Where are my dinosaur games?

Where are my dinosaur games?

ark was the most current one. but if you wait 7 years you will get a flood of dino games.
Right now the game market is all about space exploration, I imagine once cyberpunk 2077 is out it will all be about cyberpunk games. then someone will make a dino game and everyone will follow suit. its the circle of life.

Don't see any dinosaurs in your pic OP, nice birds though
There's a difference

>you will never get to taste a dodo bird

Dinosaurs were reptiles, not birds.

Dinosaurs aren't cool anymore.

Man I wouldn't fuck with dyatrima


What went wrong?

Birds are dinosaurs, but not all dinosaurs are birds. Birds are avian dinosaurs, while non-avian dinosaurs are things like Suaropods and Theropods.

Quack quack


'reptile' is a practically meaningless term these days. You can't really come up with any group that you could call 'reptiles' that would include pre-asteroid 'classic' dinosaurs, yet also exclude extant dinosaurs or mammals.

Even among archosaurs its likely the common ancestor had some kind of fluff.

Guide isn't really that accurate, Velociraptors wouldn't be that large compared to a cat, and their claw wouldn't really be that dangerous to an adult human.

Think of them like Geese, but less dangerous, and with much better tempers.


I literally had no idea snakes drank water until now.

there's an entire book with this concept, but I can't find it's name or anything else about it at the moment

>all these featherfags
>all these JPfags
Fuck you. All of you.

It's time for us old taildraggers to take the spotlight and it's only natural that games should follow suit!

I like how the therapods in these old paintings always have this soft, nonthreatening and vaguely elderly look to them. Like their teeth fell out years ago and they're just getting triceratops spam in the mail every week from the government.

They do have that sort of vintage quality them huh?

I'll admit that I genuinely miss seeing them. I always thought of dinosaurs that way for god knows how long, and that's all well before the "kewl" ones were brought in from Jurassic Park.

JPfags have it easy, they only had feathers to deal with.I kid, dino studies have gone through so many changes it's hard to get phased by them at this point.

But it tasted like shit

Dinosaurs weren't real you fucking idiots


So now that it's revealed that T. Rex doesn't have feathers on its neck, what will Saurian do? Keep it the same, keep it mostly the same but give it a bald neck, or remove all the feathers entirely? They said in an interview that if it was revealed that Rex didn't have feathers, they would change their model. Did they mean it?

I like to think it had quills but that's about the extent "feathers" I'd give it.


Hail to the King



>So now that it's revealed that T. Rex doesn't have feathers on its neck

This is incorrect, though, the locations in questions are only a few milimeters large each, in locations we already knew had sparse to no feathers, and didn't prove that there /wasn't/ feathers there, merely that there were scales, and there's nothing to suggest both wouldn't be present.

Oh, so they'll only take out those tiny patches where we happened to find scale impressions, that's fair and reasonable.