Hello, I am the biggest scam in the videogame business

Hello, I am the biggest scam in the videogame business.

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Ignoring the consoles themselves.

It's free money and people are stupid enough to pay it

Pre-orders, early access, and crowdfunding are all bigger scams.
Then again who wants to compare a dried dog turd to liquid steaming shit that someone managed to get on the bathroom ceiling?

The two guys in charge of cleaning the floors and ceilings.

You must be fucking poor


I don't care.

Caring about this issue probably costs you more than $60 a year. That's less than ten minimum wage hours.

Did your parents give you a bunch of money to compensate for how little love attention they gave you as a kid?

I would be perfectly fine with paying for PS+ if it weren't for Sony's god awful download speeds

>Caring about this issue probably costs you more than $60 a year.
How the fuck do you figure? You think people are going up to their bosses saying "yeah, I'd clock in, but there's this guy somewhere paying for his console subscription and I've got to go home to care about that instead of working."

People care about all sorts of shit and it doesn't cost them any time or money.

It should be free.

that's like paying $60 a year to breathe.

people need to understand that its the price of $60 games and sub $500 consoles.

video game development has been going up and up and up but the cost of games has not.

its getting ridicules when you get games like tomb raider sell 5 million copies and its considered a loss.

once you look at the business side of it you start to understand how things like DLC came to be.

You mean that gate that keeps hackers and cheaters out? I'd gladly pay valve 10$ a month in order to play games without cheaters. I can't even find a RUST server that isn't plagued by hackers, and they're starting to become a problem in PUBG as well.

>video game advertising has been going up and up and up but the cost of games has not

yep. that's why I built a pc

Video game development budgets go hand in hand with improvements in technologies used to create those video games.

People aren't making modern AAA titles on Commodore 64 hardware you shit stick. They're putting in the same amount of man hours they used to and paying their employees the same wages they used to. Game fidelity increases as the tools improve. The budgets are out of fucking control because these retarded companies are so hell bent out of shape with making money the only way they can think of doing that is by throwing more money at an investment.

ps plus was god tier in its first few years.

It went to shit when the ps4 came out.

>$50 for 12 months

You're playing shitty games that don't protect their products. Also what you're begging for is intrusive DRM.

Time is money my man


Everything you said doesn't make someone pay to use something that's a common feature in some form or another in a good chunk of games worth playing these days.

Man that would be a great idea, we'd get rid of a lot of undesirables that way.

>any moment spent not earning money is wasted money
People can care about all sorts of shit when they're not working. You're not getting paid to shitpost. Are you?

>video game development has been going up and up and up but the cost of games has not.

Nigga, did you take Economics 101?

Investment in games (and consequently the development costs of games) has been going up because it's a profitable business. When a business is turning profit (generating more revenue than costs), then you invest more in it. That's how every industry works.

Also, the cost of games has nothing to do with what it costs to make them. Consumers are uninterested with how much it costs to make a game; that doesn't affect them. The price of goods (including videogames) depends only on what people are willing to pay for them.

The price of sold goods*

Well, at least xbox gold compensates with a lot of good games, sunset overdrive assassins creed 2,3, revelations, 4, watch dogs, halo 3, tomb rider with all dlc's, dark souls, the witcher 2, both metro games, hitman absolution, sleeping dogs, every gears of war, dragon age origins, and a lot more.
Now switch and plus are actually shit.

Reminder that PlayStation plus is literally free if you do the 14 day trial trick like me. Never paid for plus in my life. No idea why Sup Forums keeps saying you have to pay for it, when there are ways to easily get around it.

You can blame Microshit for even starting it


Plus is still better than xbox gold, all those heavy hitters have been given on ps plus years ago.

Yes, but all three involve tricking idiots into forking over money for a product that doesn't exist yet.


Nah. The logic works like this.

You ostensibly work and earn money in order to sustain yourself and enjoy your free time in a fun, engaging, or productive manner. Thus, time and money are mostly interchangeable.

If you have some free time, and use it doing something that is not fun, not engaging, and not productive (like bitching about something so small), then you're effectively wasting time (money).

Until you stop paying and then they hold all of those games you already paid for (aka got for "free") hostage.

Search on YouTube.

You don't get rich by throwing away money


In all my years of playing games the worst I've ever gotten from steam is a guy able to teamkill in KF1 on a server with no friendly fire and a guy aimbotting in Gmod. On console services I've seen my brother banned from playing multiplayer in WaW by another player on an account he bought dlc with, and in PSO on original Xbox (so that's the hunters license cost+subscription) by taking what I can only guess was an item somehow flagged as cheated (though at the time it just looked like this guy had really good shit he was just giving out) I ended up getting it only myself banned, but because the hunters license is shared my brother could no longer play online either. I'm not really sure what my point is other than I'd rather spend the minute it takes to find a new server instead of losing money or the ability to actually play multiplayer.

