Why do fighting games have some of the greatest character designs in vidya?

Why do fighting games have some of the greatest character designs in vidya?

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You like women who are in shape

Half of of why people even buy fighting games in the first place is the character design, so they focus on what's important

nice pic

but I think FPBP solved it.

It'd help if you would post some good examples.
Darkstalkers, perhaps.

fighting games have a high barrier of entry so developers have to lure in as many virgins to buy their games as possible by creating attractive waifus in order to turn a sizable profit

nobody knows

truly, this is a mystery

i don't think the designs in SFV are bad but there are a lot better designs in other games like Dead or Alive.

Not gay but men in fighting game are cool as fuck. Especially in Tekken.

i agree

Character design is most important to this genre, since that's all they have to work with in most cases.

>Game is literally about 2 characters on a 2D plane fighting
>The only thing that's really important is the characters
>the only other thing that matters is the background

That's it. Fighters are actually quite bare bones so they really need to focus. Keep in mind, there were limitations on carts at the time so the sprites for Fighters are way, way more robust than the sprites for things like RPGs.

but only the girls look good

Because aside from backgrounds the art team has nothing else to so.


What I want to know is why, when fighting games prove how great character designs can be, are other games' designs so generic?

Because it's a genre that requires you to intensely stare at characters for countless hours.

I would think it'd be obvious

Because they don't have to worry about story or well-written characters. Hell level design isn't a thing either.

I imagine it's due to the art and design team having almost all focus on the characters themselves. Outside of that they only need to design simple stages and fight effects.

You ever play darts?

Darkstalkers was basically a character design crash course for the Capcom artists of the time. The lead artist (Akiman) took all the artists who were slated to work on this new project and had them spend the first three months just doing nothing but churning out design concept after design concept for each of the character slots, giving direction and advice along the way. All that time and focus they put in was what led that great cast to eventually surface from hundreds upon hundreds of drawings like these.


Because your focus is on the character more than in any other genre. There is no level design, PVE monster arrangements, cities, towns, dungeons, etc...

It's only your character vs another on a stage. They, like racing games, should be the fucking EASIEST to max out graphically.



Sure, the fighting games' achievements are logical and naturally unmatched in any case, but when I look at all the other things other games create, it just makes me wonder why they didn't divert a bit more effort to the characters to complement all the rest.


Is there any particular reason why there's so much bestiality SFM porn with Honoka?

Thanks user, i really enjoyed seeing these.

Because it's a niche genre and fighting game fans are fucking ANAL about anything drawing a developer's attention away from the combat.

Make a single player mode? Get bitched at because fighting games are fundamentally multiplayer only.
Make a story? Get bitched at because fighting games don't need story.
Add character customization? Get bitched at because you should be spending that time on adding more characters/tweaking framedata
Add interactive stages? Get bitched at because complex stages are distracting/have framerate drops/interfere with the pure 1v1 nature of the genre

Fighting games are screwed because the only people who buy them are those most opposed to any kind of advancement of the genre.

Now THAT'S a freaky fish guy

>"I want fighting games to pander to people who don't play fighting games"
>"I want to ruin fighting games for the people who actually play them"
You're a horrible human being, user.


Consumer standards only rise over time, user.

Part of the reason why Fighting games have suffered is because they are static and stagnant versus every other genre improving drastically in the last 10-15 years.


Street Fighter V is the exception, though.

Too many blonde characters, even a couple of japanese are blonde.

Literally every fighting that isn't SFV have that shit because they aren't retarded like Capcom

>ken is half japanese
>karin is half japanese
>mika is half japanese
>laura is half japanese

Fucking WHY

The things you're demanding aren't improvements or advancements; they're stagnation. They would turn fighting games into something else, in the same way RTS turned into MOBAs.
And all of those dumb things were tried before. Guess what? no one liked them.

Except none of the changes you suggested are even remotely good for fighting games, they only succeed in attracting normies and fighting games were always niche anyways. I guess if you want more sales it's fine but the quality of the game will drop. Sometimes the status quo is fine.


>fighting games were always niche
You weren't around in the early 90s, were you?

They don't.

I like thicc and lewds as much as the next guy but until a fighting game has a woman in full armor instead of this bikini shit, the designs will always suck.

Fighting games actually gave a fuck about being successful and popular back in the 90s. They actually TRIED. Alpha 3 has more meaningful content in it than most of the fighting games released since.

Just because you're comfortable with fighting games dwindling out of existence as its fans age out of the target demographic doesn't mean everyone else is.

Fighting games will have to change or eventually they'll be outsold by fucking Visual Novels.

fuck outa here

>Consumer standards only rise over time, user.

