This was straight up awful no matter what you reddit kids say. Satire doesn't excuse shit...

This was straight up awful no matter what you reddit kids say. Satire doesn't excuse shit, e3 is a serious time of year to show off new games and hardware, it's the very reason we act so harshly to fuckups and cringe, to begin with. Ironic cringe is never effective and makes you look fucking stupid. The pre pre show was garbage too.

Other urls found in this thread:

>video games are important

>Vidya (the place where you jump on goombas heads and win kill streaks) are supposed to be serious guys!

Wew lad

Why do Sup Forums think one subsection of Reddit represents everyone of Reddit and that everything they don't like it related to Reddit

They're former redditors desperate to fit in.

Want a real non-biased veredict? Here: It was okay until the FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE cringefest.

Most of us don't give a flying fuck about Reddit. It's just the paranoid and insecure neckbeards that feel threatened by them.

I personally didn't like it but I dont like that kind of humor. Plus I wanted them to show off games, like Talos Principle 2. That one isometric game they showed looked decent though.


all things considered this wasn't funny at all

Jokes work because they subvert expectations

>e3 is a serious time of year
>vidya is serious

youre autistic for pedestal-ing a hobby shared by 8 year olds

go back to >>>reddit

Some of the jokes went on too long but maybe that was intended

A joke also needs to be quick.

The entire thing was drawn out to fuck and back.


Can I get a link to this shit?
Not sure why you kids making a fuss

The kids who take e3 super seriously are the legit failures here, I've never gotten the idea of playing cheerleader for a company who couldn't give a shit about you just to "prove" you have the better toy. In hindsight, the actual "cringy part" of e3 is the community and reactions around it.

>reminder that these people are those kids from high school / college that went into drama/arts and somehow managed to find themselves working for a game company as part of their marketing team and despite having little talent or intelligence are making more money than you and will make claim they are the "real gamers" of the world, so says their multiple social media accounts. Also they fuck niggers.

Some of the pre pre show games looked good too. I half expected them to be fake given the context but the battle chef and graveyard managing ones are on steam somewhere



Learn to laugh once in a while you double nigger.

E3 is a fucking joke and the only people that come out clean on the other side is sensationalist Youtubers and OP is a fag.

Kevin Sorbo? You just got BOONED


Haha, yeah. Smart people like Rick & Morty instead, right V?

This horribly unfunny joke cost Devolver over $100,000. Imagos is currently getting fucked over by a tranny too.

>shitposting about a shitpost


the """conference""" was cringey as hell. what games did they even show? it was stupid and innecessary and not even really that funny.

>the pre pre show was garbage
no, that was actually entertaining.

It was funny like an Onion article (at least old onion) because you get a good laugh from the headline and maybe the first paragraph but after that you're just thinking "OK I got the joke man, stop"

More like EA, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony pay money to keep other developers under the glass ceiling

the more you hate something the stronger it gets

That's completely unrelated though. If anything the video came about because of their bad history with the event.

>e3 is a serious time of year to show off new games and hardware
so why do microsoft and sony treat their stages like a fucking joke?

>He thinks the absurd amounts of viral marketing the conference has generated wasn't worth $100,000

Fucking idiot. Microsoft would burn a billion to have so many people still talking about Xbox x one x Xbox.

Check a look

Hello r*ddit.

>e3 is serious business
Kek no wonder your mad, they were making fun of you too

What happened?

Mostly people get called out for being reddit when they virtue signal, which is indeed pretty fucking toxic and should be called out.

shut your goddamn gob

>"Hi we're Devolver and we're ready to show off some FUCKIN' games!"
>the redditor begins chuckling because she said a bad word and you're not supposed to say that at E3
>the redditor laughs out loud, spewing cheeto crumbs over his desk while feeling good about himself because he understands ironic humor
>the redditor gasps for air as he slaps his knee while acknowledging that it's bad on purpose and his mom probably wouldn't get it
>the redditor immediately logs on to Sup Forums to post about how it was kino and goes back to binging Eric Andre

>e3 is a serious time of year

hi neogaf

No, their permits for the lot they planned to set up near the E3 venue were denied, costing them $100k. The mock conference has nothing to do with that.

>Video games
People like you are why games are dying. Get out of my hobby reee

>e3 is a serious time of year
e3 and all """"trade shows"""""" should be banned for at least 5 years. hype culture is unmitigated cancer.


