ITT Autistic shit you do in video games

ITT Autistic shit you do in video games.

I only equip my hood in Breath of the Wild when it's raining.

Other urls found in this thread:

I only wear hoods and such in Skyrim when it's raining/snowing etc.

I mean, I have Frostfall installed, but... um...

In borderlands, after i'm well enough into the game and have plenty of money, i still collect guns and sell them, I become rich and all, but there usually isn't anything worth while to spent a boat load of cash on

I did that too.

In some RPGs I make sure to have at least one unit of every item I find in the game, so it's "archived"

basically, if there's on remainder of an item, I won't use or sell it.

I remove the helmet when in town so they can see my face

I do this with Monster Hunter materials. Even the super low level stuff that I'll likely never ever need again.

Reload my weapons when I see an impair number of bullets.

in games like Skyrim and Fallout, if I can, I like to throw my dead enemies off high places.

The fact i install so many "needs and survival" mods and shit is proof I'm autistic. If my game kills me in half a second because of something I fucked up or some enemy breathing on me, I eat that shit up.

...thats just how you play the game, user

I play team based games solo.

I stop the character I'm playing from running when they start panting, even characters that can run infinity.

Any game with a grid-based inventory my items have to be evenly spaced or grouped nicely if that's not possible.

That's not autism. It's sound stocking.

When I play RPGs I like to take off the armor and weapons and put on some casual clothing whenever I visit towns or other safe zones

You will kill yourself playing Mabinogi. Don't.

I'm not autistic these days. I don't even compulsively reload.

Fix yourselves.

In most games the character always runs everywhere, when I see a place where running wouldn't be normal I make the character walk, sometimes it takes several minutes to get where I need to get, but I still won't go fast.

In games with little/no recoil on guns, I will move my view after I shoot to simulate recoil. Especially if it's a shotgun.


I used to unequip all of my armor and put on tailored clothes everytime I went into a major city in WoW

Advanced autism.

Sorry to break it to you but that's autism


In WoW on the character select screen I turn my toons to the tune of random songs when im bored.


Playing BotW is autistic enough, retard. You didn't have to go into even more detail.

I stop at the red lights in gta5


I move the camera around in smooth, swaying motions like in those E3 demos.
Same with movement-- I try to move in smooth curves. 'Normal' movements look gittery and unrealistic, and it really triggers me OCD. I will always take the more appealing clean path in my head, as opposed to just not being a sperg and getting to where I need to go 'normal' (e.g. a lot of times I will make my character run in an arc instead of just walking back on himself.)
I will even go as far as reloading a save if I mess up a movement to reverse that dodgy movement/go back to when my character was still 'clean'

Please tell me I'm not the only one, if so, what's wrong with me?

I will only save and quit while stood in the middle of the Pokeball in Poke Centers in any of the games.

Dude, stop. Think about what you're doing.

Jump everywhere.

Or, if the game has a retarded stamina system, I always end a sprint with a jump.

That's advanced OCD and crippling autism. Shit's terminal.

in TF2, I make songs like Silent Night on the character select screen
something like this

but he is stopping user

If you truly had OCD issues you never would have misspelled "jittery"

Whenever there's a gambling section in any game, I stop myself and play the ost from Kaiji because I'm trash

I can't stand having my character's face shown in wow so I try to either 'mog their helm into some kind of mask or a full covering helm.

shit man i think we all did that

Nah I just saved in front of the entrance.

Also fuck pokemon that series trained me to always look in trash cans in games and then it never put anything in them outside of like two in RBY.

Nope that's autism

I walk everywhere unless I have a reason to run like combat or to take shelter from weather. I even make my horses walk rather than galloping everywhere.

I often spend one to two hours, sometimes more, in a GTA game, usually IV or V, just standing or parking in one location and taking in all the sights and sounds and conversations in that location, and when it rains, I turn on the radio at a low volume and listen to the soft sounds of the talk radio or whatever song is at the moment take on greater sonic texture because of the pattering of the rain and the thunder in the background.

I also write character analyses of GTA characters I'm interested in, which usually end up around 5 pages double spaced in Word.

The autism's come to real life for me
>have a good someone I hadn't talked to very much
>feel like I know them a little better now
>dialogue box pops up in my head saying "Relationship level went up to D!"

A good conversation with someone*

it took me 12 days in game to 100% Fallout 4 on survival with survival Mods

Any game with a limited inventory space. I never go above a quater of it filled, if I do I panic and start to delete and vendor shit.

I don't really do anything autistic in game but I imagine myself playing the game in front of a group of people while I talk about the game design.

Yo, was it you that posted that analysis of Franklin in a GTA V thread some days ago?

