Explain this

Explain this.

Other urls found in this thread:


concept art vs game

its the biggest downgrade this generation but Sup Forums sucks polish dick because muh cdpr cant do nothing wrong
everyone that praises this pile of shit also likes nintendo garbage and voted hillary


>before getting the PS4/Xbone devkits
>after getting them

Would you prefer bullshots? Or downgrades? Obviously neither is preferred, but between these two choices, wouldn't you rather have downgrades?

The real issue is CDPR attempted to deny that there was a downgrade until eventually going radio silent.

PC is to blame.
Just look at this.

NO pc port = NO downgrade

>this wasn't the first post
Sad times

I prefer bullshots. That way I know the game never existed or doesn't exist in some dev's drawer in all its glory, kept from the public because of consoles.

Negative. It is not "art" it's a rendered screenshot from an earlier build.


>playing a shit game on pc makes it a non shit game somehow
fuck off neogaf, the only sad thing here is you


Agreed. That's what really pissed me off. I'm still not over it.

If they just admitted they downgraded it I'd understand, but they straight up said "there's no downgrade" up until 2 days after launch day.

No, making a game for PC makes it a less shit game than it would be if it were made for consoles.

>poles lying
shocking, absolutely shocking

Horizon is just
>muh orange blue filter
The game is extremely low poly and the backgrounds are all 2D. Its disgusting if you know how graphics engines work but it tricks people like you. I legit vomitted a little when I saw the trees in the back were 2D.


if it weren't for consoles you wouldn't have gotten the game at all, at least not in the same form and with the same scope

You think publishers spend $80 million on a game that would only come to PC?

>b-but consoles
>when most PCfags have 970 or 750ti that couldn't even run that shit

What's there to explain?
Above screenshot has all options set to maximum, lower has them to the bottom. In other words: bait.

My game's cities looked like above.


>Its 2017 and we still have to explain bullshots to people.

how do I get off this wild ride?

This maxes out Witcher 3 at 1080p 60 FPS. Unless I'm misunderstanding.

>turning settings down
Really makes you think

I know a lot about graphics and Horizon rapes anything you have on PC.
Games like Uncharted 5 / Order 1886/ Drivelub / Rachet and Clank etc... shows what can be done when there is no pc to gimp down the graphics.

Do we really need these as hourly threads again?

Can someone explain to me the colour? Why does everything look more basic or "primary" in the bottom?

You're right, we would've gotten TW3 in TW2 form, which is better. Money spent purely on gameplay, storytelling and top tier visuals, none of that vast empty downgraded "scope".

Yeah and consoles are even lower than that

>when there is no pc to gimp down the graphics.

You guys probably think if more games would be PC only they'd suddenly bring realtime water physics and shit to every game even though most PCs won't be able to run it and it would just be a waste of money


source that. oh wait you can't because you're full of shit.

Doesn't know what bullshots are.

But it's from a trailer user

This how pc exclusives look like in 2017.
It reminds me ps2 era.

I bet you have like 8 girlfriends

can we get some crysis graphix itt? I'm sick of console-kids shitting up threads

post the trailer then


nice bait lmao upvoted

I played crysis on my ps3 years ago. it doesn't look that great

Lighting doesn't change colour, user.

looks better on pc

what, exactly, do you think light is user?

>Sup Forums is one person
>Sup Forums thinks _____
Even if you actually believe in the hivemind meme wouldn't the fact that everytime there is a discussion about witcher 3 people shit on it's combat and "muh downgrade" mean that "all of Sup Forums" specifically DOESN'T suck polish dick?

Mate horizon literally is one of the lowest poly count AAA games of this year.

a resolution increase doesnt make the game look any better user.

Can't find the exact one but this one is full of lies


compare this to the ps3 version

>When you are so dumb you don't even know what you are posting

>he think consoles have better graphics than pc
wow consoledrones are retarded

>its the biggest downgrade this generation
>ignoring multiple PS4 exclusive games

That actually looks a lot worse then the end-product.

Its best not to consider the opinions of trolls fishing for (you)s.

looks the same, only lower rez.
I never said better. try learning some reading comprehension.

There's no gameplay in that video. It's a cgi trailer. There are some shots that are made to look like gameplay but they aren't actual gameplay.

>I never said better.
haha you got me nice trolling

>when there is no pc to gimp down the graphics
Bravo user.

>0 out of 0
>Level of Detail
>0 out of 0

Wow, you're all a bunch of fucking normie retards who know nothing about video games. Who would have guessed.

I'm a professional 3D game artist, how does LoD explain OP's pic? If top pic doesn't have LoD's on, it's a bullshot.

Consoles, optimization and shitty PCs from potential buyers

>fuck off neogaf
Neogaf is 100% sony dicksuckers

>Uncharted 5

Damn i just played 4, thanks for letting me know about the sequel user

This underageb& couldn't be more apparent.

Battlegrounds is decent for having a massive map with 100 players

PC exclusives tend to focus on gameplay & not graphics these days

Fuck you OP I took a picture and it looks way better than your low settings picture

I was wondering why OP's image looked nothing like what my game looked like.

Can someone explain why do you give a shit?
What exactly do better graphics bring into the game? Are you just upset about false advertisement?

>looks the same, only lower rez.

this is with tons of mods and it's still worse than pre-downgrade.

The biggest downgrade of this generation was Breath of the Wild though.

>tons of mods
1 or 2 desu, and still consoles btfo

The biggest downgrade of this generation is actually Sup Forums's intelligence level.

That's probably because the first footage they showed was just a pre-rendered cutscene.


Not really a bullshot in the traditional sense, it was an actual previous build of the game that had to be downgraded.

I still think the bottom one looks amazing though, downgraded witcher still puts most games to shame.

whoops, meant to quote

Here is a screen shot i just took

GTX 1080

picture is in 1080p

Game developer lies. That's all they do.

looks exactly the same

>I know a lot about graphics

This gave you away as either underaged or bait. Every single faggot that took you seriously should probably neck himself.

oversaturated, too much contrast, fog still there, 4/10

underrated kek

Could easily use a view distance mod

I prefer a darker reshade

it looks like shit, makes me think you're compensating for an awful monitor or something


Just wait for the inevitable remastered ultra edition in 5 years or so.

There are games with long draw distance?

PC centered development vs. console centered development

It looks better with vegetation

Explain this.

No, this place has always been fucking retarded

Shitty cherry picked image that is so desperate it's not only not in the same area, they even cut off half the screen. Aka (You).


The upper shot was in the trailers you dumbass

>cherry picked
find me a screenshot that looks as good as this. i'll let you "cherry pick" it too.

The fuck? A 970 plays it fine at 1440p, my fucking 2GB 770 plays it fine at 1440p

Can you Sup Forumstards stay in your containment board?