What is the most realistic VR game Sup Forums?

What is the most realistic VR game Sup Forums?

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I guess fallout in october?

Real life

Get the fuck out Elon musk. GET

fucc thats deep

Overrated as fuck series. It's pretty much "look, technology is evil because of these extreme cherrypicked events that probably will never happen", and people think it's deep.

Go back to .

>technology is evil
>events that probably will never happen

damn nigga you triggered and retarded

t. mad redditor

How can someone be so stupid that they don't understand Black Mirror? You missed every single point.

How to spot a retard: they think "technology is evil" is the point of Black Mirror.

San Junipero > Nosedive > White Christmas > Hated in the Nation > The Entire History of You > Be Right Back > Fifteen Million Merits > The National Anthem > White Bear > Shut Up and Dance > Playtest > The Waldo Effect > Men Against Fire

Probably DCS

>Interracial couples and mixed people in almost every episode

>progressive and "deep" series
Couldn't be more Reddit.

Does anyone know the episode that had this white girl with a black dude who looked like a hologram? I saw a picture of it.

>San Junipero
Black lesbian is shown to be a toxic degenerate.

>White Christmas
Asian man is the main villain. Completely ruins a perfectly good family in order to fuck a degenerate white woman.

>White Bear
Black woman is the main villain. She killed a black girl with her white husband and video taped it for shits and giggles.

>Fifteen Million Merits
White girl tempts black guy in order to steal all of his money and ruin his life.

Sure is "progressive."

That's Nosedive. Funny thing is that the white girl is an emotional, suicidal wreck while the white couple shown are perfectly happy.

>asian guy is the main villian
>not the guy that killed two people
They needed a non white character so it could be obvious that the child wasn't his. It's not about portraying him as evil. In your other examples race doesn't have to do with anything.

The series is just progressive and Reddit, get over it.

Every episode is a downer

Honestly aside from OP related episode I really wasn't feeling season 3.

If "technology is evil" is all you got from the series then you're beyond retarded

Dude Black Mirror is a technological take on 'The Twilight Zone'... that's all. Why are you so upset?


>mfw I'm not Anthony Burch

Why not just fap forever?

Would someone mind explaining the episode?

>google it
fuck you leatherman

Explaining, as in how? Like, telling you about the themes? Or just giving you a synopsis? You watched the episode already I assume?

>tfw watching National Anthem with my gf

I've never felt so uncomfortable with a TV show in my life.

I should watch that season. Last one I watched was the wedding one I think and it was weird.

I'm sure she became tired of it... do cookies can have sexual pleasure? can we have sex with cookies?

I watched the first two episodes, pretty good. Felt bad for the porno girl but that's life I guess. Two very unsatisfying endings. I thought that fucking a pig would be funny but I felt bad when he actually had to do it.

Don't watch the rest of the series, it becomes more and more depresive with each ending

I watched that episode with my mom.

Funny thing about black mirror is that the first two episodes are probably the worst introduction into the series. I suggest watching white christmas or san junipero next, not like you need to watch the show in order.

Real talk: cookies ruined this episode for me. If the entire episode was about Hamm being a webcam wing man, I would enjoyed that episode way, way more. Still really good though.

I am gonna wait to watch the rest of it with my lady so we can talk about it afterwards so I feel less empty.
Those two were great, so I can only imagine it'll be better. I heard this was like x-files, but it's very different. Still good though.



>that fucking ending

jesus christ, what a complete 180

>with my mom

I would die.

is basically "technology is bad ok?"
with a cup of racemixing propaganda, notice how white couples have something tragic going on with their lives or whites in general or if its a white guy with a black woman couple but if its a black man with white woman they are the happiest couple ever

Dude, a black gets cucked in the tv... how is that a happy ending?

Holy fuck go back to Sup Forums you kissless virgin. Only you fags see take note of this.

Why did everyone put the blame on her?

And also, what could you actually do in this situation? Shutdown Twitter?

they shown you how this technology works to solve a case but whoever created it did commit crimes so he cannot interact with anyone forver
yeah and she gets to do blacked porn
>go back to Sup Forums
im used to it, also i can't take notice of this when is clear as day in every episode though

>And also, what could you actually do in this situation? Shutdown Twitter?

Something bugged me with that episode, and it wasn't just the bees. If you wanted to control the #DeathTo tag, you literally had to contact Twitter and tell them to ban the tag.

But even with banning the tag, there are still like 300,000 people in the database. You really couldn't do anything in the situation, only minimized the damage.

maybe VRkanojo? I almost want to buy it

Pressing a button to infinitely torture someone's consciousness is terrifying to me

Like that comic where giant aliens put a human head through horrible pain while also allowing it to live for many years

All i could think about when watching this episode was
>kojima announces VR support for Silent Hills

Playtest fucking sucked. The one video game-related episode and it's the worst fucking one.

how would Sup Forums direct a black mirror episode about vidya gaems

It takes some serious mental gymnastics to interpret Fifteen Million Merits that way.

And if the woman in White Bear is the villain because "hurr she was the killer all along", how is the British guy in White Christmas not the "villain"?

Rate my collection

Fifteen Million Merits was kind of about video games


>why did you design a "make your toaster age 100 years" button and then make it think its human?
>Well you see, uh... huh...

Shut up and Dance would probably fit this board well.

The director of this episode is, like , a gamer. cool.

Job Simulator

>Implying I don't know how to remove a virus and stop everything in the episode from happening

Any media about VR/AR is going to be shit because no one is able to restrain themselves from pulling a "uh oh, you thought you left the simulation but you're still inside!" anytime they do something like that, despite it being overused to the point of predictability

There are a lot of people that is that kind of stupid

San Junipero a shit

I would make it about a mobage with a hyper-realistic anime waifu, for which people go into debt just to keep buying time with her

Something like the one with the android clone


best stuff starts at 2 minutes

the graphics might look potato but when you're in game its the most immersive thing you can ever experience. getting pinned down by an RPK actually left me with my hands shaking and sweating

>the episode was showing off the spooky-vision VR tech
>the mc was brain fucked right before all that was introduced meaning the spooky-vision was all in his head and is unconfirmed if kojima ever had anything close to that level of simulation
>yfw all kojima was confirmed to have made was the fucking 3ds AR cards
>yfw this was the breakthrough the mc fried his brain trying to steal

>Wanting realism.
Kinda missed the point.


I would do something similar to Nosedive and Fifteen Million Merits.

Everyone has an experience gauge and level. You gain EXP by working and doing other tasks, like eating right and working out. You can also lose EXP by doing bad things, like being unhealthy or being thrown in jail. You can purchase Deus Ex-like augments with EXP (buying better eyesight, stronger muscles). And then it turns out that the main character is actually an asshole and phone was evil.