"The game is fun. If it's not fun, why bother?"

>"The game is fun. If it's not fun, why bother?"

How fucked are video games that these two sentences upset people?

Who did this annoy?
Seems like solid logic to me. Only movie game tards must be offended by this.

I wouldn't call The Last of Us fun but the story was so great that I kept playing it.

The thing is fun is entirely subjective. Fun for one person can be unfun for another. Some people enjoy simple platformers while hate racing. Some people like racing but can't stand fighting. And then there are some people who have fun with a literal spreadsheet simulator aka EVE.

Reggie Fills-a-me

Try reading more books.

So then the story was fun, which is still part of the game.

'Fun' isn't some tangible metric so I can't really imagine a scenario where that statement would be shocking to anybody other than people who get hung up on semantics and want games to be primarily social message vehicles regardless of them being 'fun' by their definition or not

Neogaf, because they want every day to push an agenda


When will we be able to put them down

yeah, "fun" is the only thing that matters
can't be thrilling, horrifying, intense or anything else than fun bleep bloop wahoo boing boing fun

Has it ever occurred to you that you are boring?

But those things are fun.

Maybe you should try picking a better example next time.

Are you saying re4 wasn't fun?

I honestly don't know what Neogaf is, but I doubt it. These are just autistic shitposters.

When something is trilling it is fun, what the fuck? Getting scared is fun. Feeling something is intense is fun. The adrenaline rush is fun

Are you mentally damaged?

>TLOU good story

The story wasn't fun, it was interesting and compelling.

then perhaps "fun" isnt the right word and that's why people are getting triggered
maybe "entertained" is the correct term then since fun games arent usually applied to action, horror, fps etc etc

RE:4 was fun.

I'm pretty sure Rotanigger was just talking about games like walking simulators that aren't really fun to play but people gush about because they push a narrative they like.

this should explain everything

muh ideology
if you're not with me you're my enemy

>posts literally the funnest Resi game

I have a feeling you two are working on completely different definitions of "fun".

Nigga you had fun stop being so fucking tsun to the idea of fun my guy

No, fun applies to all those things and you're being semantic.

I would definitely call doom or quake "fun"

Watch a movie you faggot pseduogamer

People have fun being thrilled, or being scared/ Intense things can be fun as well, thats why competition exists.
The whole ponit of Mr. Buzzword's statement is not that "fun" isn't invalid in itself, its just that for games that people enjoy, he wanted the people to EXPLAIN WHY these things are fun, as in, "this game is fun because it has a huge amount of depth that will please hardcore fans of the series" and not "this thing is fun because I like it"
But of course since Sup Forums is clinically retarded, they take the complete opposite of the meaning.

Fun is an highly subjecting term, you have to explain what makes your game "fun".

Neogaf is the cancer of videogames

>I honestly don't know what Neogaf is
I envy you.

the sooner this mindset dies the better. it won't because it's contagious

City of God was fun as fuck. It's literally just Brazilian Goodfellas


>City of God isn't fun

Not exactly.

Fun is a positive emotion. Puzzle games and Fighting games aren't fun, they are challenging. RPGs aren't fun, they are intricate, open world games aren't fun, they are immersive (fulfill escapism). Games can be thought provoking, or they can be frightening. "Fun" is just one of the many things a game can be. Excessive focus on fun is why Brawl and Smash4 are worse than Melee.

Random elements are tools that are useful for increasing the fun factor, due to their spontenuity keeping things fresh (see Mario Party), but random elements aren't favorable when the core value of a game is serious competition.

Games aren't always fun, fun is just one of many things games can be. Nintendo's obsession with a fun factor is why they totally suck dick now.

Does Reggie believe people don't try and make games to be entertaining?

That's the whole point of games.

People are fucked in the head, not the games.

uhh, bcuz of story? what else?

Fun can be an emotion that you get while being challenged you autist, the adrenaline surge feels great

But people like that are a minority for sure. Why do developers cater to them. They would make much more money making games like they were before.
Difficult , sometimes grindy, and with a fantasy setting that doesn't have anything to do with the current world and its shitty problems.

This entire debate is based purely on semantics.

Do you define "fun" as anything that entertains you or you enjoy? Every game needs to be fun.

Do you define "fun" specifically as things that make you laugh? Every game shouldn't be fun.

End it.

Wait what? People got annoyed by this? You must be jesting.

>Puzzle games and Fighting games aren't fun, they are challenging. RPGs aren't fun, they are intricate, open world games aren't fun, they are immersive (fulfill escapism). Games can be thought provoking, or they can be frightening
All of those things can be fun and you're being overly semantic just for the sake of being contrary to a reasonable opinion.

>city of god isn't fun

Fun comes from the challenge, fun comes from the immersion, fun comes from the fright.

You're just being a faggot for no reason.

they probably wouldn't though. too many dudebros play video games nowadays, it's easier just to make FIFA 218390, zombie game 50329, and lord of the rings 19029.

He said fun, not entertaining. The Last of Us is an example of a game that isn't fun. You master it within 30 minutes and repeat the same shit for the duration of the game with no variation.

Pick up a dictionary you fucking retard.

You derive fun from being challenged, from being immersed.

