Would this game be remembered more fondly if it wasn't so tremendously far up its own ass?

Would this game be remembered more fondly if it wasn't so tremendously far up its own ass?

Its like the Kanye West of video games.

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Are you talking about DMC reboot?
Because i thought this image was from Donte's arcade mode from that Sony Smash game.

Would be remembered better if it wasn't titled Devil May Cry.

Yes its from DmC.

The pre-release attitude from the developer on top of it being up its own ass and wanting to be Devil May Cry while also wanting to be its own thing were issues in terms of non-gameplay. Gameplay was a huge problem until the definitive edition which did what it could to fix DMC from what I hear, but it still isn't as up to snuff as something like Devil May Cry 1, 3, and 4.

I wouldn't call it an outright bad game, at least not the PS4 version which is the only one I played, but a misguided and needlessly vindictive game that had people justifiably outraged.

Pretty good rundown, fellow. I was one of the ones who they were actively trying to shit on which lands this game squarely on my blacklist for all time. They literally went out of their way to alienate fans like me though so i assume they're willing to take responsibility for that. I'm willing to move on, too. Hopefully Anno is working on 5

That's the entire reason it's remembered.

People would just call it a DMC ripoff instead.

Nah. I played both versions and it's just not an entertaining game. If it wasn't for the DMC connection, it'd be as forgotten as the rest of Ninja theory's other games.

I liked Andy Serkis.

*In Enslaved


Nobody would have given a shit about this game if it didn't have "Devil May Cry" written on it and it would have been forgotten quickly, just like every other mediocre hack and slash games nobody cares about.

The game was very decent though, it's just that instead of 9-10/10 it was like 7-8/10.

For this game to be remembered more fondly, devs should've done what fanboys expected, not what they wanted to try.


>okay we want to take this existing ip but none of the previous fanbase
It was flawed from the start

It'd be remembered more fondly if they didn't have the white wig scene. That scene was disrespectful in a distasteful way and is more or less the sole reason why everyone got pissed off.

If that weren't included there'd be more people who liked it, though it'd still be a mediocre game. But plain mediocrity is a big step up from the disrespectful shit that it is.

>It'd be remembered more fondly if they didn't have the white wig scene. That scene was disrespectful in a distasteful way and is more or less the sole reason why everyone got pissed off.

The proof the DMC fanbase has extreme levels of autism.

It's a bad scene and they handled it poorly. It deserves to be shit on. Deal with it.

>the sole reason
I can hear your autism screaming in my ear

I will agree that the wig scene was disrespectful to the fans and made me roll my eyes so hard, I got a migrane. But please just shut the fuck up.

Go fuck yourself. Anyone who enjoyed the original DMC has every right to be disgusted at a scene like that. I'm not saying DmC is a terrible game because of it.

No it would have just been one of the average action games people don't really care about like one of the lesser God of War games of Castlevania.

>the sole reason
Do you even understand what you're saying?

Enslaved made me hate him. That ending was obnoxious

"Would this game be good if it wasn't so bad?"

Yes, user. If games are good, they aren't bad. You've cracked the code.

It's autistic to think the whole game is terrible for that scene, sure. At the same time, the hate is justified and I don't blame people for thinking that way.

The whole game was gonna be worse until they got Alex Garland in. There was going to be a bit at the beginning where there's a prisoner hanging, desperately shouting for help. And Monkey was going to kick him in the face until he fell. So Garland's like, what the fuck, why would anyone do that? To which Tameem says 'well, we're establishing early on that he's a badass!' At which point Garland tells him, quite rightly, that doesn't make him a badass, that makes him a fucking psychopath.

This game would be so much more fun if the Spanish joke vid, music and all, was the actual game we got

I found it pathetically hilarious when in the end his hair turned white.

It renders moot the stupidity of the wig scene. Maybe that's one of the many slap on the wrist crapcom made during development?

>the sole reason

> Fuck you
> Fuck you
> Fuck you
> Fuck you

10/10 writing.

I never said the hate wasn't justified you autistic retard. I'm saying that
>more or less the sole reason why everyone got pissed off.
is a retarded statement when plenty of shit existed that pissed off fans of the series
I don't know how retarded someone has to be to respond with
when nobody said anything that challenges
> Anyone who enjoyed the original DMC has every right to be disgusted at a scene like that.

This game is the best thing that happened that happened to dmc.

The white wig scene if it was a Platinum Game would have been regarded as TOP KEK as a in-joke about the series history

Pretty much. I've actually played the game, and it is pretty good. But the fact the developers went out of their way to be edgy and assholes toward the franchise and the fan base, it vastly took away from the game.