Most autistic post in the thread

>"you are now friends!"

Yeah, that's me.

I found you a friend:

I change outfits depending on what's happening in RPGs purely for cosmetic reasons.

TH3 and BoTW were probably the ones that I really went over the top in recently.

In games with silent protagonists and dialogue trees, I always say the line out loud before picking it.
I also eat breakfast /supper whenever I stay at an inn if the game allows me

One of the game's pokeball patterns made it impossible to stand in the direct center. Can't remember which one now but it pissed me off.

Ruby and Sapphire, and it pisses me off to this day

I play Dwarf Fortress


except for the loadikg part I do this too. nice camera pans and I like to walk when it's appropriate even if the character has unlimited run

i literally drown in ammo in every single game due to how picky i am when it comes to saving ammo.

in the end, i just end up becoming a melee god and pretty much never used guns

I do this

I keep seeing this word shoved around recently. Anyone care to redpill me in this situation?

Anytime a game lets me name characters and party members, I always name them after wrestlers.
R-Truth, in whatever game, is always a monster

I do this too

or imaginary sales pitch of the game.

I always treat my protag like it's a real person with physical needs.
>Walk a lot more than I need to, take climbs very slow and rest afterwards with Nate from Uncharted
>Walk a lot more than I need to, eat three meals a day with Geralt
Dumb shit like that. Also I like to drive the speed limit, in lanes, and at stoplights in all the grand theft auto games

It's just a word faggots use for characters in an mmo, which becomes increasingly obnoxious when they use it in other games.

this sounds like how mexicans call characters in general. "Monos". It can mean Toon, Character, or Monkey

am not mean enough to play games like rust


>can kill a normal enemy in one shot no matter where you shoot them
>still aim for headshots

I only walk in towns and sleep at night.

>Playing RPG
>Save before boss fight
>Beat boss, but one member dies
>That character is level under the rest and they no longer have the same amount of exp
>reset back to save

I don't think that's exclusive to Mexico. My family is from Chile and I've heard my cousins use mono in that context as well.

I host tournaments in Street Fighter in a bracket format with the highest-level CPUs of each character. I do this because I strongly disagree with the treatment of Arcade mode as the canonical tournament. It's not round robin (after SF2') and it's certainly not a bracket.

In Fallout I always shoot enemies twice in the chest and once in the head while using a pistol so I can pretend my character knows gun-fu.

What happens if you find a party member with lower XP than the members you have at the time?

Oh that's fine, but if I can help I'll try to keep them the same level.

I release my pokemon when they get ko'd

thats just called nuzlocke

You mean autism

>be playing fallout
>low level
>come across armor that is way better than my shitty vault suit
>it looks ugly
>enter a building
>get destroyed

>Witcher 3
>Only walk, unless in a hurry.
>When travelling by horse, don't gallop, unless in a hurry.
>Obviously, no fast travel.
>Only do ciri related quests, unless: really need money, then do a contract or a few OR plot related reasons allow for a few days of break, for example waiting for the ship to Skellige to depart, or waiting for the play premiere.
>Also timeflow is modded to 1:4.
I am honestly not autistic, I just really don't mind spending 20-30 minutes riding around the countryside listening to relaxing music between quests. This is the only way I am able to immerse enjoy this particular game.

I mash buttons during loading screens, even if they don't do anything

Forgot to mention, I also unequip all armor except pants and both swords when swimming. If i find some cave before I can return to the shore, I deal with the enemies using only signs and the crossbow.

I always like to press all shoulder buttons and/or face buttons.

This habit fucks me over a lot

I remember when I played Yakuza 5 and got to the part where Shinada finds out everyone he knows is part of a conspiracy I just made him get blackout drunk at a bar. Then that led me to the baseball side story and I just played that through to completion (while getting progressively less drunk inbetween every mission) before going back to the main story.

true rpg 100%
>Grind out stat boost items until all party members have max stats in every category
>get max of every item

Not autism, just good practice

I used to do this, until I realized what good did having all that ammo do, if I probably only used a tenth of what I scavenged

I keep all game discs in their proper boxes

When I replayed Mirror's Edge again recently, I just got high and kept running off the edge of buildings to see what suicide would be like.

I recommend shooting yourself in a vr game

I always walk when I'm in a town or settlement in any game. ALWAYS

>implying I'm a VRetard

Eat in every restaurant at least once. Eat once a day. Sleep at every inn at least once, always sleep at night until morning. Removes clothes before bed.

I do this too.

I have to hear every line of recorded dialogue/see every animation before i consider i've 'beaten' the game.

I then watch about 3 different people play through the game for enjoyment and get frustrated when they miss something