World of Warcraft 2

What would you like to see in WoW 2?

I wouldn't. Too much damage has been done.

a copy of guild wars 2

I wish each expansion had been a self-contained mmo.

No furries

It's not going to happen

being able to fly without having to spend half a century grinding for no other reward. and maybe something different to do besides raiding that offers gear. just a fucking thought


>they would ruin the class anyways


More sandbox less themepark

Dk are necromancers

A real storyline with non-cliche/caricature characters and an gameplay system that scales infinitely with skill.

Also WoW sold out from day 1. Gnomes were a joke race, never given a real zone, and honestly killed a lot of the mood. Too bad their racial passives were too fucking good to pass up.


Just fucking end this madness and make Warcraft IV, jfc

More Pandass

Pretty sure Project Titan was cancelled, and the people in charge either were fired or quit. Wouldn't matter anyhow, they would prioritize mythic raiding over exploration and fun.

Starting a day one P.U.G, require proof of a world first mythic feat of strength for the dungeon that's being released in a few hours! Scrubs need not apply.

Shadowhunter trolls

de-casualization. no gimmicks. give me vanilla: HD edition

For it to never be made

nu-Blizzard can't make anything good nowadays

Overwatch uses Titan's assets. Do you genuinely think the aesthetic and theme of Overwatch could have been applied with better gameplay to make a great game?

Pretty much this

Focus on interaction

Just incentivize actually talking to other people. You should get nothing done without a few friends or making a few friends.

No fucking singleplayer way. I always though the ability to do shit alone was okay for question but it created a bunch of people who just want to play WoW as a singleplayer facebook game.

cataclysm map without the gameplay changes from cata and also maybe redo the levels for the zones so it goes from like 1-80 on just azeroth

basically fuck all this fucking jerking around metzen shit and now khadgar shit nobody gives a fuck

I don't think they would do what I actually want in terms of a hardcore mmo because my ideal game is basically a mix of vanilla wow with ffxi class stuff and something of a classic Everquest/dnd race and alignment system

What I think they could actually do and be fairly successful is make something that is a middle ground between current diablo 3 and current wow, set in the wow lore

Some sorta dungeon crawly mmo that heavily encourages class play with simple drop in drop out options but also encourages and rewards more permanent guild style groupings

Say what you want about current wow but the combat is just about as good as any other mmo I've ever played, especially classes like WW monk or Arms warrior