You'd think it would be common sense that if you're trying to sell stuff, you shouldn't spit in your customer's face regardless of the quality of your product. But I guess it's hard for folks to throw away their egos and concede to being good goy cucks even for money.

>is a retarded statement when plenty of shit existed that pissed off fans of the series
The overwhelming majority of fans' frustration is due to that scene. It's a reboot from a completely different dev, so getting pissed off at changes to the characters or mechanics would have been exclusive to a very small autistic group of people who can't tolerate change or understand the concept of a third party dev being hired to do a reboot. And if anything, the hatred would then be targeted at Capcom exclusively.

Rebooting is not the same as spitting on the original thing. But that scene spits on the original thing. So the hate on Ninja Theory and this game is founded on that scene, almost entirely.

Come to think of it, you do have a point.
Tameme's writing and characters are so cartoonishly edgy that they would make for a hilarious new IP with original characters; but even then, the problem lies in that Tameem takes himself too seriously and genuinely believes that he is able to do good writing.

>very small autistic group
feel free to check
>the people laughing at you using 'sole reason'
>Sup Forums archive with years of people criticizing DMC pre and post release
>years of people all over the internet criticizing DMC pre and post release
what's hilarious to me is that you weren't even self aware enough to realize how retarded it sounded to claim that the scene was the sole reason for people being pissed. You didn't even understand what people were calling you out for when you posted Stay delusional

>Rebooting is not the same as spitting on the original thing. But that scene spits on the original thing. So the hate on Ninja Theory and this game is founded on that scene, almost entirely.

No its not. The majority of hate came from the reveal trailer where Donte looked like a crack addict and literally nothing they showed looked like DMC. They backpedaled a lot with the final game.

>Fornicateth thou


>donte is a manlet
Everything makes sense now


Huh? But that's above average!

>almost every website was trying to defend this

I thought it was some sort of joke or something. EVERYONE was pulling out the "entitlement" card. Fucking advanced shilling going on there.

Credit where it's due, blaming childhood meningitis for his amnesia was a good idea. Meningitis can be responsible for memory loss, especially in children. Plus, it's genuinely something I've never seen done before in a game, movie, whatever.

Fuck the rest of the game though.

You are a fucking retard. The majority of the hate is targeting Ninja Theory and the bitching about other things in the game are founded on that hate. The hate is founded on that scene. If that scene wasn't in the game, you wouldn't see ANY of the bitching and hatred we see now. You might see bitching and hatred at Capcom for giving it to a third party dev, and people who still argue that the game is mediocre, but it would be of a completely different nature of complaint then.

I don't think it was shilling. I think journos defended DmC because the original Devil May Cry represented something they hated: Silly and childish fun.

DmC was a reboot they got behind because it was more edgy and mature. They saw it as a franchise that was trying to """""grow up""""".

It's not a bad game, certainly the best action game of that year(or did MGR came out the same year? i forgot) but it's not a good DMC game and Tameem is a retard.

One thing i can't defend though is people shitting on Dante after Vergil shoots the baby. Of fucking course he acts "edgy", Vergil ordered him to and Dante itself was shocked in that situation.

not in a million years

>the entitlement card
That's such an idiotic argument in general. No one was getting the game for free, Capcom is not our mom who lovingly gives us an allowance; these are products which are sold to consumers for full retail price, and if the consumers don't like the product, there is clearly something that went wrong and it might need to change.

But then again, videogame "journalists" are on a totally level of having their heads up their own asses.

Yeah, MGR came like a month later.

I don't understand how people can ask for dmc5 from E3 after this shit.

>The hate is founded on that scene. If that scene wasn't in the game, you wouldn't see ANY of the bitching and hatred we see now.

It was founded on the 2010 TGS reveal trailer you fucking retard. The backlash was so strong that Donte didn't even smoke in the final game.

it's because Dan does a total 180 from 'what the fuck is wrong with you' to 'lol dead baby, mirite?' The one time he could've shown some character growth that didn't involve him trying to get into Kat's pants and, wouldn't you know it, they fucked up.

>the credits literally flipped off everyone that bought the game
This entire game was made out of bad choices

Perfectly said.

Let's say I got the PS4 version for as cheap as possible...maybe $5. Is it worth it? Is the combat actually decent or is it brain dead easy? Does the PS4 version come with the vergil stuff?

But Kanye West is a genius.

so are you saying its a good game?

Yeah, the remaster comes with all the DLC. I mean, if you get it dirt cheap, maybe you'll have fun with it. I got the PS4 version off ebay for a couple of bucks, finished it in a day and didn't feel like I had fun at all. The Vergil stuff, I did in a single sitting. That's just me though, you might enjoy it more than I did, and I really hope you do.

