Did Dishonored 2 got hit with SJW hammer?

Did Dishonored 2 got hit with SJW hammer?

Ehh okay scrawny woman strangling buff men to sleep, sure 'she is very skilled'.

Also in the game a lot of female guards. (Was there any in D1? can't remember)
Also a lot of non-white people in what's suppose to be 19th steampunkish england?
Also the boatdriver is a black female amputee with a straightened hair(not even afro).

Was it also like that in the first?

SJWs are not a thing.

Who cares? Harvey Smith has always been an SJW. The game is good and that's what matters.

the game was fucking boring

>the game a lot of female guards.
Implying thats a bad thing.

no, there was only one femalw chRacter of note (excluding the witch) and it was billy, and she got her ass kicked by daud

Why does that matter? It doesn't affect the game's quality.

You have to be pretty far down the Sup Forums rabbit hole to see anything close to SJW in dishonored 2.

There aren't any "indoor clouds", your eyes have fucking cataracts.

Duh, it affects the immersion, which in turn affects the quality.

The extreme version would be all guards being like say black children. It's so out of place.

The story was affected because of the antagonist.
Literally reused from a fucking DLC.

Agreed, character-reusing sucked, but that isn't an SJW issue.

Serkonos (where dishonored 2 takes place) is based on Spain/Portugal. Not unusual for there to be north Africans (moors)

north africans aren't black. right now in algeria theres they are hunting niggers.

You've been memed by Sup Forums, mate.

>mfw they reused delilah after I fucking ended her

we couldn't have a new setting and characters in karnaca that might have been interesting


I hated that so hard. It felt like the DLC didn't fucking matter.
I don't know if it was SJW or not to force the strong females as antagonist again but god damn that immediatly killed the story for me, because you have no sens of wonder at all.
In the DLC it was like a "twist" that some group of sorceress were behind all of that.
The number 1 rule in a stealth game is to make a mysterious antagonist.

You went too far in the other direction user, even you don't believe that.

But that has absolutely nothing to do with SJWs

It does

It does not

Yeah well you're a doodoo head

I'm not talking about current politics, moors conquered parts of Iberia.

I get that there are a lot of hajis in North Africa, but there are lots of nigs too

the whole "reclaiming the throne for emily" story was already fucking old from the first game

I wouldn't have minded if the new protagonist was a female in karnaca but they literally just retreaded old territory from the first game and it's dlc and bragged about how progressive they were for doing it

I miss the times when the only thing we had to care about if it's the game was fun

Karnaca is southern Empire you dolt, of course they'll have brown/black people. Corvo's on the bright side of the Karnacan and he's Mediterranean, at least in the first one.

Keep being delusional.

This is some pretty good bait. Anyone who's played the game is going to know that Serkonos is definitely more tropical than Dunwall, so there'll be blacks n' browns, and anyone who's browsed the board after E3 is going to catch that the afro comment is about how all forced black chicks recently have afros instead of literally any other hairstyle.

Resources/man hours that could of been used on story were instead used on how they can shoehorn more of the diversity checklist into the game

>there are literal people with "sjw and proud" on their twitter
are they all a ruse?

That's not how resource management works, you stupid faggot. Making a black model doesn't somehow take more time than making another white model.

Sure thing it's bait, whatever you say. What about -

>Ehh okay scrawny woman strangling buff men to sleep, sure 'she is very skilled'.
Can a 145 pound woman strangle a 200 pound man who has about three times the muscle strength?

Still delusional.

Can you stop time and create clones of yourself?

>Can a 145 pound woman strangle a 200 pound man who has about three times the muscle strength?
people who have the outsiders mark can do just about anything

SJW was a mark of pride used unironically before it became derogatory. Educate yourself.

Not on the internet

Just stop. You're only hurting yourself.

Sup Forumsbait aside. What's up with Billie Lurk missing her arm and eye again in the DLC trailers?

>Was it also like that in the first?
No, but the second game takes place in a different part of the world.
If you want a legit reason to get mad about Dishonored 2, talk about the performance of the PC port.

John Carmack knocked out a guy twice his size with a sleeper hold. If it's done properly it doesn't require much strength.

Yeah, one of the developers said that they added the playable girl because fucking Anita criticized their games lack of diversity. Fucking Anita, my dead gran knows more about games than Anita.

She's been trained by her dad who is a fucking expert at murdering people. A sleeper hold doesn't require lots of weight if you know how to do it. You can't even bait right you bitch boi

Punished Billie

In the intro cutscene of the game, you see the world from Emily's perspective, and when the coup begins, one of your old guard captains attacks Emily, she tries to resist but gets knocked the fuck down, which makes perfect sense considering he's much larger than her. Of course later in the game you get a choke-hold on him/stab him in the throat from stealth, but in fisticuffs she lost.

>let him see me
>parry his attack
>beat him the fuck up
>let him see me
>run at him
>do the slide attack

why is this game so poorly optimized

You people are insufferable

They are, but autismos on here vastly overblow their numbers of cultural relevance to the point of obsession

First, if I can believe that magic powers and clockwork soldiers exist, a woman choking a dude isn't out of the realm of imagination.

Second, more importantly, who cares?

typical cash-grab

did you forget the part where you're in serkonos which is basically lots of brown people doing dockwork and stuff

although the boat captain not having an arm threw me off

Every game ever has been a cash grab, your point?

you will not get away with this

>shitty guard with little experience beyond being a thug
>poor footwork and improperly balances the weight he puts into his attacks
>somehow surprising that someone with a lifetime of experience of training under a master swordsman and superior equipment can mess with this
>somehow surprising that 150lbs thrown at their shaky feet throws them off balance

not every game is launched with horrible optimization issues so bad that even first-day streamers give up on the game when they get into the first overworld


magic and clockwork soldiers or whatever are just an extension. It still has to be grounded in reality mostly. It's not about imagining things When women would weigh as much and have same bodytype as men. Sure, they could take them out, but they arent, they are smaller.

