Pick 1

pick 1

Okay. 1.

Coach and Ellis, Bill and Francis

1 because fewer niggers

Zoe is cute

Bill, obviously

1 has a leagues better cast than 2

Go back to Sup Forums.



1 has Zoe, Louis, and Bill. 2 has Coach. Gotta go 1.

Both games have great casts but I have to pick the ones in L4D2
The chemistry between all characters in the second game is just perfect and Nick and Coach are hilarious to listen to.

First game has Bill and Francis but that's about it, I always disliked Zoey and Louis.

I always kinda saw it as:
1 has the better team
2 has the better personal chemistry but you can tell pretty easily they're not much of a team

>le ebin reddit memes
Congratulations you fucking fruit

Gotta go with Coach

>I always disliked Zoey and Louis

Thank you and more please.
I am a quick shot so probably only need two more.

2 has Rochelle and Nick as the best cast members -- Rochelle with her corny mom jokes and puns and Nick being a complete shithead. Coach's personality wears off a bit and Ellis is just garbo.

Everyone in L4D1 is just awesome. Start to finish. Louis being the best of the group.

Gotta go with 1.

Love this Sup Forums meme, you can use it to spot the newfags that come here from reddit or youtube

Sorry cunt, you can't downvote or report cause of your feelsies here

>how to trigger redditors 101
works every time

2 has ellis, therefore 2 is the better game

Well not "dislike" but liked the least.
you can't really hate any of the characers in either games.

Love how you outed yourself as Sup Forums
>did i hurt your fee fee's
>reddit boogeyman
>muh sekrit edgy club


all of you really shouldn't use this website

L4D 1

>anything remotely offensive is Sup Forums

I hate nu-Sup Forums

>It's an 'user quotes a bunch of posts' post.

>Still no Zoey lewds posted

I'm disappointed

Left 4 Dead 1 is much better than the second one

prove me wrong

I'm giving myself a (You) because I knocked it out of the park with that post.

hating niggers isn't Sup Forums, what the fuck?

Do you know where you are?

>only had L4D1 campaigns
>has been dead since 2010
>has both L4D1 and L4D2 campaigns
>still has active community

The only reason to stick with 1 is because you're still salty about it not getting supported by Valve.

>muh Sup Forums boogeymen
Remember when people use to just not respond to posts they didn't like? When did Sup Forums grow such thin skin?

>The only reason to stick with 1 is because you're still salty about it not getting supported by Valve.


I will never not be mad.


1, the L4D2 cast is so forgettable

>this post

summerfaggots need to leave

Coach, my man.


Hello R*ddit! Spreading your agenda again I see?

Piss off

>there are people who actually think socialism works
how do these people not learn from history

Im a loony lefty myself but whenever i see someone glorifying lenin/stalin/soviet russia in general it makes me feel sick.

How is it possible to support people who explicitly said (and did) "murder everyone who opposes you until nobody remains to challenge you, then strike fear in those you rule to maintain power"

These cockgobblers worship the worst kinds of fascist.

This post won the thread. Everyone else got triggered.

>ctrl + f
>cheeseburger apocalypse
>0 results

>triggering people is the ultimate achievement on Sup Forums


Hello R*ddit! I see you're new here. You see, since the early days of Sup Forums, well before Sup Forums existed, the word "nigger" has been used frequently. If you don't like it, you're free to leave at any time.


love seeing this shit


I was expecting to jack off, not see a bunch of rabid children race to call themselves oldfags.

Yeah, the left is supposed to be sunshine, rainbows, and clitoris stimulation among a herd of fluffy pink unicorns.
We'd never want to soil our hands with (ugh!) aggressivity! We'll win them over with kisses! ;D


Calling someone a nigger because they said something you don't like is different than picking something because it "Has less niggers". One of them is 2007 internet humor because hehe forbidden word. The other is "PLEASE GIVE ME ATTENTION I'M A RACIST AND PROUD OF IT!"

This guy gets it.


Its the fucking outside world.
Here you were always a faggot, no matter who or what you did. It was true, unfiltered equality.
Now you have these cunts slithering in from reddit, youtube and the like that are like "wow, the infamous Sup Forums, I wonder if I will get to join anonymous?" ...then they come across the words nigger and faggot, and sperg the fuck out.
I know its practically a meme to want the good old days but this place is a fucking festering feelzie pit now.

See picture.

