Characters who disprove Rule34

Characters who disprove Rule34.

It can't have porn if nobody knows it exists.


has that game been patched? I played like 20 minutes of it and it ran kind of shittily, and there were a ton of graphical glitches and hiccups.



If there is none, you must make some.


As soon as I saw this character I wanted to join the Koreans.

I was actually planning on picking the game up sometime because of Noah Gervais's review of it, but it seems to be pretty disliked by everyone but him. Opinions.

When exactly? I got it around January or so?

There is plenty of Cora r34. You underestimate the desperate Mass Effect fanbase.

It's pretty not good, and it's repetitive as fuck.

Hmm... They released a few more patches this year, but a bulk of the overhauls were done late last year. What platform did you play on? Consoles run fine, but PC is a tad YMMV. What sort of graphical glitches?

Aren't all open world games to some degree repetitive? It's an inescapable trait of the genre, although games like Homefront alleviate it by not forcing you to do open world busywork. It's like playing a racing game and saying, "Gee, it's almost like you go in circles in this game."

Not SFM though


you're lying as i'm jerking off to futa sorlag right the fuck now

Mfw when I can't tell whether this is the guy from The Darkness or the guy from Hatred.

ur mom


Since when did trenchcoat wearing school shooters ever get laid


Who dat

I've yet to see some tranny black belt yet

Speaking of which, is there any porn of Todd?

>Introduces best girl. Chocolate goddess.
>She gets shot in the face 2 minutes later.
>Introduces second best girl. Crazy hot bitch.
>She blows herself up 20 hours later.
>Introduces third best girl. Mexican goddess.
>She gets shrapnel through the torso.
All the hot wimmin die. I'm detecting misogyny here even though almost all the male characters die, too, including you.

I want Dana to sit on my face.

I actually enjoyed it. The multi weapon mechanic is pretty cool and the gunplay is alright



It is unbelievable that there is almost no Joanna Dark r34.

There are thousands of generic bunny-girl pornographic images online. At least post a halfway unique character.