You didn't read the article at all did you

That being said, fuck Cali. What a shithole

if you press da x x x and da y y y and da x x x and da y y y
eeeeh you will be sucked

Why do people take E3 seriously? It's just the time of year when we get a bunch of trailers and demos shown off.
At least Devolver did something different by having a shitpost "conference"

>I'm a gamer and I take plebeians encroaching on my hobby and tainting it should be executed

>videogames are serious business guys

>multiBILLION dollar companies investing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS into games
>not a big deal

>e3 is serious business guys, really

They deserve a lot of credit for shitposting about E3 at E3 during their E3 presentation, really outstanding. Somehow the most enjoyable presentation this year was the one that barely involved videogames.
That said they're not getting any of my money because they don't make games that appeal to my specific interests.

>multiBILLION dollar companies investing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS into marketing
fixed that for ya

Is this going to be a daily recurring thread for the rest of the summer?

Super Serious

hello /r/eddit

Holly shit , how mad are you? This is the fourt thread I am seeing and I'm barely 2 hours a day here.

deal with it

>e3 is a serious time of year

>Video games are serious!!!!
>they got permission from the venue to do it.
>everyone was on board
>Showed 2 games, more than some conferences
>Made sure people kept talking about them with a 10 hour shitpost stream.

Devolver's plan was reliant on people loving or hating the presentation. This just proves their strategy of pretending not to give a fuck was successful.

spot on

Go away Sup Forums

shit was garbage and anyone who disagrees is still in high school or actually autistic

>there are people who can't appreciate the beauty of Wolf Cop and Ninja Slayer

OP is obvious bait

while the whole satirical press conference thing was a bit tryhard and over the top i appreciate it at it's core. very cute bloody nose cunt also.

watching the pre pre show with anons alll night was probably the most fun I've had watching e3 and being on Sup Forums

i wish i had friends

That was last year

>underestimate how long it went on for
>sleep through the legitimate conferences afterwards

Worth it


Time to realize that Sup Forums is retarded. And though I don't like reddit you gotta admit that even them are better than this shithole.

She's kind of ugly.

I mean, the actual conferences were almost entirely shit, as usual, so nothing of value was lost.

They blew out all of Sup Forums with the comment jab.

>man can go anywhere, man can do anything
>makes us feel lost because that's a bit of a false expectation
>A man went to the moon. You won't, I won't

Personally I thought that intel conferenve before the pc show was unintentionally the funniest shit there

>dont shoot me!
>shitty blitzball vr game that nobody cared about
>we expect 500 million esports viewers by next year!

The devolver one was just trying way too hard to be funny imo

Kek, that was pretty neat. Why are some Sup Forumsirgins triggered about this?

Yeah. Losing a hundred grand was really successful. That could've paid for another hotline miami.

E3 is serious business. No really. People wait all year to see the games, not any sketches no matter if they're good or not.

it was a literal farce to show just how up their own asses publishers have gotten these past years

>Dell SK-8135

Those kids have good taste in keyboards. I use that beauty myself.

You must fun at parties you sad fuck.

>E3 is a serious time of year

>fucked over by a tranny

virtue signalling use to be normal when the site first came about. This shit nowadays is just folk who grew up sucking it down. I use to find it annoying, but over the last 3 years the internet as a whole has gotten pretty terrible. It'll all be locked down like cable/network television in a few years. People complaining are just people who are late to the contrarian counter culture party. It doesn't exist anymore, this is just shitposting.

It was calling E3 on the exact same bullshit we call E3 on, you idiot. Fucking kill yourself, you massive retarded faggot.

>people are still bitching about this
vidya gaems are srs business

>people still falling for this stupid pasta
Literally every single time

>whites in charge of humour

I mean if you're going to do something like this at least make it funny? Shit is horrible.

I use Reddit. Problem?

cringe xD check out my cringe comp
cringe comp youtube search vegetaguydesu cringe e3
cringe reddit subreddigt made to share cringe /r/cringeyasheck
post cringe with your fellow cringers online www.cringe.u
4 shot dead in detroit homicide
cringe xD

What's your livejournal account name?


>e3 is a serious time of year

Yes, of course. The winner of each year's E3 in particular is a monumental outcome more consequential than election results. Nations have formed and burned depending on which toy manufacturer got the best sick burn on another toy manufacturer that year.
