Perfect Dark

Have you played it? Is it not the best mission-based FPS ever conceived? It invented or perfected modern elements as well as features that have never been replicated to date:

>Open-ended level design that let you plan out your approach and tackle objectives in different order
>Objectives and sometimes level structure changed with difficulty mode, every level was unique and required attention and skill to complete on Perfect Agent
>Unique enemy animations and reactions, like dropping weapons and clutching specific body parts in pain when shot, surrendering when disarmed, and clearing weapon jams
>Best implementation of a weapon select wheel (no timestop, no visual clutter, diamond shape for ease of selection), only Turok 2 did it earlier and every game since did it worse
>Alternate fire modes for every weapon, including some very unique effects (proximity mines, turret mode, magazine discharge, wallhacks, pinball grenades, explosive rounds, etc.)
>Customizable multiplayer mode with tons of modifiers, including different AI presets for the bots
>Counter-operative mode where player 2 becomes mooks in the level trying to thwart player 1

The only things that were bad about the game were it sometimes running at literally single digit framerates and the awful control scheme. But did you know you can play it at 1080p 60FPS with full mouse injection? So why haven't you played this PERFECT game yet Sup Forums?

Fantastic couch multiplayer game, counter-op boys ww@?

>"Mr. President youre in danger. Trent is trying to kidnap you!"
>"You cant make accusations like that without evidence. I assume we have none?"
>"This is a recording of a meeting between Trent and the other Conspirators."

Why is Joanna such a smooth diplomatic operator?

I always thought Goldeneye was better back then. Perfect Dark was fucking wierd and had aliens and shit.

>not ashoom

My favorite game of all time
Call me a pleb if you must

yes, I just wish they had better Mp maps and more mp maps from SP. (like chicago, the real villa, carrington institute, etc)

and of course a PC version with online

Been playing it on 1964
>60 FPS
>mouse aiming
literally fucking perfect. or it would be if weapon balance wasn't so fucking crazy.

PD was the perfection of everything they were doing with GE. You could not care for the silly plot, but every aspect of the game (even down to aesthetic and music) was superior.

I just wish this game could be remade in a shiny new engine and even more solid gameplay design could be shoved in there. Imagine PD with actual stealth mechanics, reactive AI, and more ways to complete objectives.

You shouldn't have come here girl!

PD was my first game ever. I played the shit out of it when I was little and I still play the fuck out of it now. All I get out of it anymore is just the occasional Combat Simulator match though, there's not a whole lot left for me. I burned through all the possibilities with the gameshark on 64, got my mission times as good as I'm going to get them on the XBLA, and further pushed both on the mouse injector mod. It's one of my favorite games but after 17 years of playing it there's no novelty to it anymore. I wish a good developer had the franchise, it doesn't deserve to be in the position it's in

Recently found some novelty in fucking around with the GE Edit. So many Skedar animations were cut, it's a shame because it seems like there was supposed to be a bit more to them than just being the lizards that stand around and get shot for three levels.

Never beat the game as a kid because I couldn't figure out shooting the pillars for final boss is what was needed. Always got to him with so little health

>4 players, Max bots
>Custom weapon list: Fists and N-Bombs
>Plug-in big-ass sound system
>Game is a continuous succession of wobbly explosion sounds and slaps where no one can tell shit

Those were the days

This is why it always bothered me when people would try to name drop GE for gamer cred years after Perfect Dark existed.

I got stuck trying to gun down the Chicago robot.

I also remember at one point I was stuck in dataDyne Research but I was too little at the time for me to remember now.

>best mission-based FPS ever conceived?
nope sorry

Yeah, because in old games you could actually GET stuck and there wouldn't be a fucking indicator on your screen telling you where to go.

There were a few things that maybe could have been communicated better but it was so rewarding figuring out how to beat the levels and then putting the plan into motion. Games these days don't have that tension at all.

Doesn't Xbox 1 have remastered version with MP?

Ah shit, I do need to play this one, thanks for reminding me.

I preferred just playing normal deathmatch.

God I wish that xbox remaster made it to the pc.

Not remastered, it was a proper remake on the 360.

Yeah, there's an XBLA version with fully redone textures and online MP, runs at 60FPS. It's pretty good, except:

>Game is way darker
>Some weapons don't look quite as cool (CMP150 and K7 Avenger are given more realistic elements, less shiny)
>Minor point, but the weapons in your inventory are no longer sorted by weapon type (Pistols > SMGs > ARs > Heavy > Special), but rather by the order you picked them up.

Also the "aim down sights", if you can call it that, is utter shit on the Xbox controller. Better off playing the 1964 emulated version with M+KB unless you want the new textures or online MP.

must have had the most content in a fps ever

one of the best games ever made

>my first time seeing the fucking DY357-LX is made of cheese
>Maians all gross and wrinkly
>Skedar no longer cute

I wish they included a classic mode for the original graphics, like the Halo remasters did

I was with the OP until I saw this image. Perfect Dark is exceptional but NOLF2 is nearly flawless.

