Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood

We could have been in the Garlean Military, rising up through our merits to become Legatus of our own Legion, commanding a force for good and order throughout the lands. Instead, our """""""""Warrior of Light"""""""""" became the Champion of Savages. A pitiful role where our accomplishments are undercut by the Mother Crystal, too weak and selfish to even protect her many worlds. While great men like Zenos suffer the hatred of the beastly peoples, so that civilization and prosperity would benefit all. And all the while we're made to help the weak, helpless, insignificant little people with their petty little problems everywhere we go. For a few hundred gil. As soon as we're done, they vanish! Like they're afraid to pay back the favor. What life is this for a great hero? It is no life worth note.

>Just got done with the first Hildebrand quest
What did I just bare witness to

I am going to be sorely disappointed if the final boss of the final expansion isn't taking the neutral route and slaying both Zodiark and Hydaelin so the people can live without fear of Darkness or Light.

your post is too intelligent for Sup Forums

>slay Hydaelyn
You can't blow up the planet and expect people to be okay afterwards

Reminder that the wrong scion died, Lyse a shit.



The Garleans are painted pretty obviously as the bad guys. To unironically support them despite this is just desperate contrarianism. You feel you need to be seen disagreeing with the simplistic good vs evil paradigm the game presents, so you side with the bad guys and try to explain away all the obviously evil shit they do. Or just outright say the evil shit is actually not evil.

You will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER get to join the Empire in XIV. But if you can't accept this fucking obvious fact even after 4 years of playing this game I guess you never will.

FACT: Gaius was not a bad guy.

t. ala mhigger

The Empire has some pretty cool guys like Gaius, Regula, or that one former Garlean you meet in the Peaks. It's not entirely evil.

>Killing god and destroying the light and darkness
Oh yeah, that certainly sounds like a great fate for the world, while you're at it why not strap a saddle on Bahamut, call on all the Primals to pull the dragon sled and then march Alexander down the street.

gaius was arguably a decent person but zenos is scum

also, why is nobody queuing for shatter anymore? why's instaqueue suddenly on seize

so was zenos supposed to be a bootleg arthas ?

They had to justify us supporting pirates, corrupt tyrannies, supplication to vengeful spirits and feudal Japanese kingdoms that turn blind eyes to forced prostitution, so they made Zenos a cartoon villain.

Just queue roulette.

Arthas failed in what he was doing, Zenos succeeded

>just finished the Nadaam
>still no mention of Ascians at all

this is truly the best expansion

I want Gaius back, I want to earn his trust and be given a set of badass armor and help him conquer the degenerate eorzeans and domans.

You mean Gaius "might makes right", "the strong must rule the weak", "genocide all beastmen", "let's make deals with the ascians for more power", van Baelsar? That Gaius?

Please, if you genuinely, honestly, unironically can't see your own contrarianism here then there's no fucking hope for you. You support the bad guy because he's the bad guy.

The only reason the Empire is constantly upgraded to be more baby-eater, puppy-kicker, morning cartoon-tier villains is because the more people realize that from a practical point of view they are completely justified in most of their endeavors, the more Yoshi and the writing team goes into a fit because God forbid this game has relatable, interesting villains or a morality in shades of grey instead of Eorzea good, Empire bad.

And the more the do it, the more I wish I could join the Empire. It is a meritocracy. An utter eikon-slaying monster like the WoL would rise in their ranks faster than you can say "shitty writing". Fuck, even their anthem is nice.

was going for aerodynamics system but i guess it can wait til shatter's instaqueue again, oh well

Does SAM feel better after 60? Because running it through potd and it feels pretty shit in there, good on the boss though.

If that makes you happy, you're unironically going to love the rest of the expansion.

Don't believe Her lies. The WoD line, as aborted as it was, clearly shows that excessive Light is just as bad as excessive Dark, and that She shouldn't be trusted wholeheartedly. Furthermore, I remember hearing that She isn't the planet itself, but rather just some force that acts for Light.

Furthermore, fuck you, I would totally ride Bahamut and parade Alexander through the streets. It sounds fun as hells

>their anthem

He means the Gaius who waited for civil war to erupt in Ala Mhigo before taking it so he could avoid ANY casualties. The same guy who sat in Ala Mhigo for 15 years after Silvertear never making a move on Eorzea because he was trying to find a way to take it without needless bloodshed. The guy who opposed the Meteor Project because he thought that level of violence was abhorrent and worse than any primal.