No, consumer standards favor the path of least resistance, since it's the one that has the potential for the most capital draw. Honestly it's not something that really effects figthing games because it manifests as things like

>games having the same melee combat system
>games having the same map system
>iron sights working the exact same way

Any time someone has ever said "I like the way this game does this thing, all games should do it that way" it happens. And so because 15 years ago some fucker was too lazy to read a journal entry and thought it was somehow a massive improvement to have the journal spell out the exact goals, we end up where we are now with arrows pointing to the next objective.

Japanese cultural belief that Japanese people and blood are superior to other races
Japanese belief that Aryans are a master race
Blond Fighter V

becuase its the only thing they have

ASSHURT woman detected

Exactly, either you meet consumer expectations and people buy your shit or you don't and people view your product as lacking in content, quality, and (most importantly) value.

It all came to a head with SFV. Charging people $60 for an experience with far less content than indie titles at half the price was insane.

>but until a fighting game has a woman in full armor
Doesn't Samurai Shodown have one?

Hilde was in full armor in SCIV and SCV.


Now you just need to add MvCI Chun-Li.

>best designs
>post DOA
You guys are funny.

Best girl

but that isn't street fighter.


>mfw Asuka, Josie, and Eliza

Who's the bigger slut: Ibuki or Juri?

>literally only ever played tekken 3
>seeing him in tekken 7

I had no idea he changed every game.

>in armor
You realize you meed to be swift snd fast as possible when fighting right? This is why mma fighter barley wear anything in the ring

I don't think Josie/Eliza have good designs, they're just supposed to be generic sexy/cute girls but hey, same can be said for Asuka, so it's all subjective.

>tfw Baek main
Everyone's asking for Lei but no one wants my boy back :(
I main Wang too so it hurts that none of my mains are in T7.

>fighting game
>full armor
With the exception of weapon based games like Soul Calibur, are you retarded? When have you ever seen people fighting hand-to-hand in full armor?

>we got 2 bears instead of at least one of these guys

Because all of the gameplay is 2 characters and a background so those 2 characters need to look amazing.

Plate wearing knights got pretty scrappy.

Unpopular opinion, I feel like this is Hwoarang's best design and I wish they brought it back, not that stupid T7 design he has.

I feel you dude. Been playing Hworang since 4 and that's the best one, but I do love this normal Taekwondo uniform. I miss Baek too.



Dumb Osaka slut


Juri gets more pleasure from killing than sex.
Ibuki is just a thirsty thot looking everywhere for some dick. And strangely nobody in the SF universe wants to give it to her

Largely it has to do with a good amount of their personality and stories needing to be told visually.

You can look at guys like Ryu and know what they're about if not the details instantly

good artists. especially bengus.


>no ass, no hips
>built for sex

this nibba knows what's up

That is the most generic looking design. Literally just "karate guy #87"

good marketing

Yeah his business suit alt is way better.

Get out catfucker

I think the more important question is why SFM porn animators refuse to create full length features like indie nip animators do. The animations are all nice to look at but it's hard to get your rocks off with a 10 second loop.

soul calibur.

>Japanese belief that Aryans are a master race

Character design in fighting games must be strong and memorable enough so that they immediately have an impression upon the player, attracting anyone who might gravitate towards that character.

Even with all the blondes, I think SFV generally has some pretty strong designs, although some bad ones too, like Akuma.

>ken is half japanese
Since when?

Because you spend pretty much all of your time looking at the 2 characters fighting


Chun-li? More like Ug-li.


Congradulations! You have won todays special prize! It's all for (you)

That's not an unpopular opinion, people love both of Hwoarang's outfits in that game. Tekken 4 in general had the best character designs, stages and concepts. Namco doesn't like addressing it due to how buggy it was and is.

>mfw maining Dragunov and Baek
I was lucky, I didn't thought Dragunov was going to make it to 7.
The one thing I fear the most is that they will sell DLC with all old characters that haven't made it into the initial roster.

>Normal game
>Design good guy that appeals to your target audience
>Design bad guy that your audience either hates, or thinks is cool and intimidating

>Fighting game
>>Design a good guy that appeals to your target audience
>Design a bad guy that your target audience thinks is cool and intimidating
>Now you have plenty of room to design characters that appeal to a niche fanbase, reach out to people outside of your target audience, or create characters that the designers just think are cool

This is the same reason Overwatch is so successful. Both Western and Eastern devs just copy-paste characters so they can reach as broad an audience as possible. Fighting Game style design allows devs to play around with character types that normally aren't popular enough to be major characters in other games.

I want to play flaming head guy.

It wasn't even the bugs. First of all, the game just didn't play right. Second, the Japanese market was put off by the overly western styling of the game. It was too serious, and none of the new characters appealed to them (Boxer, Bill Goldberg, Female Eddie)

are you asking a question or are you doubting the claim

Because there's usually only two characters on the screen at the same time.

What the hell are they doing? There's Skyrim mods that look better than that.