*blocks ur path*

*blocks ur path*

Other urls found in this thread:


You can't block this 3

Oh shit nice

*teleports behind u*


n i c e


try blocking this m2




This 7 is a little better tho

8 is better

>Everyone says that the Cunstman has a ridiculous hitbox
>Always get head shotted
>Never get any back

I don't get it.

huntsman hitbox itself isn't that big, the ones used for hitreg are. they look like this and it's the same for all classes.

2010 was seven years ago, user. No one cares about TF2 anymore, not even Valve.

>play TF2 for nostalgias sake
>play Sniper (favorite class) with Cuntsman to fuck around
>absolutely dominate the other team and make them my bitches
I forgot how much I loved this game

Shut the fuck up

Apart from 1,700,000 people, cretin.

That's why there's multiple Tf2 threads per day, right user?



This 8 maybe



oh fug

update when?

Very soon, considering their prior major update drop times.

Meet your Match dropped on July 7
Gun Mettle dropped on July 2
Love and War dropped on June 18
Pyromania dropped on June 27

We know they haven't tested and implemented their balance changes just yet (since they're asking the community for feedback), and we know that they haven't gotten all of their community submissions in yet.

Very nice.

How would you guys feel about engineer getting an AoE heal unlock?


Yeah I can live with that.
Engineer in general is lacking in alternate PDA options. And he's basically useless on offense in 5CP, since the battle moves too quickly back and forth for him to keep all his buildings moved.

Buildings he can carry while using would make him a lot more offensively useful.

Come at me bro!

I think they have that as an upgrade in that game-mode no one plays where you capture the intel with the grapple hooks.


5CP is cancer

>when it works one time in twenty

>dead ringer nerf announced

Would be nice for gunslinger engies
