Antagonists who did nothing wrong.

Go to bed Jack you ugly fuck.

>le did nothing wrong XD so badass

He trusted Lilith and Moxxie.


didnt he imprison his own daughter to suck the energy out of her to become more powerful?

i mean its not the worst thing anyone has done but its hardly "nothing wrong"

he said antagonists senpai

But the normalfags always view him as an antagonist

his daughter killed jack's wife accidentally when she first unleashed her powers, which is normal with sirens, so jack locked her up to keep her from hurting herself. using her power was a side goal.

he was cool in tales from the borderlands until he proved that hes a massive retard who has an over inflated ego

i trusted him and treated him as a friend, and he still got all pissy when i didnt want to be turned into a jackbot

Lilith was a bitch. If she didn't punch Jack things would have been better.

>second half of borderlands 2
>jack stops attempting to make jokes and just becomes a cringe factory
>that part where lilith has to remind the player that Jack is evil and lies a lot

And he was just a cheap, evil version of Archer/Awesome X from the start

>couldn't become a jackbot

fuck telltale and their choices matter bullshit

>ruins clementine

he fucked over the planet and was a general piece of shit that needed to die.

>didnt he imprison his own daughter to suck the energy out of her to become more powerful?

telltale originally wanted to have an ending where rhys became an actual ally of jack and kept helios running and became ceo of hyperion

gearbox, specifically anthony burch, said no, and so they were forced to force him to go full retard no matter what you did

>specifically anthony burch

see, I knew he was going to fuck things up because it was a Borderlands game.

Glad I did not get this off of PS+

It's also thanks to Burch that he required Telltale to include two scenes written by him, one in which a character talks about misogyny and another with two dykes kissing, both of which are jarring and out of place. He's just the best writer and is really nice and subtle about his personal views.

i also suspect the main reason he fucks over jack in tales rather than going with the original idea is because burch really hated jack's character because of how popular he became and how hated all the others were

And yet he was still the only enjoyable character in the game.


He killed Roland. He can go fuck himself.


Good I was so happy when Roland died. He tainted lillith

I was more upset when he killed bloodwing.

racist fuck.

To think an adlibbed line about stale pretzels completely shattered Anthony's sense of worth as a writer. Guy's pretty pathetic and this is coming from some asshole on Sup Forums.

Can't be racist since blacks aren't a race, they're a separate species.
Roland was gross.

I'm no racist I'm just not a fucking cuck either. Had to trash her as my waifu

But Roland was a bro. He climbed a mountain to regroup with you.

Roland was only character even remotely sorry for screwing over Jack

itt: retards who have no idea how anything works
Yeah man, Anthony Burch just walked in there and told them that they had to include two super politically-progressive scenes that had to be rendered, animated, voice acted, etc.
That's how that normally works: A fucking writer comes over and tells another company how they need to use their budget.
He's really got that kind of sway.
