SHOW ME YOUR ideas for an F-Zero sequel

SHOW ME YOUR ideas for an F-Zero sequel.

You ride a hover car and try to go faster than other people

Needs a genre others don't use. Plus modified.

So action rpg with fighting moves.

Fighting game

Platinum games beat 'em up starring Captain Falcon

1. Online play. If they have to reduce the player count for it to be possible, so be it.
2. Bring back custom tracks/vehicles.
3. Bring back boost fire mechanic from Climax.

Pro wrestling spin-off.

Player count should be 10 instead of 30


Smash exists, r-tard..

HD F-Zero with online
Kid Icarus Uprising difficulty risk/reward slider to please both sides
Story mode has characters blurt out lines similar to Uprising (this can be turned off of course) depending on where they are
Release GX's soundtrack

>GP Mode that has F-Zero 1 and the GP legend style play and courses.
>X Mode that plays like F-Zero X
>GX mode that plays like F-Zero GX.
>Bounty Hunter mini game where you are playing a side scroller beat em up ala Sub Space Emissary and Smash Rush.

Bring previous courses back and just add a brand new one to Grand Prix for each cup.


Add Ganondorf

Then a puzzle game!

Bring back the X-Cup.

HD Rumble effects to simulate the effects of speed and impact

Switch VR F-Zero

He said fighting game

F Zero World.

Mario maker with F Zero tracks.

I would prefer they don't release one until they have some good hardware. God forbid they release a shitty DS game

F-Zero GX HD

that's all we need

>wanting 10
>Not wanting to join a 30 man /v lobby where 29 people beyblade the fuck out of each other bringing forth a wave of explosions and giggle-fit filled salt while the 1 wanting to actually race wins by default halfway through the 1st lap
you're dumber than me and that's one hell of an accomplishment i gotta admit

Alternate routes of same track. Think old school Rigde Racer. Some tracks can change in real time, for instance, the first two laps you will go one way, and on the final lap a another path will open. Some Tracks will be extra long with just one lap. No Snaking. Jumping across the track tying to cheat will retire you ( they can program a zone that you car is not suppose to enter, which will retire you if you do). More dynamic tracks where you race through buildings and on parts of a city or colony streets.

Tracks are now cylindrical like Sonic Lost World levels, you can't fall off but still can be bumped

>beyblade the fuck out of each other
AHAHAHA that's the perfect way to describe it. But i'll end up being that guy that dies from colliding with the wall.