That's not Star Citizen

The rationale is faulty. You're assuming all of the things you value are the same things everyone else values. You assume all of the things you consider trivial are the things everyone else considers trivial. You assume that given the choice every person would logically choose to spend every waking moment doing precisely what they have already determined to be the most effective use of their mystical moneytime.

For instance: you're sitting here kicking the dirt under your feet at me for deigning to oppose your buzzword marketed concept of time = money in all instances. This is truly a waste of your time because it should be apparent to you that wasting my time is exactly what I want to be doing right now. Doing something trivial is very valuable to me at this moment because I already worked. I'm not going to get a second job even though I have a few moments to myself. That would burn me out and reduce my overall happiness and therefore my overall wealth.

Don't underestimate the value of nothing.

To be fair, you get your money's worth tenfold by the end of the year because of the (((free))) games they give you every month


paying for PS+ or XBL isn't throwing money away. It's paying for a service.

It doesn't matter if you think that service should be free or not. Because it's not free.

>mfw I never pay for PS+
>just make a new console account every 14 days and continue to play normally on main PSN
Feels fucking good

Wut? I'm not paying for Xbox Gold atm and I can play a game I downloaded a few months ago for (((free)))

Spending $60 is about a hundred times more preferable than doing that 25+ times a year.

Not on xbox one though right? That's just 360.

Well, I'm playing it on Xbox One, but it's a 360 title. Beyond Good and Evil HD

lol youre fucking poor dude, do you even have food to eat and plumbing

I miss when all of the good developers were making games on small budgets. Now they get this stupid technology they don't know what to do with and a bajillion bucks and make one mediocre game every couple years instead of four or five great ones in a year.

AAA games are developed on a similar budget, publishers feel the need to spend as much, if not more into marketing

they are, it's marketing teams (which in the current year are mostly redundant and relic of a bygone era) that are eating all the money
what, you think devs are actually getting paid all that money?
No, it's the useless braindead suits.

>lol youre fucking poor dude, do you even have food to eat and plumbing

>Mmmmmm, yes more corporate dick please


AAA devs actually get paid really well


Google it and tell me I'm wrong.

>Programmers earn the most cash, pulling down an average of $93,251 a year.
I am genuinely surprised
Marketers are still completely useless retards who eat up a shitload of budget for no reason other than a desperate attempt to keep their jobs in an era they're no longer needed though.

people will defend this

The obvious solution is to get more friends so you can enjoy playing together offline.


12 months
Get our best value subscription – just $69.95 for a full year.

xbl actually gives games though so it's worth, back then it was a scam

not sure about PSN but you can get XBL for free from Microsoft rewards not to mention they sell 12 months for $30 all the time

Marketers are very relevant actually, advertising is very important. The problem is the group's currently doing it are losing touch with how to do it well. You don't need huge budgets anymore. People will suck the dick of a company with a good Twitter account (read; Wendy's)
A few trailers and TV spots at peak times don't cost millions.
Few ads across digital platforms and preorder bonuses and you're set

>in an industry climate where local multiplayer has been abandoned by everyone except Nintendo
If you play on Nintendo that's fine but everyone else just cares about online multiplayer these days

I bet you're the kind of person who tips even when your waiter is shit.

Advertising is relevant, marketers themselves are not.
A five man team trained in psyops will do much better than a 100 man team training in traditional marketing.

Actually, from what I've heard the switch online isn't too expensive, just 20$ for a year. It still sucks we have to pay for online though.

$70 for a fucking year, are they crazy? What the fuck is wrong with Sony?

I am still mad that Nintendo succumbed to it. I should've expected it because Sony and Microsoft have normalized this shit but it still hurts. I've dropped consoles one-by-one because of this shit, I guarantee Steam would pull some kind of paid online variant if PC gamers didn't have at least a tiny bit of backbone (relatively speaking, since they backlashed against paid mods while console fanboys do their damndest to drown out criticism of their respective console).

I don't understand what's wrong with preorders.
pre-order bonuses, sure. gay as hell, forcing you to pay full price if you want a complete experience. Preordering has no downside though. Decide you don't want the game? Cancel the preorder. No harm no foul. Only downside is if you're a retard who puts down a full $60 on a game and then decides to gamble if they'll enjoy it or not.