Again, if you're upset by the use of the word "nigger", you are free to leave here for Reddit at any time, or you can just stop complaining about the use of a word that's been on Sup Forums since well before Sup Forums even existed.

If you'd ignored his post instead of crying like a baby about Sup Forums, this thread would still be on topic.

I only call blatant Sup Forumslock racists niggers, because it irks them so to be called what they so blindly hate. And because years on this website takes

Shut up dumb nigger. I'm not complaining about anything, just calling out shithead racists who spew
>Hurr we've used nigger on this site for ages
>That means You can't make fun of me for being a retarded racist!

your post fucking reeks of summerfaggotry

>Shut up dumb nigger. I'm not complaining about anything, just calling out shithead racists
>just calling out shithead racists
>shithead racists

"I'm not reddit!"
"Please don't use the ****N**** word."
"I hate racists."

>Sup Forums still butthurt when they realize nobody wants them here.

Think about your own useless posts before you go pointing fingers then scrape the soot off your kettle.

Yes. Racists are dumb shithead niggers that are worse than black people. But keep calling me reddit or summer if it makes you feel better. Its clearly all you can do when your feefees get hurt that someone doesn't agree with you, stormnigger.

>That means You can't make fun of me for being a retarded racist!
Make fun? I would say you're complaining, actually.

If user doesn't want to pick a group of L4D characters because it has niggers in it that's absolutely fine. Again, if you can't handle that, you might just need to go back to R*ddit.

>Racists are dumb shithead niggers

Zoey Ellis Coach and Francis are the dream team. Bill gets excluded only because he's fucking worm food.

>giving free (You)'s to shitposters
step it up

Everyone reading these posts, refer to for context on why they're being made. r/socialist redditors are making """"""agitprop"""""".

You are actually the worst, I hope you fucking die.
Like you choke on your own tongue, right now.
You are the personification of the problem.

>I-I was only PRETENDING!

Fuck off Ian you retarded furfag kill yourself.

>you'll never see a crime duo dark comedy with nick and ellis.

shut up you Sup Forums sympathyzing nigger

Zoey is CUTE

>And because years on this website takes

Takes what?
Did you have a stroke?

>If I keep calling them nigger, it'll camouflage the fact that I'm a communist cuck from r*ddit!

Eat a dick you pinko shitbird.


>Sup Forumsfag can only avatar post and use buzzwords

Pretty pathetic, too bad there's no upvote system here so you can't circlejerk with your subhuman centipede buttbuddies and compare how inbred you are.

Cute cute cute

what do I do now?

The first futa i ever fapped to was Zoey fucking the witch


>reddit used to have childporn based subreddits
>now gets used by Presidential candidates asking questions

>Sup Forums used to be an underground borderline deep web site that created the very idea of memes, struck fear into cable stations hearts and was "The internet's final boss"
>Sup Forums now is nonstop reposts of old tumblr memes, buzzwords, and shilling for whatever side of the political spectrum users fall on

Guys, did we lose? A-are we the bad guys?


Chestybait was a good boi, he dindu nuffin

Nick and Coach were fucking amazing.

True waifu

>Sup Forums used to be an underground borderline deep web site that created the very idea of memes, struck fear into cable stations hearts and was "The internet's final boss"

feels bad man

what has Sup Forums become

Sup Forums didn't create the very idea of memes, you stucked up cunt.

where the fuck are the Zoey porn? stop shitposting nobody cares about niggers or whatever skin you have POST ZOEY PORN

Coach and Ellis make the top row tempting, but I'm going to have to go with the bottom row because Nick is merely okay and Rochelle is boring.

>Suddenly people hate Louis

If this isn't proof that Sup Forums and its userbase has changed then I don't know what to tell you.

>Hating Louis because he's black
>Not because he's the everyman character and therefore a boring foil for more interesting characters
>Also they changed his awesome beta design to a shitty bald shaun of the dead


Not to mention that in the Passing comic it was revealed that he was actually infected but never told the group.

I agree, but you should just google it yourself.

>he was actually infected but never told the group
Huh? I thought that what was revealed in the comic was that they were all carriers

New Orleans setting, Nick, Zoe, Bill, and Ellis.

>i-its not socialism because it's not my favorite t-type of socialism

>all these people who ruined momiji
the election is over you retarded faggot

Tell that to the jackasses crying daily about some Russian fantasy.