What went wrong?

What went wrong?

This is the most half-assed rushed piece of shit i've seen.

>cool downs on shield is so short you basically have unlimited shield up-time
>the bullet travel on the gatling gun is so fucky you barely hit anything
>the damage is insane even at long distance either way
>the Ult is so fucking lazily done she doesnt even have a special name for it just "special attack"
It's obvious that little nigger child was gonna be the hero but they decided to play it safe due to the backlash and add in some fucking robot.

>It's obvious that little nigger child was gonna be the hero but they decided to play it safe due to the backlash and add in some fucking robot.
If anything it's the opposite. The nigger child was probably added in a day before they finished the character.

They were afraid of the filmaker porn if they created a model for the loli nigger, Blizzard is a pussy company, Orisa is easily the shittiest hero ever created. They should release Doomfist in June, ake a few extra bucks with the le epic Terry Crews memes and close the servers

What I don't get is why even give her lines like "I'm still new to this"
what the fuck do they plan on doing if she says this 5 months after shes been out

Normies can't into robot pussy

Other heroes have been at it for decades. She'll always be "new to this"
As for the Hero, she's just a bunch of copypasted garbage that adds to shield spam. Where is her skill ceiling? The pully-orb? Knowing when to "fortify"?

This, unless it's basically a human (2B) then they ignore it and go back to laughing at retarded shit on Facebook.


>make a taur
>make it female so we can't lust over horse dicks

>400 hp
>immobile, narrow shield
>enormous hitboxes
>alternate attack that's only good on Ilios Well and Nepal Sanctum, and only if you're playing against Silvers
>dumb stationary destroyable ult on a timer that doesn't do anything
>projectiles with spread
>the only time that Fortify is good is when a rein is charging, other abilities like grav, hook, and sleep dart will happen too fast for you to hit Shift

Eh, she's fine. She's not game-breaking like Ana but she isn't unplayable trash like Sombra. One of the few tanks who actually does a good job tanking damage.
7/10 could be better.

>Gatling gun tears a rein shield up in less than 5 seconds for some reason
Does anyone else notice this? I swear it does 10x damage against him

Not much.

>other abilities like grav, hook, and sleep dart will happen too fast for you to hit Shift
The key is to proactively fortify to allow you a few seconds where you can move in otherwise risky positions.You can also use it for things like walking out of a Zarya ult.

Jesus, are you a fucking grandpa? Sleep dart I can understand but if you can't use fortify on a roadhog hook, Mei ultimate, or anything else then you have no room to discuss this game objectively.

>the Ult is so fucking lazily done she doesnt even have a special name for it just "special attack"
What? It's called "Supercharger" isn't it? Though I will agree it is a pretty lazy ult and doesn't feel like it accomplishes much when used

Some niggress kid built her out of garbage, did you actually expect her to be any good?

If all her shots hit (which they should on a Rein shield), she can do 1,800 damage with each reload. That takes 12.5 seconds to dish out. Rein shield is 2,000.

No I never play Orisa so most of that post was me talking out of my ass

Fuck Orisa

>character literally no one asked for
>kit that has shittier versions of other heroes' abilities
>brings absolutely nothing new to the table
How the fuck did it ever make it past the concept stage?

played some during the weekend, not sure if gonna buy.
The turret is fucking ridiculous it kills squishier heroes in like 2 seconds and turns 360 when you try to sneak up on enemy team.

Well at least now we know most of Sup Forums is full of shit when they talk about overwatch.

How come most of Sup Forums says Reinhardt is overpowered when there are plenty of characters that can rip through his barrier?

>character literally no one asked for

People have wanted a viable alternative to Rein for a long time. Ironically, she is absolutely devastating when properly used in conjunction with Rein.

Orisa could use some balancing work but she's not the useless shitpile Sup Forums writes her off as. Just because she can't really replace Rein doesn't mean she is garbage.

I think the main problem with her is that her kit is so mismatched nothing meshes well with each other
>Physical shield to block damage
>Can also give herself "armor" which is almost useless since you already have the physical shield that should be up nearly 100% of the time
>Mini zarya ult in right click because ????. Nothing to follow it up with, extremely hard to coordinate with a team because it is so quick and finicky
>Ult provides passive damage, hard to tell if you are in range, doesn't feel like the damage boost is enough to be noticeable
>At the very least her gun does decent damage if you can manage to hit someone with them
It's like they took a bunch of other characters abilities, reskinned them, took away what made them good and slapped it into one character

Because Sup Forums also shits on every character who's good at breaking barriers like Bastion and Orisa, then they wonder why they are having a hard time with barriers.

