Defend this

Defend this.

Literally HOW braindead do you have to be in order to find this input to be a challenge?

Defend this.

>Defend this.
Hold back OP.




Are these just troll threads or are there people that actually struggle with such a simple motion?

It balances out how good the move is by locking it behind a more difficult input than just pushing one button

I can't as it's impossible. There's no way to get from forward to down without any in between.

It's not primal rage controls.

It would definitely be impossible on an SNES controller. Newer controllers it's not such an issue.

what if you shifted the stick to neutral first

In truth the actual input you want to do is forward, diagonal, down, diagonal, forward

If you're so fucking bad that you can't perform a SRK, then give up on fighting games right now.


In case this isnt bait youre supposed to go into neutral, not directly down
Think of it as inputting forward before a fireball motion

Shit's tricky to do on a keyboard

>It's impossible.
Then how come tons of folks do it just fine?
Are you autistic?

>he can't make a Z with the joystick

while the threads you see on Sup Forums are troll threads, I hope so at least, at the same time I wouldn't put it past some people. Back when UMVC3 came out, I knew a guy who bought it day one because he liked comics. The next day he told me about how much he loved it but how hard it is, and how it took him an hour to get Deadpool to "shoot his guns" which is just a qcf. So I think there are definitely people who are just retarded or something.

>tap forward
>release to neutral
>quickly press down
>slide hand/thumb to down-forward
>press a punch button
>modern games don't even require you to do this perfectly anymore, now you can double tap down-forward in most fighting games if you're that retarded
wooooow, so difficult

kb would probably be the easiest to do it on.

Press Towards
Raise thumb
Press Down
Slide Thumb onto diagonally Down and Towards, simultaneously pressing the punch button of your choice.

Easy. Low and Back. I'm now blocking.

>loved mvc3 so much
>forced my friends to play it with me
>they got frustrated as they couldn't event to qcf
>couldn't figure out how to block
>I couldn't explain to them even how to switch charactes

Well, then maybe my keyboard's just shitty. It can't register diagonals for the love of its fucking life.

Too bad dps in SFV are fucking useless


Some people are just beyond help. I got lucky and I had one friend who I could play with constantly. Day 1 we played about 9 hours straight, was so much fun even though I won almost 90% of the games. Problem is most people just give up too quickly, its rare to find someone that will stick through losing and still have fun, while also trying to learn.

What is this quotation about?

Am I the only one who uses the d-pad instead of the analogue stick?

With the d-pad any motion is super easy
>press forward, press down, press down+forward, press punch

How is it at one point they're talking about moving away from SFIV and making waking up less dangerous, then the very next moment doing shit like nerfing DP's or adding things like counter-hits to backdashes, which are now just glorified throw techs anyway. Is there any sort of overarching plan for this game's design?

>not just wiggling the stick between down and right and spamming punch

No, everyone uses the d-pad
You'd have to be braindead to use the analogue stick

The vast majority of people use the d-pad. Sup Forums is just fucking awful at fighting games. Seriously, they're fucking garbage. It's the reason why Smash is so popular here, because it's the only fighting game with a low enough skill floor for them to play, and they're still god awful at it.

Back Back then quarter circle forwards jab

>No, everyone uses the d-pad
>The vast majority of people use the d-pad

oh good, I thought I was in crazy land for the last few days whenever I saw threads like this

lul found a casual

Defend this.

Crescent Moon + Punch

Only people with autism are good at those inputs.

The actual input in current SF games is any forward, any down, any forward. I have no clue what your explanation is supposed to be.

>foward-> downback-> up-> downfoward-> back-> foward+abcd

seems easy enough

Is it really down, forward, down+forward?
I always just roll my finger from forward to down then back to forward.

Kind of reminds me of some of the charge ultras in SF4

Why does Sup Forums suck so much at fighting games
why do they keep making threads about sucking at fighting games
Try doing the motion in the OP for max 3 minutes and you'll get it down. I can understand being confised by the "z" icon but it's just right then a quarter circle, for fucks sake.

Brings milfs to evo

Emphasis on movement rather than throwing punches at each other.

>yet another Sup Forums can't shoryuken thread

fyi, you can successfully input a DP without touching forward, down, or down/forward.

im so sick of this meme

You hit both forward and down though.

street fighter v doesn't exist though

It's just a Z motion, basic boy
Inputs and combos aren't the hard part of a fighting game; it's spacing, neutral understanding, and shenanigans that win games

Shoryuken has no part of the input that is back, so you stop blocking to attempt it, this gives a tiny vulnerability since the move is (usually) invincible in whatever game it is. Players can and do counter hit each other as they attempt to do special moves, so the inputs are designed for neutral game. In combos, it doesn't matter what the input is for a move as much since you dont need to do it lightning quick, its more about timing.

If the shoryuken was the same input as a hadouken, then it would be obscenely easy to perform on shorter notice, and since fighting games are precise down to the frame, it would open up SO MANY more opportunities to use it that the move becomes overpowered.

The "complex" input nowdays is a half circle, and a hadouken+half circle in games like kof. Those inputs are designed for supers or bigger special moves mainly, so that they take a few more frames to happen. Since you need to do more inputs, again this really only applies when you're not doing a combo.

Imagine if you could just press a single button and do Terry's Busta Wolf, nobody would ever hop at you again, it would be nuts.

Is this really that hard to figure out?

you are a massive faggot for posting this picture, that's not even the right input