Fun is not an emotion, it's a concept that describes enjoyment and entertainment.

Fucking retard.

The challenge can also be frustrating however. It's overcoming adversity that creates a feeling of accomplishment, but the experience is totally subjective regardless. Also, accomplishment is a totally different emotion from fun.

It upsets the spirit science retards at extra credits because they and people like them are a bunch of egotistical libtarded hipsters who postulate that games need not be enjoyable, they should be "art".
Art in this case is trash that exists as an echobox for their political views.

>triforce carpet
What did he mean by this?

you can still have fun with the game even if you mastered the mechanics
you just didnt have fun

Define fun.

You must be mentally ill if you consider BING BING WAHOOOO fun past the age of 16. Literally my lil pony tier autism
>but but muh animation
>but but muh fun comfy
The same shit, nintendo fans need to be rounded up and killed tbqh

I'd say fun is anything that makes you feel good while doing it.
There is people who want a game that will specifically make you feel miserable, by introducing "social issues" and that kind of anti-fun bullshit.
That's why they got annoyed by the statement.

Wrong, see pic related.

Fun isn't an emotion.

It's a concept, in your example, the fun is the accomplishment you feel. Fucking retard.

are all nintenbros underage or mentally retarded autistics with the minds of a 12 year old? reggie says the most agreeable things possible and nintenbros eat it up. reggie has the easiest job in the world. marketing for you idiots is a joke

Ah so that is why they didn't bother with the Wii U because it wasn't fun?

Can see why he started with it.

Only non-english speakers can be triggered by this.
It's not fun as in funny, but fun as in enjoyable.

What he is saying that if you're not enjoying playing the game why bother?

Is grinding to get to gold league or max out your stats in an RPG fun?

The word I would use is "engaging". You might not always feel good while playing a game, but if it's keeping you interested, I think it's worth playing. The concept of fun is too restrictive, I think.

If the game doesn't sell a lot... why bother?

If you enjoy doing it then yes.
You shouldn't be asking me, ask your self

Autists shitting up another thread cause they can't understand a universal known term usually describing emotions

You literally just proved me right you absolute fucking idiot.

Where in your image is fun called an emotion? Where in your image is fun pidgeonholed into a specific kind of enjoyment?

You feel immersed? You're ENJOYING the immersion and are having fun. Feeling challenged? You're ENJOYING the challenge and having fun. Feeling accomplished after winning? You're FUCKING ENJOYING THE FEELING OF FUCKING ACCOMPLISHMENT AND ARE DERIVING FUN FROM THAT EMOTION.



fun is a social construct you bigots

How the fuck was the story in TLoU great?

Fun isn't an emotion. Learn the language you are speaking.

>Why do developers cater to them.
It's because you let them speak instead of shutting them up, thinking their opinion matters

>have fun doing something

well shit, now what do I do

>when you're a neofag and reggie starts he won't overtly support BLM and denounce Trump as a nazi terrorist babykicker man


how can he be so right

You are actually autistic, leave

I thought it was fun. Hitting people with a bow was satisfying, same with El Diablo


Do you feel fun right now?

People are mad because vidya has been infested with pseudo-intellectual shit bags who are too stupid to understand books or movies so they try to find any reason to make video games more "adult" to them.

Watch, soon the strategy is going to change from "Fun isn't important." To "FUN IS CRINGEY! I CRINGED I GRINNNNGGGGED!!!"

>reggie says the most agreeable things possible and nintenbros eat it up.
..of course we eat it up, it's not something you can disagree with, it's just common sense. You fags are the one getting triggered by that because for you games should be movies. I dont know what you're trying to say here lol

Fucking kek, what a spastic. He actually got triggered. Screencapped. Your autism will now be immortalized.

Most people who don't find that fun wind up quitting, or wishing they would quit.

What is... fun?

10/10 autism right here

Says the guy who posts a Mickey Mouse reaction image

I'm having FUN making you look like a total tool. Hahaha.

Games should be fun, cool and good awesome.

>Sup Forums once again confirming that fun things are not indeed fun

go away phoneposter

TLOU was fun though, it has the best third-person shooting since Resident Evil 4

>The movie is fun. If it's not fun, why bother? You want me to watch fancy classical cinema? I'll watch Suicide Squad instead.
>The music is fun. If it's not fun, why bother? You want me to listen to Mozart? I'll listen to Katy Perry instead.
>The book is fun. If it's not fun, why bother? You want me to read a history book? I'll read Harry Potter part 19-2, it's fun.
The ultimate pleb argument.



I think it's funny even when normalfags describe tlou as "one of the best games they ever played they still describe it like "it was a slog to go through at times." Really makes me wonder if they actually enjoyed the game or they're just pretending.

Fun means different things to different people.

I find the stress of time limits and inventory management to be fun. Someone else enjoys the creative mode of Minecraft. We find both our things fun even if we don't find each other's things fun.

So when someone says "This is a bad game because it isn't fun", likely there's a few people out there who think that guy can go get fucked.

How can a game be fun? How can a game be not fun?

Is fun qualitative? If so, what are the traits that define, fun?

Not that I liked TLOUs story, but I found gameplay pretty fun.

Can't fun be used as a synonim of entertaining though?

If a game isn't entertaining then what's the point?