Where is he now?

Where is he now?

same place as all the other cancerous ecelebs. living off his autismo bucks

>TFW he made an ass out of himself and came out as a huge retard that was brainwashed by Breitbart

>wanting white nations to stay white counts as being brain washed now
wew lad
the absolute state of Sup Forums

dead like his career

My girlfriend and her friends say I remind them of him, and I'm deeply offended by this.

I think they're calling you fat

The funniest thing is that the swears he is white


>Compares white imperialism of South Africa to Mexicans immigrating to the US
>(Destiny) "Do you think that it's okay for a country to stifle its growth to maintain a homogeneous cultural identity?" (JonTron) "Yeah, I think it's fine."
>Yeah, but if they assimilated, they would enter the gene pool eventually.
>We have gotten rid of discrimination in western countries, if you don't believe it's gone, you're living in a fantasy land.
>People like me are supposed to listen to people like you chatter on about this oppression in America that doesn't exist

This is not Sup Forumstard level shit, but it is "redpilled" level stuff. Jontron was brainwashed by sites like Breitbart.

is Jontron the next Spoony?


Well, I am kinda fat.

>fat iranian thinks he'll be part of a pure white america
wew lad

In redpilled heaven

He was making generalizations that black people are inherently more violent than whites because of race and not culture

his middle name is literally Aryan

>implying Jontron had talent

Doing podcast and guest appearance left and right.

>Implying Spoony had talent

>Discrimination is dead so minorities need to stop complaining
>If white people become a minority they'll be discriminated against


People want to invite him anymore?

>le fat funnyman gaymur who recognizes white genocide but is too scared to verbalize it yet

Niggers are more violent tho

What a cuck

Is there a difference?

Something something facts are racist now huh?

Blacks are more violent due to race and culture.

If they weren't inherently violent they wouldn't have created their violent cultures.

From africa to the states, no black culture ever rose above their violence.

what exactly are brown people doing to prevent whites from breeding themselves? can you really blame browns for the declining white birth rates or are whites simply just cucks?

You can't be brainwashed by a news site containing reports based on fact

Have you seen how non-whites treat other non-whites?

White people are literally the most compassionate race on the planet to other ethnic minorities.

But that's true.

Mostly people like Sargon and other "le redpilled" circle, he's out of the "gamerz" club for good.


Never heard of creating context before?

Ross's wife Holly is the biggest bleeding heart SJW there is, and she's still friends with Jon


in retardland
Hope he stays there with his gaymergate clique.

Black people aren't inherently more violent, niggers are.

People need to know the difference.

one is a social construct, the other is inherent duh



Also while discrimination still exists it's illegal, and has been for a while. On an institutional level there's little else you can do about it if people don't press it in court.

Also Destiny is a pile of shit of a person and doesn't have any moral high ground to talk down from.

Heterosexual consensual sex for the sole purpose of procreation with brown people = White Genocide

Didn't you get the memo

minorities don't have white guilt


nice buzzword, faggot

T. Racist faggot who don't know shit

This is how I know you're from Sup Forums

>Implying it isn't his fault for being a retard

No one brainwashed him, he was just too lazy and racist to look up facts.

Injuns have been fucked hard though. But they should have just negotiated for a higher price for the pipeline. Its time to completely integrate.

What will the next insult be now that "cuck" has become meaningless?

nice salt, libtard

Niggers are niggers and will always act that way when given leeway.


poopoo peepee dunderhead

Wrong. They were doing just fine before imperial colonialism and some areas that you are generalizing for all predominantly black nations are ones that never recovered from it. There are many peaceful black nations and smaller tribal communities in existance today, which are in fact the majority. You are just virtue signalling your racial prejudice, Sup Forumsidiot

>posting reddit frog

How much money did he make off of Starcade that he can just not make videos for six months?

>implying im from Sup Forums

I live in a black neighborhood. Black people are pretty normal and even they say the few shitty niggers make them all look bad.

>t.vitue caller
The more you'd look at facts, the more the word "racist" would mean to you. Just look at what Africa was, is and would be. They've been like when Europeans arrived and when they left.

yes, and?

... at least he has proof, unlike you.

That's been a Sup Forums thing in general since the beginning of time.

Do us all a favor and please just go back to lereddit

Name one successful state in the continent of Africa.


t. CNN

>coming to an anime imageboard and complaining about the anime
go back to r/the_donald


Really it's mot brown people that are the problem but that poor people for some reason shit out too many kids for them to hope to afford to take care of while middle class people tend to have fewer children because they have the mind to take care of them.

That the ones crapping out kids they can't take care of happen to be brown seems less relevant to the issue

Where do you think you are?

Thanks mdude for proving my point you're a racist piece of shit

>They were doing just fine before imperial colonialism
>this justifies them behaving like psychopaths hundreds of years after

He joined ISIS

So we're no longer pretending this is a Sup Forums related thread then

>going to Sup Forums to spam his anime bullshit

back to Sup Forums

>They were doing just fine before imperial colonialism
No they weren't. They were killing, slaving and genociding each other since the first before colonization.

The "peaceful" ones were the isolated tribes that has no one to fight with but was quick to be brought into conflict ones they make contact with other tribes. Stop romanticizing your view on the world.

wrong bureau labor statistics show blacks and whites, socioeconomic factors being equal, have the same exact tendencies towards crime. the big difference being that browns are exponentially more likely to be convicted for it because, surprise, whites are in power.

None of that is wrong, though. Apart from the insinuation that the noble Anglo pioneers of South Africa have much in common with barbarous mexicans.

>implying we ever were

But Sup Forums is reddit

>t. The_Donald

>spam anime bullshit
>one image
imagine being this r*ddit

Yeah there's tons of reasons as to why this is the case but the fact you respond with that as proof shows how ignorant you are. African nations have been fucked over by first world corporations and governments for years and years. You're an idiot.

>coming to a right-wing activist site and complaining about redpills
go back to neofag

Sup Forums - Video Game Politics


Welcome. And do persist on staying an ignorant twat who'd never see the world for what it is and would continue having a petty and bitter disposition when what is don't align with what in your mind should.

More like because niggers dont obey the police but whites do.

All of that is wrong

Except he doesn't

Only t_d thinks that all of Sup Forums is just like the containment board they raided

>right-wing activist site


Sup Forums

>getting this mad about a red pulled faggot, whilst being a library cuck to the nth degree in a chinese photo board based on vidya gaems

Wrong. Richest blacks still have a higher homicide rate than the poorest whites.

Sounds pretty much like you. The fact you can make those ignorant statements is proof enough you're an idiot and a bigot

>some breeds of dog are smarter than others
>some are faster and some are stronger
I don't agree with western blacks, but with some genetic pools (aboriginals and parts of africa) eugenics is clear

Stormfront and r/the_donald

ok.. but why does pol blame browns for a declining white birth rate? it takes two whites to breed a white, where does a brown person come into play?

It was never meant to be. OP knew exactly what he was doing when he made this thread.