A lot of pubs won't shoot his shield so it stays up forever, the amount of retarded roaghogs that stand around waiting for a rein to drop it for no reason so they can try for a hook rather than right click and demolish it in 6 seconds with their team is ridiculous.

Because most of Sup Forums plays in shitty low ranks where no one knows how to do any damage somehow. They just stand in chokes and shoot into it and let Reinhardt charge his shield over and over.

>be in plat
>pick McCree on attack
>round starts in your team gets shredded one by one by the bastion set up by the rein shield
>they've staggered your spawns and your team rushes to the payloads in groups of twos and there's, never able to bust the rein's shield
>a few times, you try to take down the shield by yourself with your measly six shooter
>you finally get your ult up, so you jump the corner and try to high noon their shield without your team's rein in front of you
>get hooked, slept, stuck with a sonar arrow, gravitoned, their Zen uses tranquility, genji deflects, and Reinhardt earthshatters you
>go on Sup Forums and complain that Reinhardt's shield is OP

shields get shredded in 6v6 engagements

>Can also give herself "armor" which is almost useless since you already have the physical shield that should be up nearly 100% of the time

You aren't always behind your own shield. Sometimes that shield is better off defending someone else or blocking the enemys line of fire. A tanks job is to defend their teammates, not necessarily themselves. With Reins shield, he protects both his teammates and himself simultaneously. With Orisa, your shield is for your team and your defense mode is for yourself.

>Mini zarya ult in right click because ????. Nothing to follow it up with, extremely hard to coordinate with a team because it is so quick and finicky

Orisa is a tank, not a DPS. Halt! is just the setup, it's up to your team to knock them down. If your teammates can't take advantage of that, get better teammates. Also, its very good for pulling people out of advantageous positions like around A on Anubis or the rooftops of Hollywood

>Ult provides passive damage, hard to tell if you are in range, doesn't feel like the damage boost is enough to be noticeable

It's a 50% boost, which is fucking massive.

i'd fuck her

Nigger there is a chunk of horsecock Orisa out there, don't even give me that.

Another character that adds no fun to the game. Shes just a lump that sits there and unloads her cannon. Like a shitty bastion.

Like everything in the world, women.

>Simultaneously throwing down barriers at the best place to protect my team, timing fortify to get through sticky spots, and yanking fags out of cover, all the while going DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA

I find Orisa to be very fun and engaging to play. It's a shame that if I ever actually try to play her, even as an offtank with Rein, people will autistically screech at me.


>high dps high hps support who can do AoE heals and damage and disable enemies for short while also she is a sniper
>basically a jack of all trades/mixed bag

>mid-high dps who can turn invisible and teleport and hack healthkits and enemies and disable large groups of enemies at once and see people with low health through walls
>basically a jack of all trades/mixed bag

>tank who has a gravity well alt fire a shield a machine gun and can fortify to stop movement cancelling ults
>basically a jack of all trades/mixed bag

noticing a trend?

>complains that she can't hit anything, meaning no damage
>then complains that she does too much damage
what did he mean by this?

>high dps

We didn't need another tank with a shield.

Yes. Really.

It's called a supercharger. It should have been called a turbo

Activision signed Bungie for Destiny.

This could have been a MMOFPS.

Not a whole lot? im a big fan desu, i have a hard time dealing with her as a junkrat main, but shes not too op or underpowered

It's 2k HP you have chew through before you can actually deal damage to anyone behind Rein's shield.

>isn't unplayable trash like Sombra
How's gold?

Ana DPS is the worst of all the healers now. Her HP/S is only slightly better than Zenyattas.

Ana is played for her anti-heal grenade, and stun; nothing else.

>release 2 hero that have been teased at for some time
>both are fairly bad and not meta
>release 1 hero with minimal teasing
>becomes one of, if not the best supports

>Her HP/S is only slightly better than Zenyattas
Ahahahahaha. Nice one dude.

he means its inconsistent

I love how we just refer to her as "that nigger child" never change Sup Forums

Who the hell put you on my planet?

Calling someone a football isnt offensive in the least, you guys need to find somethinf much better if you ever want to compete with "nigger".

>does 75 damage per shot, 4 shotting most of the heroes.
>120 damage grenade that stops healing and also heals ana and does damage
>sleeping dart nade shoot combo

>ugly grandma
>ugly mexican
>ugly african centaur robot thing
Can we get some visually-appealing design for the next character, please?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but a dude wouldn't got amiss either; Blizzard is clearly capable of designing attractive women, but by God if D.Va, Mei (and most of Mercy's) skins aren't godawful.

you take that shit back

Sorry, *fugly.