It's still a scam, it's just a slightly less scummy scam

Their other entertainment branches are crashing so they need to make up for it with vidya.

>It doesn't matter if you think that service should be free or not. Because it's not free.

That's aussiebucks. It's $60 for the US and canada, but it goes on sale to it's original $50 price point more often than not.

The solution to that is to spend less money on making games and stop caring so much about being able to see every hair on Lara Croft's asscheeks.

Someone explain to me why MMOs have monthly fees but hugely popular games in other genres don't. What makes their "server costs" or whatever more expensive than needing to host the millions who play something like League of Legends or Overwatch?

because MMOs are supposed to have a lot of content
league and overwatch is just the same shit over and over again

originally it was server costs. It cost a LOT of money to rent a server farm. But as time has gone on, any schmuck can buy a ton of servers and string them together and host it for the cost of electricity and internet/bandwidth if applicable.

companies continue doing it to scam people out of their money, and that's the ONLY excuse.

Neither cost ME, personally, anything because I ask for an annual subscription for Christmas/birthday from my parents. I'm 35 and they have zero idea what to give me so it works out great all round.

Probably opening a whole other can of worms now because rather than working the "are you poor?" Angle I'm going for a "what? No one in your life loves you?" One.

I hate video games

Upvoted my fellow redditor! PC all the way!

Isn't Nintendo's online going to be $20/year? I'm a poorfag who can't afford a Switch but 20/year is dirt cheap.

How do you propose these companies offer free online? How do you propose they pay for it?

You sound like a fucking bernibot whining for free college.

You're supposed to be paying for continually developing content, only Blizzard sticks by the server costs meme something that hasn't been the case since the 90's.

>use bing
>get rewards, spend on XBL
>literally free games (didn't use to be this way though)

The problem with everything technological being a scam is there's always another scam you can use to get around it. I really just want to know why Nintendo started doing it, what a gaffe.

>He's never seen FF XIV
That's the biggest scam.
>Pay for your internet
>Pay for the game
>Pay monthly to keep your account active on the game
>Pay for dlc
>Pay for mounts or potions to max your level.
Literally the most pricey popular MMO atm that Sup Forums loves to shill.

I tought kids werent allowed here

What games have dedicated servers? People are paying for these subscriptions and get shit that is still peer to peer the majority of the time. If this was the case anyways, why doesn't PC have similar shit? Oh right, MMOs tried that shit and look at the state of the MMO market right now. It crashed from the monthly fees almost entirely.

you don't actually get anything of value out of that subscription. i don't know why people get hung up on the cost, when the problem is that the company charges money for nothing.

>continually developing content
>companies still make you pay for Expansions

Theae console services have imrovwd dramatically in the 14 whatever years they've been around. You actually to get a service out of them instead of solely tunneling p2p connections.

meanwhile Nintendo doesn't in any way shape or form match the features or content you get from xbox or playstation, yet have the audacity to charge money. Nintendos shit really is like the first iteration of xbox live, except it's fucking 2017 and nintendo is fucking retarded. Hell its even worse than xbox live cause at least that shit had voice chat and built-in services for leaving voice messages and establishing online friends. cant even plug a fucking mic headset into the switch cause it doesnt even have a mic or an appropriate jack.

Literally get free xbox games and playstation games wihh their services but nintendo gives you temporary access to a fucking 30 year old rom you probably already played multiple times and have archived.

Christ almight nintendo sucks the dankest of stank ass nigger dicks.

If people weren't retarded and didn't buy that shit, they would stop. It's infuriating to see how many people cave in and preorder/cancer DLC/early access/pay monthly fees and even argue they are good things

hardly any games actually have dedicated servers. they are cheap fucks and use p2p.

At least nintendo changed their games pass/ps+ knockoff from 2-3 games a month to a netflix style games library. Then again it's still all those same NES games everyone's played already...

What does XBL actually do? Where does your money go?

Halo was fine before XBL existed. You could play 8 player matches using the LAN mode in game and a gamespy tunneler to reach servers outside your home network. And it was free. Microsoft doesn't host the game servers. Microsoft doesn't speed your connections. As far as I can tell it does nothing except absorb money.

the game's aren't free. when the subscription ends, the game access gets revoked. voip isn't worth $60/yr. most games don't use dedicated servers.

online subscription fees for consoles are solely for the company's benefit.

Hey man, business is whatever makes money. Don't knock it if it works.

pssht, yeah, what are redditors, poor? cant afford $500 every 4 years for inferior hardware?

It costs currently 480$ or so to own a complete copy of super smash kerfuffles on disc content, not including game. What do we expect the switches version to cost all in all?