Counter op was really fun as a kid. Blending in and sneaking up on people even though you could just screen cheat



The lack of checkpoints REALLY pissed me off in ways I didn't thought possible

What the fuck was his problem?

It sucks that he's such a tool, because saving him in Area 51 Rescue (which the game only hinted that you could do by Elvis stating that using UFO "had no style" and by the design of the preceding levels) is probably one of the most thrilling and entertaining moments of the game.

used to being top dog and working alone then some rookie comes in on her very first mission, upstages him and steals the spotlight

I did, but I must say, that the controls of the game doesn't aged that well,
especially precise aiming is often hard, at least the game has an autoaim

also, some alternate fire modes are kinda, how should I say, "lame"
like that four pistols have "punch" has an alternate fire mode (on the plusside, I always found at least a good use for any firemode)

still a good game tough, it's just a shame that Microsoft bought Rare, imagine a Perfect Dark on the Wii, or on the Switch now

The team that made PD had already moved on.

Controls were indeed shit, so play it on the 1964 emulator. Mouse and keyboard with no auto-aim and no reticule movement. It's a dream.


Is there a preconfigured version that I can download so I won't have to go through all these hoops?

I was convinced that spinning alien gun was the key to beating him. Never killed him though. I got so pissed, never bothered picking the game up again, and ended up giving it away to a friend.

>>still a good game tough, it's just a shame that Microsoft bought Rare
>the MS killed Rare meme
important people started leaving after goldeneye. those who were still around after the move said microsoft gave them plenty more freedom with their games than nintendo ever did. the purchase didn't kill rare, it was already dying

zombie rare is just microsoft not willing to let go and accept that they fucked up and bought a studio that was on its death bed

amazing game
its not meant to have mouse support though. being able to aim accurately kills the ai, but it feels great.

also a couple years ago there was a download being passed around for mouse support but it had a virus. look out.

I picked up the 360 port literally yesterday. It's as brilliant as I remember it being.

>4 players.max bots
>Custom weapon list: tranqs and mags
>1 hit kill
>play on shitty tube TV
>have the straightest shooting gun but are traqed up constantly so cant see straight
you also had leathal injection on the tranq and pistol whip on the magnum.
god tier comedy fps fun.

why has no came managed to recreate the feels of perfect dark

This was my favorite game. I love you all.

Played it for the first time on xbla a week ago and it was ok. Thought like half of the levels weren't very fun though. Like that alien level where you have to escort elvis and you end up fighting barely any enemies. Favourite was probably the plane level.

>why has no came managed to recreate the feels of perfect dark
Older games were just more fun

>Perfect Dark
>Weapon list: Tranquilizers and fists
Drunken brawl mode!

>Weapon list: Golden Gun
>Mod list: DK Mode
Try not to die mode

>Turok 2
>Weapon list: Cerebral Bore
>Mod list: Monkey character
Try not to die mode turbo

the N64 version is the only game that lets you throw n-bombs at a black president

>split screen multi with friends
>never do anything but go straight for the tranquilizer gun
>spam it at them while circle strafing until their screen is perma fucked
>switch to lethal injection

It's the last FPS I cared about. Haven't owned one since.

How can you be tranqed if you die in one hit?

isn't it "ashoom you have some"?

YES! That's how he says it hahaha!

>Let her have it!
>It's a terrorist!
>My gun!

>Are you OK?
>Oh my god he's dead!
>Eh, I never liked him anyways.

>Remember playing with my friend Marc
>Put bots on highest difficulty setting
>Suspect they will cheat but with extra health and damage
>Start fighting the bots they're strong as fuck start running away in fear
>make a ton turns going through different rooms and hallways
>Bots on radar coming at us in a straight line literally walking through the walls

AI was fucking scary in that game.

At a certain point the multiplayer challenges became fucking impossible and I just beat them all with the exploit.

Yes, it is quite the game.

You could almost say its.......Perfect.

What does "Hostage One" mean? Were there meant to be multiple missions about rescuing hostages?

I always assumed it refers to Daniel as being the main hostage, top priority big dog numero uno.

Half-Life is better because in game story telling

I agree, PD has way too much filler and weird bullshit. Ge did its conventional gunplay better and had better music.

>why has no came managed to recreate the feels of perfect dark

ut2004 with tons of mutators gets pretty close

Bitch u talking shit bout muh nigguh Jonathan? He was invaluable in the Carrington Defense on the higher difficulties.

daaaamn remember this one

daaamn i remember this one

jeeeez recall that video game

>Someone picks up the N-BOMB
>Throws it
>Entire game drops down to 1 FPS

What the fuck were they thinking when they added that thing? Broke the entire fucking game.

tranqs were non lethal, not classed as hits, they just tranqued you up and the screen went all fucked up the more you were tranqued

plus it made you stupidly dizzy to add to the problem
i loved all the stuff that made you dizzy. especially the combat knives

Arguably the best FPS ever created. Shit gives Timesplitters a run for its money.

>reverse search image
>very first result is sjw crap bitching about muh sexisms

Video game "journalism" was a mistake.

the title is written in the bottom left corner, retard