Orisa feels like they had 4 different hero ideas that didn't work so they mashed them all half-assed into one char. Looks like a mishmash of bad drawings from 10 year olds.

would you believe theyre going to LOWER her shield cooldown?

Looks like a battleborn character

I want to put a baby in Mercy

They nerfed her damage and slowed her ult danger rate

>Make casual game for fags
>Tell them to take it seriously
>Sup Forums takes it seriously

Pretty much all there was to it.


>ywn put a baby in Mercy

Pic Related, it's Orisa

>designed by a nigger
>shocked that its shit

really activates my almonds

>alternate attack that's only good on Ilios Well and Nepal Sanctum, and only if you're playing against Silvers
>the only time that Fortify is good is when a rein is charging, other abilities like grav, hook, and sleep dart will happen too fast for you to hit Shift

Found the Silver.

jack of all trades; master of none. she's mediocre at best and it's random if she's viable or not in comp

Blizzard made it and it came out after wow:wotlk

Wow... Blizzard really hasn't put our anything good since then have they? What happened?

I want to cum inside of Mercy while she complains that they're all over her

If she had hitscan, I think she would be perfect.

Horrible. I don't remember the last time I had fun

Blizzard was made part of Activision just a few months before WOTLK came out

What this game needs is a Mahou Shoujo or Mecha Musume character.
Some kind of battlefield sprite that glides around spreading death wherever she goes.

Well their stock certainly hasn't suffered for it.

user Phara already exists, she just needs a mecha musume skin without triggering the SJW's about her outfit or appropriation.

Orisa is the perfect example of how bad the Overwatch team is.

She has NOTHING new.
Her shield is just a cheap version of Reinhards shield.
Her pull skill is just a shit Zarya ult
Her damage reduction is just a boring % reduction skill
Her attack is just a mini Diva like attack with a bigger clip
Her ult is just a Mercy boost on the ground for the team

I can't believe how boring Orisa is. She can do "anything" but everything is bad and as a tank she dies too fast

They make games that sell because they appeal to a broad market of league of legends players and retards, so just retards basicly. They don't make good games anymore.

thats just how low level is, bastion and torb wrecking people who don't know how to play, teams learn to play around them eventually and they become almost useless

what was mccree like before he was nerfed up the ass?

It's simple, they ran out of TF2 characters to copy.

Every character created since they stopped plagiarizing TF2 has been a failure.

>Ult provides passive damage, hard to tell if you are in range, doesn't feel like the damage boost is enough to be noticeable
Nah supercharger actually melts shit. Problem is people suck at defending it most of the time.

I can't count how many times I've been able to just flank the enemy team and destroy their supercharger.

Which character is Ana?

In beta he was monstrous, each shot in Fan the Hammer did full 70 damage (totaling 420 damage). You could flash > FTH > roll > FTH to kill any tank in the game

Then he got FTH nerfed but was still top tier because in S1 shields weren't good or populaar

Then in S2 he was bad because that was the 'use overpowered ana ults on reaper' seasonn

Then in S3 he was bad because that was the 'use overpowered ana grenade healing on tanks and visor soldier' season

Then in S4 he was bad because that was the 'have a winston who dives the enemy supports and shield/pocket him' season

flash + rightclick instakilled any non-tank
tanks needed a roll + second rightclick but still died before the stun wore off.

>It's a 50% boost, which is fucking massive.
>lets make mercy even more fucking useless

None, which is why she was a failure.

Blizzard doesn't care though. Mercy and Widow and Dva got slutty shit already to reap the wallets of neckbeards.

So you don't play Overwatch then?

I like Overwatch's characters more.

Also, OW has more characters than TF2. :^)

>strongest character in the game
>a failure
I mean if you consider something being stupidly OP as failure.

Mercy does stack with it though, so that's fun.

I'm mostly bugged by how she's a literal mishmash of heroes

>Weaker reinhardt shield deployed like Winston's, but lasts a long time
>Mini Bastion Gun, but projectile based and slow so it's not as OP
>Mini Zarya ult alt fire
>Mercy beams for everyone

her unstoppable armor ability is her only truly unique thing.

And yet OW characters have shit, unmemorable personality.

>play 1v1 Arcade matches
>every other round has Orisa to choose
Why are they pushing her so hard?

Her rifle does 60 now, they nerfed her.
The grenade also only does 60 damage.

>I mean if you consider something being stupidly OP as failure.

Yes, that is a failure of game design, which is what we're talking about

they took advice from todd

who is a genius marketeer btw and is no way holding me at gunpoint