What happened to this guy?

What happened to this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:


he is still wild and free in the frozen wastes of Finland

Open dohr

He went out the door

opehn dorr

He is still doing videos, which means he has outlasted the AVGN.
Making him the new de facto AVGN.
All hail king Jaakko!

I'm glad he's not a thing anymore.

He got outed by mods

Wasn't there a review where he started masturbating?


Did people unironically watched his shit videos? It's just gibberish

The king still uploads like daily but none of you faggots watch them because of poor taste

Must have been blatantly fucking obvious, considering the mods can't catch the explicit nintendo blizzard and bethesda marketers.

>Y'all mind if I speak in gibberish and whistles?

Eeehhhh WUMAN

Jaakko speaks English more fluently than any underage Twitch streamer. Your simple minds just can't understand him through the accent.

Found it

>Finland IP = same person
Were mods actually stupider back then? Crazy.
Finland's IP variance is like their gene pool: They're all barely off by a fucking basis point.

That was almost a decade ago


open dohr


Jeesus Jumala


Eternal classic



He still makes videos, they're still fun I think. Apparently he has his own place nowadays and recently-ish he was in a mental hospital. 5/5 guy, I love his sense of humor, I hope he doesn't kill himself too soon.

Well, I hope he does kill himself.

He invented what reddit calls ASMR. When 4chins told him to fuck off, he created a reddit movement as punishment.
The Emperor's Will is absolute!

It is weird that it was a Finnish guy posting the videos & pictures every single time.

Kill yourself.

He's Finnish. He has Finnish fans.

He had fanboys on Kuvalauta

spy ish best culass

High art ahead of its time.

to this DAY whenever i walk through an automatic door i think/mumble to myself "open door"

my friend asked me about it and i said that the door wouldnt open if i dont say that.

I lied, i know the door opens, i just wont reveal its entirely finnish brainwashing


>mouthbreather Jamesfags still salty that Jaakko came up with AVGN first
Get fucked, retards

I find it alarming that he looks a lot like me.

t. Arbitor
Still can't get Jaakkos sub numbers? hahahahaha

I still can't tell if Jaakko actually is a mentally handicapped sociopath or if it's all an elaborate ruse

I think you used that image wrong, it looks like your own reaction.

The former.

He is legit mentally ill, all Finnish Youtubers are.

He's probably just depressed and lonely


He is legit insane.

Little bit of A, little bit of B.