How in the fuck does anyone call this one of the best consoles ever made?

How in the fuck does anyone call this one of the best consoles ever made?

>library consists of almost nothing except queer furry platformers, shoddy multiplats and licensed movie games. even the "good" stuff like Mario Sunshine or Wind Waker are absolute garbage compared to what other consoles of the era were offering
>shit-tier graphics compared to Xbox and PC
>shitty controller
>no backwards compatibility
>introduced physical DLC with the e-Reader and Gamecube to GBA Cable
>no built in ethernet, requires the purchase and installation of a retarded brick
>absolutely fugly looking. much like the ethernet adapter, the entire console is a retarded purple brick with a fucking lunchbox handle behind it it, topped off with retarded curves all around the system which completely negate the compact design
>multiplat devs abandoned it towards the end of the generation because Gamecube owners only cared about Nintendo games
>speaking of online, no unified online service, and the only online game was muh weeby Dreamcast port, during a time when both Xbox and Dreamcast offered vastly better online features with actual games

Autists seem to love this console because it has a ton of shitty jumping games. I cannot imagine any other reason to own this piece of shit.


Are you going to make this same thread for all the sixth gen consoles?

Not an argument.

Child hood nostalgia if nothing else, I have many found memory's of it.

The kind of autist that would play these games is the kind of autist that would continue to play games into adulthood and post about it on a online japanese imageboard


its just nostalgia imo. when you ask someone whats their favorite console of all time you might as well just ask them what console they grew up with.

I swear I saw a thread almost exactly like this but with a ps2 earlier, maybe I'm just tired

REmake was the only good game on the damn thing. How sad is that.

I mean, there's not really that many people who call the gamecube one of the best of all time
the guy who made the ps2 thread actually had a point, the ps2 gets overhyped to astronomical levels, meanwhile the gamecube forced nintendo to change their entire development and marketing strategy

lol shoddy, the multiplats run better than on either of the other two

F zero gx
Metroid prime
Smash bros
Mario sunshine
Animal crossing
Phantasy star online (the first console MMO)

>Phantasy star online (the first console MMO)
you do realize it was on the dreamcast first right?

I do.

good :)

try playing some the games first. it's a novel idea, I know, but just try it.

Gen 6 as a whole was disgustingly overrated. The PS2 was nothing but shovel ware and overrated garbage action games. The Xbox was nothing but Halo and Blink. The Gamecube was a Mario Machine.

It was the games really.

Smash/ZeldaWW/Metroid Primes/Animal Crossing/F-Zero/Pikmin/Mario Sunshine/Luigi's Mansion/Super fucking Monkey Ball/MGS Twin Snakes/Resident Evil remake/RE4

And then you had stuff like Soul Calibur 2, Ikaruga, Skies of Arcadia, Phatasy Star Online, and Twilight Princess at the end of its cycle. All in all it was solid. Sure there were a ton of ports (Sega etc), but back then the console ports were near identical to the competition. It was the last time Nintendo competed with "high end" visuals. I still remember how incredible Metroid Prime looked compared to anything on the market.

what about the dreamcast?

Nice bait, OP

The what?

it had mid-tier graphics. better than dreamcast and ps2, slightly worse than xbox (some gamecube games definitely look better than xbox games), worse than pc
i think everyone would disagree with you when it comes to controller
i cant even remember what games featured e-reader shit other than animal crossing, and it never bothered me
console design is one of the most iconic ever.
some sony fanboy probably got salty

Not him but a lot of Gamecube's best games were Dreamcast ports. Capcom had a field day on it with mahvel, Power Stones, vs. SnK, 2nd impact/3rd Strike. Dreamcast had games, but somehow it failed. Which was nuts because every gamer I knew at the time had one.

Turned out that gamers aren't the biggest market for consoles

I like jumpy games
Gunna re buy Ty on steam

Holy shit, this fucking kid actually took the time to remake my thread but swapped PS2 with GameCube. This is the most autistic thing I have ever witnessed on this site.

This console war faggotry should be a banable offence. I just saw this thread not too long ago.

>taking credit for MY thread
You were "that kid", weren't you?

The new generation of Sup Forums grew up with it, that's all.


If you're looking for recommendations you could have just said so! I would say you should give Custom Robo and Skies of Arcadia a try

maylay is a pretty gud game

complete library, greatest of all-times
lots of grayish looking FPS / TPS, plenty of multiplats (usually the best console version) and licensed crap
furry plaftormers, many multiplats, good ol' Nintendo exclusives (good Zeldas, good Mario, good Fire Emblem, GOAT F-Zero, etc)
2D Fighters, shmups, many multiplats from the PS1/N64 era (best versions, most of the time) strong arcade-feel

>good Zeldas
Uhhh, about that...

>Wind Waker
>Four Swords Adventures
Two good Zeldas right there

>>library consists of almost nothing except queer furry platformers, shoddy multiplats and licensed movie games. even the "good" stuff like Mario Sunshine or Wind Waker are absolute garbage compared to what other consoles of the era were offering
like what? the matrix video games? lol
>>shit-tier graphics compared to Xbox and PC
no not really
>>shitty controller
now this is just wrong
>>no backwards compatibility
you can play gameboy games on it
>>introduced physical DLC with the e-Reader and Gamecube to GBA Cable
alright yeah that was pretty bad
>>no built in ethernet, requires the purchase and installation of a retarded brick
didn't really matter because barely any of the games were online besides phantasy star
>>absolutely fugly looking. much like the ethernet adapter, the entire console is a retarded purple brick with a fucking lunchbox handle behind it it, topped off with retarded curves all around the system which completely negate the compact design
It was small and compact so you can bring it to your friends house easier
>>multiplat devs abandoned it towards the end of the generation because Gamecube owners only cared about Nintendo games
I agree with this. barely any good third party games near the end of its lifespan
>>speaking of online, no unified online service, and the only online game was muh weeby Dreamcast port, during a time when both Xbox and Dreamcast offered vastly better online features with actual games
Honestly I didn't and nobody else really cared back then.