That's the thing though, they aren't completely justified, they NEVER are. That's purely a concoction brewed in the heads of those too stubborn, too frustrated, or too desperately contrarian to see the story for what it is: a very simple good vs evil fairy tale. For whatever reason, people can't accept this. They think there has to be more depth to it, somehow, somewhere. So they invent and insert depth where there is none.

Might as well call the 62 trait "Unlock Fun"

I love SAM but the run animations makes my autism flare up. It looks so retarded and weebish.

>want to play SAM
>seeing it at level 70 makes me not want to play it because of the numerous combo skills and kenki management,
>more ogcds than dragoon

Can anyone who plays SAM just tell me what it's like

Anyone know who the Nippon voice of Hien is it's so familiar but I can't place it.

To be fair the empire has rape camps. I do like how they overcame their innate no magic tears and became the dominant force in the world but the underlying premise of we need to tame all the savages is pretty poor and they go about it in a pretty bad way, no denying that. It's almost as if they have an underlying grudge and thirst for revenge that they want to see the other races suffer like they used to but that's definitely not the case because the empire is above savage feelings like that and just wants to unite the world.

That's why it's great.

>might makes right
In a world like Hydealin, it kind of does.

>the strong must rule the weak
What's wrong with this? The real world operates on this rule.

>genocide all beastmen
Who contribute nothing to society at large and will summon a monster that brainwashes people and kills the planet for simply being alive because of any and all perceived slights from anyone that isn't them?

>let's make deals with the ascians for more power
The only contestable decision from him, but even then he was regretting the choice when he saw what the Ultima Weapon could really do, condemning the Ascian for the senseless destruction.

When the fuck are the 12 going to end up being summoned?

Fun, but it can take some getting used to, if you're transitioning from a more straightforward job.

Getting it to 70 is plenty of time to learn though, don't worry about it.

>To be fair the empire has rape camps
They don't have fucking rape camps you meme-loving retard. They have work camps that corrupt conscripts sometimes abuse to rape people.

Is Mateus actually populated now? Should I expect ghost towns if I transfer?

Its so much better once you get the Kinki Gauge and Kinki skills

You juggle 2 buffs and 2 debuffs. If kenki is over 35 then use spend it on single target or AoE oGCDs. It's easy to play but hard to fully optimize.

I think he was more like a diet Sephiroth.

>perceived slights
Ifrit, Garuda, and Ramuh were all first summoned in response to direct threats of genocide from Garlemald. Titan was first summoned in response to Limsan aggression.

How is DRG now?

I raided with it in 3.x but haven't touched it since, I need a melee dps and will probably just go DRG again but does it still play the same?

Felt kind of bad for that elderly imperial that got killed by Yugiri that you had an echo vision of. Shit I think that was the point with the way your character kind of looked at the corpse.

>just started questing in Yanxia
>yet another person telling me what the imperials do to women (or girls)
Are Garleans walking hard ons? Do they have to rape literally everyone they can?

Well Gaius did literally nothing wrong so there is no recovering from that. They tried to make Zenos unlikable but I just wanted him to be my eternal rival by the end of things.

Also fuck beast men nothing bad would happen if we just holocausted them all.

thats because they were incompetant with their genocide

They're work camps
Slavery is literally legal in Ul'dah and probably Limsa as well, they can try to make the Empire look bad as much they want, but the empire is at least honest about being scummy, unlike the alliance pretending to be good guys.

There's that "contrarianism" thing popping up again user. As much as you may actually believe in this horseshit, you'll have trouble convincing most people it's perfectly fine to invade sovereign nations, kill innocent people, suppress or exterminate the populace and their culture, all with a view to world domination. Most people understand those things to be bad, in general, and those that don't are usually just saying so for the attention.

Take a look around where you actually are.

>4.0 ends with Eorzeans getting frisky after driving out the Garleans from two counties and decide to take the fight to Garlemald
>5.0 takes us to Garlemald and ends with Ascian bullshit forcing us to take a magitech rocket to the moon to fight then
>6.0 takes us to the Moon and ends with the death of the Ascians allowing Hydalyn to cover all of creation in light
>7.0 takes us to the World of Darkness throgh a portal in the moon to conclude the as the Warrior of Light fights to stop light from destroying that realm. Minfillia is the final boss

>try to destroy dangerous elements because they might summon a natural-disaster demigod
>they respond by summoning a natural-disaster demigod

Gee, I think that's the very definition of "justified".

Hien is literally just Kamina nice writing you fucking hacks.

>slavery is bad
Nigga should have paid his bill.