If it was its own game and not apart of the devil may cry franchise, it would be perfect as its own hack n slash.

There was just so much lies and slander coming from ninja theory to devil may cry fans. I remember how they would block people who as legit questions tat weren't sucking their dick.

Tameme is a fucking joke.

No it wasn't, stop making shit up. Or are you part of the small autistic group of faggots I'm talking about?


No, he's pretty spot on. The hate started early on with this youtube.com/watch?v=OgfXeUldLt4

Then in an interview Tameem sounded like a smug prick because capcom came to them to make the game.

>sole reason

So not the constant fuck you? Not the floaty mechanics? Not the "story" itself?

everyone at ninja theory needs to be shot just because of the writing in this game. the gameplay was honestly fine, but jesus fucking christ the writing.

Don't forget the lack of lock-on, the fact that your rank is based on damage done in a short timeframe, not the moves that make up the combo, the light/dark damage mechanic that made enemies a chore to fight...

Raiden's characterization in the entirety of MGR was disrespectful. But I guess when a game is made by Platinum and makes a character "CUH-RAY-ZEE" it's OK to shit on established characterization and lore, right?

DmC do did everything that MGR did, yet MGR is praised while DmC is vilified. Cognitive dissonance out the fucking ass.

Sorry you're to underage to remembered, but the DmC hate started from day one.

People joking so hard about Tameem looking like Donte is probably what made them make the wig joke to begin with.

>post of a man who didn't listen to codec calls

You missed out.

It only started that early with autists. Tameem's response fueled that further. I guess you can say that his public responses are as problematic as that scene, I'll give you that.

I'm not saying those things wouldn't get hate anymore. But they'd get far less.

God he actually has a skunks ass on his head.

>they'd get far less

No, I still hate it for those "sole reasons".

SSShakespearean dialogue


It wouldn't be remembered at all.

It was a poor hack n slash with zero depth, no lock-on, and zero skill.

That TamTam was up his own ass is the least of its problems.

To get away from autists calling autists autistic, how would everyone order the games in terms of overall quality?

For me, it's 3>4>1>2>DmC

I honestly never had a problem with DMC'S actual story. It was fucking stupid as shit and I would have loved it if only it wasn't taking itself absolutely seriously and thinking it was making a bold social commentary by rehashing They Live with capitalism demons.

>They'd get far less
>No, because I still hate it



2 is hands down the worst game in the series in every respect, although lucia was better girl than whatever squirrel semen's name was

I get the feeling most people will agree with the 3>4>1 order, it's just a question of which game is more objectionable, DmC or 2

>squirrel semen

I completely forgot this was a thing


3=1>43 and 1 are great for different reasons.

DmC didn't happen.

>we will never have a game about a bandito samurai cutting down the cartel with music by the Gypsy Kings

Nah I agree with this mentality. I wouldnt even buy DMC5 if it was ever made simply because of how poorly they treated the fans.

Yes. The game wasn't nearly as bad as the Pre-Release shit storm.

People can gripe about it being unnecessary to reboot it but most of the shit it caught was because of how Shitty Ninja-Theory's PR were with the reception. I can say without a doubt in my head though that Vergil's Downfall was possibly the worst DLC I have ever had the chance to play, not only did it make Nu Vergil an even shittier character it managed to make the Lord's of Shadow DLC's that they ripped off look good by comparison.

No, ultimately the dumbed down gameplay is what killed it for most people. The enemies don't even attack if you don't move the controller.
What the fuck was capcom thinking, hiring the developers of heavenly sword to make a DMC game? It's a terrible fit.

And then there's this asshole...
Dessicated squirrel semen! That's what makes the magic!

I might actually replay DmC now, that game hit unprecedented levels of retarded hilarity sometimes


>3 and 4 better than 1
How about "no"

The Interwebs was on an outrage at the first trailer. Then the shill reviewers went full defense mode the first days of release but was ultimately silenced by the disapproval of the players.

>The enemies don't even attack if you don't move the controller.
There's enough ammunition to use against DmC without needing to just make shit up.

>Redo the character design
>Leave out the better looking psychological backstory they teased and turn him into a Jersey Shore Swaggot.
>"You just don't like him because he doesn't have White hair."

The enemies were a bit anemic on terms of attack.

All autism.

Thinking about it, the enemy designs were ahead of their time. It wasn't until Dark Souls 2 was released that we had a game containing a greater Big Dude In Armor-style enemy count.

I know you were trying to make a joke here and all, and haha, but please stop posting.

Complaints. user. Just because everyone is not a placated retard like you, doesn't mean everyone else is an autist.

Complaining that early in is autistic. It's a reboot so they are allowed to change things to their vision.

>O rly?

Kill yourself, Alex.