What does Sup Forums think of Maximillion D00D?

What does Sup Forums think of Maximillion D00D?

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Didn't he say "Nigger" on stream and cried about it afterwards?


Don't mind him really. Don't watch his streams because it's a clusterfuck with 4-6 people in the room at the same time. Especially with the fat one (don't know his name) that does random voices, and screams a lot.


pretentious shit who doesnt know anything about fighting games but pretend to know, and having annoying teenage fanboys who think what saint max said is always true and not wrong

Yeah and someone donated 5k to his stream afterwards

Literally swedish pewdiepie of gaming.

I feel like he tries to be the gateway to fightan games for noobs, but he doesn't do shit to actual help people get better at fighters, he never answers any questions or gives any insight, he just shills games endlessly.

His "real talk" videos where he just talks are impressive. They don't seem scripted, he really just has the ability to spend ten minutes talking, without catching breath a single time, getting absolutely nothing across but saying the same thing he answered in the opening paragraph over and over and over again

Sympathetic guy, just not all that interesting.

Hard to have an opinion whenall i do is hear retarded jingles every 2 seconds while they just go THANK YOU SO-SO SO rather han fucking being entretaining.

Twitch was a mistake.

You should have seen this.


>being this wrong

Max isn't amazing at any game he plays, but he's consistently good in the vast majority of them, only one in which he was downright terrible was Skullgirls. I agree about the fanboys part though.

he's posted tons of tutorials but that may just be for mvc i don't know i haven't been checking lately

I support him because he played on my FFXI server back in the day.

He knows more about fighting games than anyone on Sup Forums. He just panders to casuals.

i hate le hype man and his drones

He's entertaining, and I like his video editing. I'm particularly fond of his Hype and Rage series as well as his Boss Rush series. I wouldn't really watch his videos for more than that though.

>wants people to talk aimlessly for hours
>so he can feel a friend-like connection
worst kind of person

Well he's probably the most "solid" youtuber to go to for fighting games imo

no, he doesn't
if you seriously think so you would be just a fanboy who don't know anything about fighting game

He is a fairly obnoxious gateway into fighting games. I consider him to be a necessary evil because his shilling works. Don't really care for him aside from Chinger changer nigger dagger

I hate Hype and Rage, his constant screaming is really annoying and comes across as fake hype more than anything.
Boss Rush is ok though, but he should stop being a bitch and start doing KoF bosses.

>he doesn't because i said he doesn't
Really showed him.


OK..... But what about Benny?

His Akuma series was a lot of fun.

I was watching his vids from the beginning, loved it. Then stopped watching cuz felt content was stale and too casual. Then last year re-subbed and love the streams. Prob wouldn't keep watching if not for the other 3

He is a racist because he said the N word

Dear god I hate that fat cunt


He and those autists flipping out over it made a bigger deal out of it than it needed to be. Just a fucking slip of the tongue.

He's popular twitch streamer 1471094, just a huge faggot. At least ninja dagger was hilarious.

Shut the fuck up dumbass

I was a long time subscriber.. couple of years, watched all his vidss..... Made a single comment on one of his videos pointing out tons of things proving he secretly works for capcom in some way shape or form and he blocks me. pretty retarded as to how hype he is about marvel infinite...shit looks like a fucking MOBILE/SMARTPHONE GAME!

>no, he doesn't

Right user. He's just been well known in the FGC since the early 00s when it was a core niche for no reason.



Max actually competed in tournaments. More than can be said about Sup Forums who get off beating on CPUs.

He's really not that bad a person. Granted he does quite a lot of unnecessary screaming and I feel he needs to brush up on some info related to particular games, but there are funny moments when he's with others. And he doesn't pretend to be amazing at any game. He definitely doesn't bitch about everything like Low Tier Whore

I looked at a little of his stuff but dropped it when he started going off on some social justice spiel that I really am not interested in hearing. I can't remember which video it was. Some lightgun game I think.

I just want him to stream more Darkstalkers so all his fanboys will start gettign interested in it.

