes bleed before.

its shit
i made a new character, I have no idea wtf to do because the game is confusing as fuck.
It doesnt tell you about skills and that retarded shadow with red eyes is still on screen telling me that the minimap is on top right corner
On top of that, I passed 4hrs so I cant refund it

Softcaps are sudden diminishing returns, like when the XP requirements for leveling suddenly jump up to five times the previous level while enemy XP stays the same.

I think ff14 is for you, go there, make a cat or lalafell character or a roe if you're on the gay side, start crafting so you can buy slutglam and dance around in town centers. Then, do raids before major expansions when devs give you a 15% boost to your damage and health.

P2W korean grindfest done well

Git gud casul.