>dat hand

because shatter fucking sucks

>try to destroy dangerous elements because they might summon a natural-disaster demigod
They had never fucking summoned a primal before Garlemald threatened them. That's not justified. That's just fucking retarded.
>hey man we saw those primal things in Othard maybe the beastmen in Eorzea will summon them too
>well what do we do?
>lets threaten them from across the border so they feel scared enough to summon their primals!

But I still don't have my white ADS ;_;

Well at least I know it gets better from here, thanks user

>No longer need to join the hunt autists club in order to gear up

Can we all agree this is one thing they got right this expansion?

Ive been #197 in que for 30 mins now. Never played stormblood before. Should I just give up now?

>Who contribute nothing to society at large and will summon a monster that brainwashes people and kills the planet for simply being alive because of any and all perceived slights from anyone that isn't them?
Which is wrong. There are solid examples of Beastmen who don't want to have anything to do with the Primals and their kin's stupid fights with the Eorzeans. The Ehcatl Nine just want to build a ship to fly into the sky without Garuda's bullshit lies, the Brotherhood of Ash think the other Amalj'aa and their Ifrit garbage are a bunch of fucking cowards who need their asses SUPER murdered, the 789th Order are just a bunch of lazy cunts who want to be content doing nothing all the time and directly sabotages other Orders when they succeed, Novv's clutch want to actively build peace with the Lominsa so they can safely reproduce (and according to Novv, the violent, murderous Sahagin are just really zealous fools, and the majority of the Sahagin don't start shit with no one) and the Sylph are completely harmless when you don't threaten them.

Yeah, even Ishgard has shit like nobles and knights raping the lowborn who are basically slaves to the high born.
Plus all of Gridania are slaves to the whims of the Elementals.

>He doesm't know

>A Realm Reborn is Cataclysm
>Heavenward is Wrath of the Lich King
>Stormblood is Mists of Pandaria
>The expansion where we go back in time and partner with Garlemald will be Warlords of Draenor
>The expansion where we go The World of Darkness and fight voidsent will be The Burning Crusade
>The expansion where the Voidsent lead a massive incursion on Hydaelyn will be Legion

>mfw trying to hold aggro vs a geared SAM

undo these VIT changes NOW even spamming power slash combo with DA does nothing the only reason im still tank is because I work too much for long q's this is awful

>attempt to holocaust beastmen to stop them from summoning primals
>they summon primals regularly to stop you from holocausting them
>leave beastmen alone for the most part
>they rarely summon primals

i want that fuckin mount

maelstrom's full of a bunch of fucking retards so i've been having a hard time and now shatter queues suddenly take 15 minutes

You do know you click the button, and then retry right?

Use 270 Str accs
Based Yoshi

Turn on Grit bro.

I told you about Light

Literal Garlean soldiers have been revealed to commit horrible war crimes. Like that one guy who revealed his mom and little sister had to do "things" that were so bad they chose to kill themselves instead of letting the Garleans capture them again.

Am I wrong or was there like a one single Ishgard soldier fighting with the allied forces in the later cutscenes?

This is your dps for tonight

Yeah, that doesn't mean that the government sets up fucking rape camps you moron.

what mount?


aerodynamics system

the big ol white ball

Oh man, I thought this guy was gonna stab me if I robbed him, so I robbed him, and then he tried to stab me. Boy was I justified in robbing that jackass.

I need more info will I be 3.1 squishy or what?

>not having grit on

also is it me or dungeons hurt a lot more now

Is Aether kill?

You see quite a few of them through various locations and cutscenes. They sent a full force, after all.

I said ALL nigger it could easily be done via airship bombing and if a primal or two got through WoL could smack it down. We should team up to get rid of the annoying fuckers.


Didnt know. It litteraly let me in as soon as I posted that message. I feel so fucking lost havent played in a long time.

That's a cute image can I save it?

Is there any use for the potd weapons anymore or should I just discard them?

Maybe I just wasn't paying too much attention, felt like I didn't see them that much


Who needs vit when you have 400 more single target DPS

>those tits
>those curves

I fucking wish.

>mfw to stupid to play RDM

what's a braindead job that I can play?

You have bad taste if you think that art is acceptable.

yeah remember the last time the Garleans took a big airship to Eorzea to genocide the beastmen?

I would hold on to it just incase. They might release another tier


The tits are all wrong and everything, but I wasn't talking about the art itself. More like "I fucking wish I could make a character with more curves than a 13-year old boy in this game".