They just wanted to fuck with him, nobody actually cared

Uh no. He wasn't well known in the FGC until his Marvel 3 Online Warrior series. He was kind of a nobody before that.

>average nu/v/ post

>proving he secretly works for capcom in some way shape or form
He's openly said he's done official work for them, promo videos and stuff.

kind of a gigantic faggot. the markiplier/jacksepticeye of fighting games it feels like

This. He started blocking and removing all comments that talked about him working for capcom

Well, playing the genre since old days do not means knowing about the genre correctly at all

To be honest I never think the saying of the persons who like NRS games are legit at fighting game in genral

And let's be honest I think he has strong bias to what he doesn't like, for example, the feeling of anti capcom games sentiment

He's not especially funny or anything unless you have the humor of a 7 year old. He's even worse around his friends. I guess people really get off to him yelling LET'S GOOOOOO over mundane shit. Some of the worst content they chug out is them dicking around with some random game for 10 minutes with nothing interesting to say about it or anything else for that matter.

>plays VSav
>wants to show off how cool BB Hood is
>tries to do magic series into super like its Marvel 2
>hmmm...why isn't this working

Is there a vid?

Fanboys will start to claim the game is rip off of Killer instinct that max loves

I think max is fine when its just him.
i just cant stand that nigger steve who sometimes shows up on stream or videos, guy tries way too hard to be funny and its really cringe. He also can't hold an opinion of his own and always changes his opinions on things to match, hes just really annoying to listen to

Benny is cute

I think he is genuinely a nice person and I like him but i think his "content" is lame as fuck.

someone post the collage of his fan's comments

i know Sup Forums loves to shit on him but I really like that guy
fucker makes insane dosh streaming tho so I'm jelly

this desu

Steve is better than Simmons who is just another pretentious contrarian faggot like most of Sup Forums. Steve is okay when he's not getting salty about stupid shit. I think his dynamic with Max is better than any of other guys. Like their RE5 co-op stream. Kenny is okay but he's a normie and fucks around too much.

Stopped watching a while ago because DUDE HYPE got old really quick. Plus I hated his fat friend, and he let his wife take part in his streams despite the fact that she's bland and uninteresting. That last part is what irks me most about Northernlion too.


>Be a literal who
>Super Best Friends shill you by mentioning you constantly
>Now mildly famous

Max "or Niggers as I like to call'em" Million

its a tough situation for streamers that are married, wives ALWAYS want to be part of the stream too even tho they have no insight or skill on the subject matter, maxs wife had boring cooking streams since she can't into fightan games, ive seen other streamer wives/gfs do the same shit. I used to watch this piano guy on twitch alot until his wife literally took over half his streaming schedule to fucking cook shit instead

I can't stand his reaction videos, I don't see the appeal in watching a grown man screech about video games. His regular videos, from what I've seen, are mostly him thanking people for giving him money over and over with whatever fighting game is the background.

Some of his shit might be good for beginners I guess but I just find him obnoxious


Out of Simmons, Kenny and Steve who is the worst?

The fat one is Simmons, he comes across as the biggest cunt I've ever seen, Steve is shit too.

His reactions to FF7 remake and Cloud in Smash are some of my favorite videos ever. I've watched them dozens of times.

Then they should make their own stream and coast off nepotism if they want the attention that badly. That's what happened with Lobos Jr's ex, she hung around the streams until she made her own and all the thirsty children flocked to her.



Lythero shits on him and its hysterical.

I'd say the ranking goes Kenny>Max>>>Steve>>>>>>Simmons.

>1 bit has been deposited on your twitch account

I like watching his non fighting game stuff more then fighting game streams.

Hes kind of annoying when playing fighting games cause he either loses bad and get low key salty or wins easy and is all "hah good games"


I know what this sounds like but his streams back before he got super popular were chill as fuck and I liked them a lot. He actually talked to people in the chat instead of just reading something "funny" he sees and going DUDE RIGHT!? HAHA!

I only know his name because I also wanted to complain about the really obnoxious one.

