What went so wrong Sup Forums?

What went so wrong Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>randy pitchford
>coincided with overwatch's release date
>ugly UI, color scheme, and character designs
>moba stylized

Activision/Blizzard destroyed the game because they knew Battleborn was a good game

>Activision/Blizzard destroyed the game because they knew Battleborn was a good game
>The ashes of a failed project is a better game than your OC donut steel character game

refused to call it "f2p" and as such no one bothered downloading a "trial" because trials are fucking stupid.

Remember that time Randy claimed his grandad invented the rabbit in a hat trick

The same thing that happened to all the "WoW killers", they tried to compete with Blizzard in a genre of game that doesn't lend itself to playing lots of fundamentally similar games.

From what I saw from the single player mode, it wasn't terrible but it did come off tedious and repetitive. The multiplayer mode looked like a mess (unless the current 'trial' has reduced wait times between matches). I can tell the passion is there for the group that worked on the game, but it was put in the wrong places.

Randy Pitchford trying to compare it to Overwatch when it came out did no favors to Battleborn either.

Unclear, bogged down marketing that sounded like a laundry list of SEO terms.

I always figured Battleborn wouldn't have gotten the hate it does now if it wasn't for the massive marketing fuckup.

It's an ok game that might have been able to at least cover the cost, but its image is tainted and it never recovered from that.

Yeah that description he gives does not make me want to play it. Terrible.

Terrible character design. Corny gearbox humor

>It's an ok game that might have been able to at least cover the cost
No way, the game has big problems
>Horrible character design
>Horribe artstyle
>Horrible writing
>Horrible voice acting
>Horrible cinematics
>Horrible UI
>Despicable way of unlocking characters that takes hours upon hours unless you pay for them
If Overwatch didnt destroyed Battleborn, paladis or any other hero shooter would have done the job

>my dad works at nintendo

Everything. Biggest failure? Pitchford. Dude has the same business sense and grace as a teething two year old.

It released around the same time as Overwatch.

Despite being quite different as games, two cartoony hero shooters with the Disney/Pixar meets anime art-style releasing with a month of each other meant one was going to come off second best. Overwatch had decent character designs and a king's random spent on promotion and advertising by ActiBlizzard. Battleborn didn't. They might've been able to save it by going F2P earlier, but by the time they did, Paladins had already appeared and taken the "Overwatch for poor people" position.

>arrow going through middle of bowshaft

>They might've been able to save it by going F2P earlier
They couldnt, they had to bring DLC content for the retards that got a season pass before being able to modify the game in such a way to make it F2P

>Overwatch had decent character designs
Decent? kek
It was excellent

Go away, Arnold Tsang.

> being this much in denial
The characters made OW, not the marketing
Get your facts checked

You can say everything you want about overwatch, but its characters are really good looking, you can see how they were made to appeal to as many people as possible while battleborn was made by stupid artists trying to create a progressive rooster of ugly characters

I don't get this mentality. Before steam refunds(and for some games arguably even after) multiplayer games were sorely lacking demos to see if they were worth buying into. I'd rather buy a multiplayer game than deal with all of the f2p micro-transactions which can quickly add up and be more expensive.

With trials or demos I can see if I even like the game before I buy it.

I would say many things about OW characters and none of them would be "good looking"


Sorry I meant not fugly like battleborn characters

Pure waifubait though, not like its a bad thing


Thats what I mean, if you are a kid or early 20s guy what you would prefer to play?
A game with a sexy as fuck french assasin and robotic ninjas? Or a game with a tranny fairy and a shark man that yells about feminism being awesome?

After more than a decade ED still has its moments

>voiced by Ashly Burch

I'm not much of a Widowmaker guy, she's always been the OW girl I hate most, but fuck that little belly pooch before the pelvis. makes me diamonds.

This is wjy I usually pirate a game, play the first 3 hours, then if I enjoyed those 3 hours I uninstall the pirated game and buy it from steam/origin/uplay. If I don't like it I unninstall it anyway cause why bother finishing a game I don't like.