How do you feel about this ninja?

How do you feel about this ninja?

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She's cool.

She's a really nice girl, and I want to breed her.

I want to love her forever

>think her voice is cool as fuck
>look up
>Yu Kobayashi

Dumb dyke

coalburning slut

I like her. She's great. Nowhere near my favorite but that's just because SK has a shitload of great girls and she just gets lost in the shuffle sadly. Honestly of everyone in the actual games (I know fuckall about new wave) I think the only ones I don't like to some degree are Haruka, Ryona, and Gessen on the whole.

How does her blouse stay in place? Unless she uses glue, that sort of position should have it slip off and show her nipples.

She stands out, so she's not a very good ninja.

Ninja magic

Ninja magic, also her nipples are safe anyways.

Fun to use sometimes. Feels like she hits like a tank in some battles.

>having nipples

She was one of my favorites before I played the games, now I don't care much about her because she feels like shit in all games. The opposite happened with Asuka and Yagyuu.

Meh, not my favorite Senran by any means.

I fucking love Anime Boobies you guys.

Only one I explicitly dislike is Minori personally. Everyone else is cool.

What about this then?

I want to rape her

Those are clearly hearts, not nipples.

It's a well known fact that they do, but hide them most of the time with ninja magic.

Did you look behind the hearts?

I'd eat that meat.

Easily my favorite Senran

I ended up spiting Asuka a little. She's cool and all, but every fight against Asuka in SV was her spamming that underground uppercut attack.

The fact that she's always ready to give paizuri makes me hard.

Lotta good taste in this thread

>you will never help Kat molest other girls by distracting them while she sneaks up on them

She's awesome. A hot babe that loves other hot babes. The kind who you just hang out with at a bar and point out the hottest racks with each other.

Shame about her chainsmoking voice, though.

Reminder Haruka is fat.

Shiki is better.

That ninja is a good girl

A shit. Only Kafuru makes my dick happy, but Hibari makes my heart go doki doki as well.

she reminds me of iowa

To me she always looked like an older, teenage version of TOSHINO KYOUKO!

she's a total bro

we could molest girls together

I want to marry that ninja!!!

Yu-sama is a gift to the world.


>like all the pictures alot, super cute
>finally try a game
>its utter shit

Oh well, at least i can enjoy all the pics again

Second best girl. Her friend Snek is just slightly better.

I don't get this franchise. They run around doing ecchi shit and flopping dey tiddies all over the place but all of them have horrible tragic backstories. Am I supposed to want to feel sorry for them or want to have sex with them? I just don't fuckin get it.

Why not both?

Both, you dip.

>all these titcows

god i wish that were me

>series about titcows
>bitches that there's titcows

What did he mean by this?

Katsu-nee is cool, but I think she's underwhelming in SV and they should make her grab a bit less boobs and be more of the chill senpai who can't have her jimmies rustled.

Post Miyabi

>having sex with people you feel sorry for
what are you, a woman?



>dressing a boy like a girl
that's haram as fuck

do not start this

Miyabi IS NOT a boy!

Why is Homura so shit


You're shit.

Kat is a bro, but if she wanted to femdom me in dominatrix clothes, I would not object.

Hanzo and Crimson Squad have the only good girls.

>tripfag saying that

There's a couple of good girls in New Hebijo

I wanna make Kat fall in love with me

Is she even straight?

This has to be one of my favorite Kat pics.

She's my second least favourite of the Hanzo girls.

Lemme guess, least is Hibari?

That's lewd

Not very stealthy. Mustn't be very good.

She more of a bi

Always shout out as loud as possible when executing a sneak attack.

Actually Hibari's my favourite SK character. My least favourite Hanzo's Ikaruga.

Ah. I pity you for your poor taste.

Don't listen to Boco, you're entitled to your opinion.

wow how did you manage to have the exact opposite of good taste

>tripfag talking shit about other people's taste

don't you have a titty bat to jerk off to or somethin

The next Switch dating sim game better be about Homaru.

She is the character that most deserves to be further developed since everyone other 'main' girl has hit a dead end.

Better yet, when are we going to have her return to school and kick out the 2nd stringers that replaced her as the 'elites'?

Did they also make Deep Crimson not canon anymore, the fuckers.

Hoo boy, is that all kinds of bass ackwards.

I just found Ikaruga to have a really dull personality, nor does she appeal to my dick.

>nor does she appeal to my dick

I'm sorry, I'm not following.

I'm more surprised that somehow you like Yagyu better than both Ikaruga and Kat to be honest.

She is so damn gorgeous.

It's okay to be gay user, but you don't have to keep shoving your faggotry in every ones face.

Not as good as Yumi.

Her voice freaks me out. I dislike defeating her sometimes because of the strange wails she lets out.

You know what? I can actually agree to that. Neither are favorites of mine but I would take Yumi over Kat.




bean sprouts

While I think her weapons and outfit are neat, I feel she's kind of weak gameplay-wise. Could just be me, but I keep knocking enemies into the air when all her attacks are targeted towards the ground.

She also has the same problem as Yagyu, her shtick gets a bit old after a while.

Shortstack+short skirt+ZR+H85

White hair+twintails+short skirt+gay+H83

Buruma+lots of pink=Cute+lewd without being overly saccharine like Minori

Characters like Kat who try to be overly perverted/slutty don't really do anything for me and Yu Kobayashi's screeching kills my boner deader than dead

Ikaruga just has a bland personality and her design reflects this.

The only parts I like about Kat and Ika are their fat butts

>It's okay to be gay user
I got over my gay phase though

The fact that there's so little porn of her that isn't just getting dicked is depressing.


>not liking a girl in uniform+pantyhose
>not liking a girl with a certain style

gessen a shit


Ikaruga is just a cute dork and her voice is pure sex. She is admittedly like Yumi but without all the things that make Yumi annoying like the justice boner and the baby talk quirk.