When does your imagination stop working when babies take out jacked up guards? It's an extreme example but it gets increasingly harder to for a woman to do it. It's already very hard for a man to do it, but hey thats the best we can get.

Men and women gameplay should be inherently different. Bioshock Infinite DLC had the woman going around and she was made to be more sneaky and understandable than RAMBO booker.

>When does your imagination stop working when babies take out jacked up guards?

Yeesh, are you sure you're not retarded?

wow, it's almost like you're playing the superpowered protagonist of a video game who constantly accomplishes impossible feats and heals their wounds by eating a banana

No one cares about this but you

I came from Prey to Dishonored 2

Damn Prey is so much better, Dishonored 2 is kinda boring.

>daughter gets trained by godtier assassin father and probably has a chiseled body from all the parkour and sparring that they did together

why is it unreasonable that she can take out guards with sleeper holds just because she's smaller than them?

Man prey was boring as well didnt. It like tried to be a horror game but had those weird soundeffects when ever you completed a quest- fucking disco. Worst enemiy design ever.
Also was the protagonist mother white and father asian? :D jesus wtf besthesda

Tell me who do you think has it easier sleeper holding enemies the daughter or the father? Who would you choose to go sleeper hold your enemies? I'm not saying that it's totally unreasonable, but the upper body strengght is almost twice the times weaker. If she shot darts all day :D

Yes Dishonored 1 was written by a normal male team.

Dishonored 2 picked up feminist writers including Cara Ellison.
and for those still not convinced the new expansion you can only play as a black bisexual woman who was a minor character in dishonored 1 dlc instead of playing Daud. a badass and fan favorite.

She literally (read: LITERALLY) has fucking magic powers. Like, in the video game. Has and uses MAGIC. But you know she has more upper body strength than the average woman and THAT'S where you want to stop suspending your disbelief.

They got past the race thing by basing it in another island within the kingdom

The bitch can fucking teleport, guy.

Just assume that she uses the same goddamn magic to amplify her physical strength and stop being such a fucking autist.

you literally played as daud in 2 dlcs already you big fucking baby
>badass and fan favorite
yeah ok
I feel stupid because this post is probably just copypasted from reddit or some shit

Who else here cant wait to play a strong independent lesbian black woman who don't need no man?

Fuck Daud and fuck white people

>assume that she uses the same goddamn magic to amplify her physical strength

You don't even have to assume that, she's spent around 15 years learning from Corvo on how to hold her own in a fight. If she was a pampered princess, you might have to assume that magic helps her out.

She's gonna have fucking no personality.

I've really come to hate the "Super serious professional black woman" archetype. They're all the fucking exact same person.

>you already played as daud
so? if anything that just supports him more. i would rather play a character im familiar with and enjoy than some black bisexual woman no one gives a fuck about.

North Africans are white. I've known plenty with blonde and red hair.

So you will grant me that in any other game where females cant use magic I'm right? :D

Also the THE FEMALE GUARDS in dishonored2

>even bringing up black people must be taken as an insult to white people
>playing as a black woman is somehow worse than playing as a white woman
>implying they effect gameplay at all, especially when race and gender bullshit is never ever brought up in the game

Explain yourself

uh this picture is a bit racist. that black woman on the cover isn't large enough. black shaming at it's worst.

There's nothing wrong with being a SJW.

Have Arkane have already confirmed you wont have the choice to play Daud and you're forced to play black lesbian?
if so i guess i can skip this one, it's a shame i really liked this franchise

you guys are having an awful lot of fun getting mad at one brown person when you can play as white guys in both games+2 DLCs

Why does this bother you?


What really killed Dishonored 2 for me was being hit with the terrible PC port hammer

Yes it does. Different facial structures and skin tones take more time to make than more white people. And it doesn't in a world that's almost entirely white people aside from making SJWs happy.

literally no one is implying or saying that, you autist

t. Sup Forumsack

In and of itself there's nothing wrong. It's more of an indicator of what's actually going to be shit

Like, the fact that she's black isn't the problem. People just know she's going to be bland, and that she was almost certainly designed by a white guy who gives about as much of a fuck as we do and is just trying to check off as many boxes on the diversity sheet.

We've just seen it happen so many times before, it's a really safe assumption when you see that super serious black woman starring in a game that takes place in something like fucking Victorian-Steampunk London that you already know everything you need to about what makes that character unique; she's black.

I mean shit, even if there was nothing wrong with the character herself one could make the argument that it's pretty fucking dumb to have a game that takes place in London about London star a fucking African.

Is this gonna be every Dishonored thread?

>Also a lot of non-white people in what's suppose to be 19th steampunkish england?
Clearly a bait thread.


>a game that takes place in London about London

the lead designer made it clear that the only reason why the character is black, and why there was a female lead in Dishonored 2 was to pander to feminists. they even hired a feminist writer to work on the game.

There's nothing wrong with being turned off by that. as a customer and a fan we can do what we want with our money.
I will not be buying this because doing so is encouraging developers to force a narrative into a game it doesn't belong.

Haven't played the second game but that definitely applies to the first.

Even if the location changed it still stars the same cast some of which are literally English royalty sooo

Pretty much, i don't have a problem with female or black PCs in games, it's when the only reason they are female and/or black is blatant pandering that i have a problem with it.

It takes place in a fictional location inspired by England. Not a 1:1 recreation of England

>literally English royalty