I see it's a popular opinion.

simmons is the worst, followed closely by steve

Benny is so ugly he wraps around to being charming.


he really likes ff7 but anytime anyone tries to suggest him any other FF or any other jrpg to try out he basically tells them to fuck off

I stopped watching around the time Killer Instinct first came out, and I remember in those threads people praised Simmons because he was overtly cynical towards everything and had jaded opinions towards a lot of games and culture in general. I'm glad to see that the forgiveness wore off and people realized that he's just a cunt.

What's so bad about Simmons? I have heard people complain about him.

maximillion went on youtube making misleading videos, stuck some peanut butter in his hair and cosplayed dr doom maximillions always first reporting all the news does a lot of reasearch too and thats how he gets all the views


If you like fighting games you should be sucking Max's dick even if you think he's a stupid faggot.

He rakes in normie attention and makes them think fighting games are cool and not scary things where the cholo at the machine stabs you in the gut because you kept tick throwing him. Normies spend lots of money, meaning we get more fighting games made.

it's simmons by far

>video title contains "HYPE!!!" or "RAGE!!!"
>it's him playing a videogame and occasionaly making a pretty mundane comment

>this entire thread

He's the only one who knew how to make Killer Instinct trailers. The Season 3 character reveals sucked without his editing.

>He rakes in normie attention and makes them think fighting games are cool and not scary things where the cholo at the machine stabs you in the gut because you kept tick throwing him. Normies spend lots of money, meaning we get more fighting games made.

This only worked for Killer Instinct and only because it's nostalgic in the first place.
His more experimental favs like Guilty Gear and the niche stuff like Nitro Blasters and stuff on fightcade dies in a single month like always.

>4-6 people in the room at the same time

Those are the only ones worth watching. His single player vids are boring as fuck. It's always fun watching him and his wife and friends play Mario Party.

He's nailed the youtube appeal down perfectly. Hell, I don't even play fighting games but I like watching his week of series, because it's just him and the game, no facecam. If anyone knows of anyone else who does similar stuff, please, I'm all ears
I don't really buy into the 'hype and rage' stuff but it works for others. I watched his Bloodborne and Nioh streams and they were pretty cool. Seems like I'm not missing much by avoiding the content with those guys.

Doesn't help that he drops every game after one month as well.

I used to hate Simmons, but then I realized that really it goes like this;

Simmons is just a fuccboi who likes platformers. He's got decent taste, but he's literally he physical embodiment of "stop liking what I don't like." He does occasionally come off as a cunt though for his nonsense opinions. Honestly, he just needs to get laid.

Steve is alright, but he's pretty plain and boring especially in fighting games. Only picks ryu or ryu-like characters and is definitely a scrub at nearly all of them. He's pretty entertaining when bad shit happens to him. I.E. gets rekt in Mario

Kenny he's my fave. I really can't hate on him. He's shitty in some games, but he's the funniest out of the bunch.

Last for not least we have Max.
Max is a good guy, but I cannot stand his policy when it comes to fighting games.

He's got a good point to ignore tiers and play who you like. However, he's waaaay to into that who "I play only characters who look like me trope."
Recently, I can't stand his whole gimmick about Tekken 3. He just nonstop goes on about how 3 was amazing and Jin is so cool... I cringe every time. Oh, and I given him a round of applause for at least publicly admitting that SFV was bad. For the longest time, he never talked shit about ANY Capcom games.

TL:DR: His personal channel is meh. Kenny is best boy. The non fighting games content is better than his own channel.

Who's the worst friend? They're all pretty horrible, but I vote Kenny. Dresses like a fighting game character every stream and repeats his shitty impressions over and over again throughout an 8 hour stream.


>he's waaaay to into that who "I play only characters who look like me

His wife asks him to do that because she finds it entertaining.

That said, he IS into a VERY specific aesthetic when it comes to character designs. He's clearly a huge fan of "only in the 90s" designs.


Can we just agree that his best Boss Rages were Bio Freaks and Asura's Wrath?

well, its funny to think so but it suggests his bias to what he liked and what he does not like, which means he just loves what he played for the first time when he was a teen

what he is saying is not based on actual knowledge or deep comprehension about the matters as fanboys are saying