Thoughts on this game?

Thoughts on this game?

I like the brown sugar

Post moar

The multiplayer is great if you can find players, but the singleplayer is usually preferred otherwise. A lot less grief in either case.

Also, sage.

Make it black male/white woman and then we'll talk


>only 1 frame per life

Not even console games are this bad, dropped.

I don't play MMO sorry.

never played but i know it's trash

>black women


While the mechanics are solid, the story is overrated and rehashed from a thousand other sources.

It has alright replay value, but gets repetitive.

>not animated


What is playing games with a black girl like?

can't handle being whited?



it depends, does she have an afro and a sassy attitude?

Real fun with a friend. Campaign is satisfying in length and pace, and the finale is nothing short of spectacular. Great replay value too.

>impmlign the human eye can see more than 1 frame per life
fucking delusional PCfags are so sad

I liked it when the penis was inside the vagina.

WMBW is the best interracial paring. Prove me wrong.
Protip: if you try, I know you're a white woman, black man, or asian

why would anyone willingly fuck an ape? that's nasty



This is racist as shit delete this white boy


I haven't had sex in 3 years. I hate my life.


It's actually more fun to watch.

Are reflective/oiled asses a fetish? Because I wouldn't think much of that ass if it wasn't oiled up.

>not a virgin
stop complaining you faggot, you're better off than 95% of this board


What's the name of that game?

here we go



A man can survive without having pussy all his life
But a man who has had pussy must now have regular doses of it lest he die.
I will pray for your soul user, you are suffering greatly.

god i wish that were me


roll time

I become a wizard in two months. Fuck off.

roll i guess? (please russel)

Seems to be missing animations.



might as well

need sauce on the blue haired chick webm from the last thread