So apparently Mario can turn into a realistic t-rex in the new super mario odst game

So apparently Mario can turn into a realistic t-rex in the new super mario odst game


>turn into
No user. Mario mind-raped that trex. The blue eyes represent the trex's corruption.

does this prove that white males are corrupt :O

>Italian midget

choose one

>actually has gameplay unlike your Sony movies
Yes, OP, that is epic.

exactly, italians are nothing more than north-african rape offspring

Open the door
Get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur

I wonder if the T-Rex will actually attack Mario, or will it always be sleeping when you're not in control.
Mario has been swallowed by giant fish, but being chased and chomped by a realistic T-Rex seems a little too violent for Mario.

>being edgy unironically

Fuck off

I'd much rather have him ride it so I could finally have pic related on a game

Stop having fun, Mario!

>no feathers

Actually, the t-rex didn't have feathers. But at least you got Anjanath in MH World, right?

>mario is ALSO wearing sneakers

you are silly

You could die in your sleep tonight and the last thing you would have done is shitpost and jack off

>super mario odst
Man, Nintendo has really run out of ideas to make a crossover this insane.

not a bad way to go

nigger, that's a koopa

Feet First into Wahoo

u mad? XD

oh shit I can see the sjw headlines already

"How super mario odyssey shows that white men want to control everything, and why that's a problem"

"Here's why you shouldn't play super mario odyssey.. it encourages white supremacy"

What is Anjanath doing in Mario?

please go back

tfw been here since 2009

Switch fags still upset Sony wins again.

> Sony
> A company that wins

Would you like to pick one now user? Sony is worse than shitty Microsoft and PC combined

why are the le epic 4channers so against people posting on their phones?

I have no problems posting via phone, though newfags constantly spamming "Haha, sounds like someone needs to go back to (((Leddit))) XXXXDDDD" is getting old.

We get it, you dumped your ex.

i think the final boss should be t-rex mario vs bowser

They don't really hate the idea of phoneposting. The hate is more toward certain types of users it that are attracted to use of posting on a phone here. Mostly these are retarded newfags who they use it evade a ban from their low tier shitposting. It's less likely to happen now because Gook has blocked most access on phones unless they buy a Sup Forums pass. Could be area based, but I do know many States are affected.

Gook should rangeban Canada because the majority of the most notorious shitposters are from there somehow.

the best thing about nintendo is that it's impervious to cynicism

Seriously, what explanation could Nintendo go with that WOULDN'T make this all creepy as fuck?


wish he can turn into monster hunter world

>the t-rex didn't have feathers
It almost surely did.

feather fags need to stop ruining every dino thread

Scalefags need to let go of the past and accept that Jurassic Park-esque dinos never existed

stop being wrong or you'll die

I feel like this is some kind of new ironic shitposting, but you're right it's TOTALLY AWESOME XD

I can guarantee most of the "phoneposters" are just the regular posters lurking when they aren't at their computer

>le Italians aren't white meme

>Sony wins again.

... How? Didn't Nintendo's value just surpass that of ALL of Sony?

Come on wop we know better

I want shitposters to go away


I like how it has a little mustache. Cute :3

why would they make him being a midget canon? why would they want mario to be smaller than a fire hydrant? I think the average midget height is actually taller than mario.

Ya... apparently all nintendo had to do was show another gameplay trailer to a game everyone knew about and add a dino thats style clashes horribly with mario's cartoony style and people say nintendo won e3.

Spoiler alert. The T-rex is Yoshi.

>Implying everyone is talking about the dinosaur and not everything else they're excited about

kick yourself

Butthurt redditor.

Yet they are unfairly judged. God forbid someone who is addicted to Sup Forums wants to lurk and post away from their computer. Let us waste our lives.

>No feathers

Precisely. Big dinos have no feathers.

Oh i'm sorry. What else are they excited about? A metroid logo for a game that prob wont be out by next years e3?

Find them closer to spics than niggers myself but yeah not much better. Same goes for the Greek