Sea of Thies is sure is an original game

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Sea of Thieves was announced first though.

Its a little bit different, blackwake is combat focus, and sea of thieves is more exploring based and your friends and npc and stuff.

Blackwake, you play as the ship

Sea of thieves, you play as a pirate.

Not comparable.


you are mistaking with ubisoft game .

>Sea of Thieves is a pirate adventure game
>Blackwake is a pirate combat game

If anything, Blackwake puts Ubishit's efforts with Skull & Bones to shame, because you can be more than just a pirate ship with cutscene boarding (unlike Ubishit's game).

Blackwake and Sea of Thieves are completely different games though.

>completely different games

>literally even same music


>I think all pirate music sounds the same
>Therefore, they both use the same music
Nice argument.

Also, one is combat focused, the other is exploration focused.

You can't exactly leave your ship to explore caves and find treasure in Blackwake. It's just ship and crew combat.

While it's not something I can keep playing for hours on end, I keep coming back because the core gameplay is really enjoyable, especially as a captain

I have my doubts about sea of thieves, they probably won't be able to fill it with enough content to make it worthwhile, Skull and Bones seems like a multiplayer version of Black Flag without actually all the good stuff from the that game

This will probably remain the best pirate MP game, shame about the playercount.
Still more than battleborn I guess

Blackwake is pretty good frankly, but it's more similar to that new Ubisoft game, since it's more about the combat than the exploration.

blackwake is a great round-based multiplayer experience.

sea of thieves looks like it's more akin to stuff like rust, a big open map/server with other players exploring, much more open-ended in the situations it can generate.

skull and bones looks like dogshit lol, always hated the ass creed arcadey ship combat.

>First one is playing Hall of the Mountain King
>Combat focus is on combat between ships in short team fights and silly physics deaths
>2nd one features some generic music I don't recognize
>And is more focused on the overall pirating experience and not just chaotic combat

>Blackwake for pirate on pirate combat
>Sea of Thieves for discovering treasure with your friends, maybe some light combat here and there

I plan on getting both at some point. Every video I've seen of Blackwake makes it look like a janky but really fun mess of a game, and Sea of Thieves looks fun to play with friends.

I really don't get the hate for Sea of Thieves outside of Rare being tied to it. I mean, at least Rare is actually making a game for once, instead of shitty avatars. Give it a chance, or at least wait for reviews before crying out that "it's shit."

Don't care about MMO shit, love the combat side of things

Your lack of proofreading invalidates any opinion you may have.
That being said who gives a fuck about either of these games.
Fuck off and go play something you enjoy instead of shitposting, champ.

Does Blackwake have a decent playerbase?

Last I checked on it, it had a surge in popularity thanks to some slightly popular Youtubers playing it, but then quickly died off because the game was early and janky as fuck.

Debating on getting it during the Summer Sale.

Every gameplay video of sea of thieves makes me more sceptical, it looks like it might end up similair to Elite dangerous with a huge world but little to do. They have only shown one ship so far, you gain currency by looting treasure, but what do you actually spend it on?

Depends what you mean by decent. It has about 1000 playing at any time so there is a full server around the clock somewhere. And they just updated the game recently with more ships and stuff. Sadly I don't have any webms of the new ships right now but they are cool.

hiding in the enemy ships crowsnestband repeatedly sniping the captain is one of the greatest joys I've ever felt

I wasn't even considering the whole currency aspect, I was more or less just focusing on the core gameplay.

That is a decent point though. Hopefully we'll get some info soon.

>want to play blackwake
>it is dead like battleborne

i just looked at the trailer for the new update and it looks like there's a new game mode?

>Early Access
>No marketing outside of shitty Youtubers/Twitch streamers

Expect it to pick back up once a super star Youtuber plays the released version.

Blackwake is a terrible game and the "announcer" makes me wish I were deaf.

It really isn't dead, the playercount is just small as there isn't a huge variety.

You can play with high ping without a problem and as long the game averages at 400 players it will be fine

what announcer you baiting cunt?

It's the whiny fucking asshole that tells you to repair the ship and attack the enemy. Absolute cancer.

Finally a blackwake thread

Sea of Thieves is a cartoony open-world game, Blackwake is a realistic multiplayer game. Just because you sail ships in both doesn't mean they're the same game.
That's your captain


Sea of Thieves was announced first
Sea of thieves has better co-op
Sea of thieves has better gameplay and you can go outside the boat etc
Sea of thieves is just better overall and there is nothing you can do about it

One thing I like about Blackwake is that shit isn't censored. The HMS Nigger Grave Digger can be your ship name.

Unless they've changed things. I hope they haven't.

>announced first
1 month ago

blackwawe came fucking earlier , sea of meme is still not released

Neither is Blackwake either. It's an Early Access game, after all.
Probably was in devellopement even before.

>Sea of Thieves was announced first
literally wrong
>Sea of thieves has better co-op
comparing a PVP multiplayer game with an open world co-op game, wow, you smart
>Sea of thieves has better gameplay
we can only judge one game right now and Sea of Thieves looks really shallow
incredible, pre-scripted gameplay with reaction cams