Is there an RPG where there is no overbearing URTHECHOSENONE or OSHITSAVETHEWORLD...

Is there an RPG where there is no overbearing URTHECHOSENONE or OSHITSAVETHEWORLD? Just you your sword/bow/stave and a land to explore.

I realise if you ignore the main quest you can just do that in most of the mainstream RPG's but I'm curious if there was any released where the dev didn't write in a world ending doom and just let you play in a world that didn't need saving.

What say thee?

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what about dungeon crawlers like grimrock OP?

you're in a big ass dungeon, get out, end of plot

Daggerfall is kind of like that. It's about the power struggle between 3 kingdoms and some other minor factions. You're a nameless friend of the emperor.

I thought that at first, then I remembered the King of Worms and the reality warping golem

The Numidium isn't a world ending thing though. It's just that whoever has it is going to be the most powerful nation around.

Got them both during a GOG sale, played the first a little and halfway through the second one. You're right in that it's about you and your story of survival, it's a bit lacking though, I genuinely did like the second but the "fun" just fizzled out and I got tired of it. Probably more about me than the game.

There are elder scrolls mod to turn off/skip /delete all references to the main quest.

>Baldur's Gate 2
>Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode
>most roguelikes
>some dungeon crawlers

vanilla wow

Modded Skyrim.

Kirkbride disagrees, the big stompy robot just hasn't realized the scope of what it can stomp with its big stompy feet yet

mount and blade: warband.

my combined Morrowind/Oblivon/Skyrim mod folder is sitting at around 80GB, I've played the shit out them. Good suggestions but I'm tired of them at the moment.

BG2 I shall take another look at, I've never given the series much of a chance, don't know why.

Played the shit out of it, Feenix, Kronos, Elysium. I think I've played more on private servers than I have on retail at this point.

Mass Effect 1


Play The Bard's Tale and you are gonna love the URTHECHOSENONE and OSHITSAVETHEWORLD bullshit.
The game is an overall irony of all tropes of classic RPGs, i just love it.
Also the MC will only agreed because the princess threatened him in a very sick way.

Also, the neutral ending is the best neutral ending ever.
You just leave them where they are and hang out with skeleton buddies at the bar.

Gothic is literally that

sounds like Warband to me OP

If you want to be someone worthless and unimportant just look in the mirror

Planescape Torment, literally all you do in that game is find yourself and write in your journal


Project Zomboid.

Here are my arguments for it being an RPG.
1. Skills that can be developed.
2. Loot and progress.
3. Axe, or baseball bat, or pistol instead of sword/bow/stave as well as the area around Louisville Kentucky to explore.

Here are my arguments that it matches what you want.

1. There is no cure.
2. There isn't any people left either. Just you and the THOUSANDS of zombies.
3. All there is to do is survive. How you choose to survive is up to you. You can depopulate the entire world of zombies or you can live in the woods, becoming a true Robinson Crusoe. Or you can just claim a homestead and defend until you die.