Is this game worth it? why is there never a sale on this shit, or maybe steam summer sale soon?

Is this game worth it? why is there never a sale on this shit, or maybe steam summer sale soon?

I have it.

If you have autism or you're German, go for it. As for me, it's just a bit too autistic for me to stomach.

>demanding a sale on a fucking $20 game
imagine being this poor

Reviews are pretty good on this one. I didn't like it desu, but I suggest you to at least try it.

Developer is autistic and adamantly believes his game is worth that price and will never under any circumstances put it any lower

It's a shit game anyway, ignore the shilling

>paying full price for indie trash ever

wait out to see if it goes on sale

if not then buy it and if its not to your liking you can always ask for a refund

>overwhelmingly positive
>it's a shit game
>indie trash

the graphics are 1995 tier

Spending money on games that you deem trash is stupid to begin with

indie games are inherently trash and never worth full price unless they're $5 max

i liked it, until the only way forward was to find small patches of oil in far away locations surrounded by biter camps, which would grow stronger and attack you if you don't clear the 20-50 camps around the oil.
figured the game was as good as finished anyway

If you like planning and expanding your base it's a game for you. The moment you build 1 part you see possibilities to build more.

Starbound was Overwhelmingly Positive for some time after release, Steam reviews mean fucking nothing, you cocksucking shill.

Nice opinion. Stay poor faggot, I'll enjo

>Is this game worth it?
Yes, there's absolute shit tons of replay value here

>why is there never a sale on this shit, or maybe steam summer sale soon?
The devs say they'd rather have the game be a steady consistent price so people can just pick the game up for what it's worth rather than having to wait for sales
If the game was planned to ever go on sale, the base price would be at least twice what it is now

keep digging yourself deeper

t. AAA dicksucker
go back to playing mass effect andromeda

Did he died?

>The devs say they'd rather have the game be a steady consistent price so people can just pick the game up for what it's worth rather than having to wait for sales
>If the game was planned to ever go on sale, the base price would be at least twice what it is now

got a sack of shit for sale
only 10 bucks

I don't play AAA games, I'm just not a drone
$20 for a game with 2 hours worth of content is pathetic

>instead of being $40 and occasionally going on sale for 50% off, the game is just always $20
What exactly is wrong with this?

It's an indie pixelshit game that's worth 10$ full price, tops.

The developer seems to think he's created this incredible AAA-tier game when it's essentially garbage.

>le shit analogies
not an argument

>2 hours worth of content
the only thing pathetic around here is you shitting on everything for approval on an anonymous mongolian tapestry weaving board

yeah but I'm not playing it for graphics I'm playing it to sate my desire to gather resources and then process them into things I need to live

also you can genocide an entire planet and cover it with pollution, along with building a wall our president would be proud of and lining it with flame turrets

>game values and prices should revolve entirely around my only shitty memelord opinions

>$20 for a game with 2 hours worth of content is pathetic

You have to be a fucking brainlet retard to think Factorio has 2 hours of content. Maybe you don't like that type of game or just don't like how it looks, but you're completely ignorant of what the game even is, clearly.



>repeating the same content over and over again is ok when indie shitters do it

just pirate it lmao

fucking die poorfags

Is multiplayer worth it? is it okay to share autism?

arbeit macht frei

you can multiplayer on pirated version, i even bought a server when i played with friends who also pirated

ho ho, mon frer wee wee to you to poorfag

Pirate it you faggot and find out.

Where's the full price?
Looks like 1/3 of the full price since you seem to have no problem buying shit like Overwatch and CoD for $60.

You know never going full retard does not make you no less than a retard.

Rimworld is far better imo


>but it's unironically okay when nintendo and activision does it

I usually love sim resource management games like this but for some reason it just didn't click for me.

In most cases my satisfaction comes from the sense of organization and achieving certain player-set goals that can play out differently based on starting conditions and so on...

but in this game when I played it it just .... feels like I'm doing a chore. there's enough content there but it's just very mundane in the way it progresses and there's no surprises or interesting bits along the path

>Graphics are shit
Are they?

The game can take about 40 hours to beat on your first try.

Try something else

literally looks like an iPhone game

I hate white canvas games

give me a goal desu

how the fuck do you find the motivation to wake up every day?

good question

rimworld looks more interesting to be honest