Nintendo Switch Helps Company Surpasses Sony In Market Cap

Ouch.... Better luck next time, Sony.

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I wonder how much Sony's shitty movie division is dragging them down.

Why are remakes okay when it's Sony

Between Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, Sony is the only company that actively pursues copyright claims on YouTube. Fuck them.

But this 8

I wonder how much the ponies start seething when they hear about the Switch being a success

Look at both tweets about it. Ponies chimping out because it doesn't matter if Nintendo does it

It's been very amusing watching the mental gymnastics trying to paint the Switch as a failure; it's become more and more elaborate as time has worn on. That being said, shitposting about market cap now? Really?

>It's been very amusing watching the mental gymnastics trying to paint the Switch as a failure; it's become more and more elaborate as time has worn on.
At this point I really doubt the even Wii U was a failure, people just shitposted so hard to make it seem like it was. People really have it out for Nintendo for some reason.

I consider it retribution for their crimes against the Wii U. What goes around comes around, fuckers.

>Sony is the only company that actively pursues copyright claims on YouTube.
>Nintendo literally undertook the biggest push to claim content on youtube


>Sony is the only company that actively pursues copyright claims on YouTube
Are you for real? Nintendo flat out forces people to be part of their shitty partnership program if they want to make money reviewing their games

Uhh lol

Time to go up again.

They probably don't care as much as you think since the ps4 is still selling 20 million units a year and actually gets third party support for new games.

Sonyqueers will avoid this thread. There will be few responses. They will hide until the thread is archived.


Are you underage niggers for real?
>not remembering when Sony tried to copyright let's plays

~$800 for PS4 Pro + PSVR + summer lesson

Why not Oculus or HTC Vive and Kanojo VR ?

Just goto the point of sale of "VR"

>Attempted trademark for ambiguous reasons, failed
>Actually claiming and profiting off others content for years now.

hmmm, which is doing more damage...

The switch will sell 20 million in its first year between splatoon in June, Mario in the holidays, and the overall hype that hasn't died down. SCREENCAP THIS if you want

Why did Jim take a picture of himself wearing glasses that someone apparently ejaculated on? That is gross.

The wiiu Failure doesn't have to do with the shitposting retard, lack of third party support and shitty games that not even nintendo fans bought was the reason.

Heck not even bayonnetta shitposting threads made the wiiu look better

>Why not Oculus or HTC Vive and Kanojo VR ?
Because it costs significantly more to go this route?
They'd have to start selling significantly more than they have been to meet that number.

>Heck not even bayonnetta shitposting threads made the wiiu look better
I guess you could say...

Don't fuck with the Switch.


Just like how Smash Bros, Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 and [insert game here] were gonna turn the sales of the Wii U around right?

His wife did it.

The difference is that the Switch actually has casual appeal you stupid roach

Not but the switch shilling is the same as the ps4 shilling so guess what shilling and this being a board that shipost the ps4 and xbox x at the same times,does wonder i guess.

>profiting off others content
Yes, indeed that is what these """"content creators"""" that don't create their own content are doing.
It's a lot of damage to the gaming industry, especially to IPs that don't need the exposure.

>casual appeal
Compared to the Wii U being a console built around a tablet, we now just have a console that is a tablet

>It's a lot of damage to the gaming industry, especially to IPs that don't need the exposure.
Explain in clear detail, providing sources and examples, how youtube game videos have damaged the gaming industry.

Come again?

>Nintendo did and is doing that now.

lol double standards.

Meaning that unlike the Wii U, the switch is actually portable. You realize that even to this day, most casuals couldn't tell you the difference between the Wii and the Wii U, right? And yet everyone wants a Switch? Could it be...?

The good days are over for you, pony

...Does she have a dick?


Are you fucking stupid?

Nintendo ACTIVELY claims copyright on videos that have footage from recent games now.

AngryJoe gets pissed off at Nintendo's practices while deliberating on making a Zelda BOTW review (which again, wasn't that long ago at all), and even in his review, the moments he does add gameplay footage, to prevent Youtube's system from autoflagging it, he has to flip the video frame horizontally.

Literally, _right now_ Nintendo is the scummiest of the big three as far as social media coverage of their IP.

Big difference is Switch is actually marketed so casual know it's not a Wii accessory and a new console. It won't sell 20 million in it's first year since it's production wise it has to deal with apple cutting into it's chip (thus console) production but you're a dumb mook if you think this is anything like Wii U.

>their crimes against the Wii U.
Imagine having this much of a victim complex

>Angry "it's okay to pirate if it's Nintendo" Joe
You ponies are starting to get really fucking annoying

That can't be real lel.

What kind of person would identify with Judas, one of the biggest traitors in history?

>being this new
Are you only just finding out about this?

>sony actually tried to jew let's plays even on games not their own
>nintendo actually relented and lets you stream their content, just with regulation and permission, and only on their own games
Reminder that the only people who are moaning about NCP are the ones too greedy to split their monies for a little quality control and OFFICIAL PERMISSION TO STREAM STUFF NOT THEIR OWN AND IN MOST CASES, MORE POPULAR THAN THEY ARE.

>muh new
Reddit's that way. *jerks thumb*

I don't really give a shit about this person as much as you do user.

>And yet everyone wants a Switch? Could it be...?
I'm gonna give you a real fucking dose of reality, the casual market likes Nintendo's IPs, but they do not like Nintendo's hardware, they would rather play Mario runners and Zelda base builders on their phone than go out and buy an entire new console to play Nintendo's games
Because of it's gimmicky motion controls that everyone got interested in for a couple of months until they permanently end up in a closet
Welcome to the world of Scalpers, where being incompetent with your supply makes it piss easy to take advantage of the demand it can't meet to turn a profit

Not my fault we're stuck in this timeline. We could've been in one where the Wii U sold better instead.


Wii U deserved to flop

>The switch will sell 20 million in its first year
They can't even make that many in a year

This is the worst troll thread on the board right now.

You should be ashamed.

>Because of it's gimmicky motion controls that everyone got interested in for a couple of months until they permanently end up in a closet
Projecting much? The Wii is STILL popular today.

His "wife" looks exactly like him. In better, happier times, I'd dismiss this as a funny joke.

Just like [x] would save the PS3 and Vita, right? You fucks are just too frigging ecstatic you finally got a victory and now you can't stop rubbing it in.

because right now it's about muh exclusives count. people care about quantity and "quality" if you want to call a cinematic experience that.

It's ok when Sony does it!

Show me the second worst.

>Projecting much?
Ask your friends who bought a Wii if they still have it out and play it from time to time

You obviously don't have casual friends user. The switch is really popular

Wii U deserved far better than the PS4.

They do.


No, it didn't. I own both Wii U and PS4 and PS4 is way better.

Seriously, just for a minute, IMAGINE being this delusional

In all seriousness, what is likely hood that Sony will quit the vidya hardware business?


they are selling 20 million units a year.

Wow you sure were quick on asking your friends
Is it because you have none?
Hey I wasn't screaming NINTENDOMINATION throughout 2012 and 2013

>I own both
Prove it right nos
lol it's their only division making money

PS4 only started even getting real games in 2015. It sold 30 million units entirely on empty hype and wouldn't have even gotten as far as it did had it not used the Xbone as a sacrificial lamb. In a proper timeline, it wouldn't have even sold enough to start getting dev attention. It didn't deserve the success or games it got.

Or maybe because I already know that they do, you idiot? It's clear that you're the one with no friends.

None, it's the only division not in the shitter

Neither was I. I love the Wii U but that won't stop me from admitting that it was doomed from the start. Go away

>Wii sales were amazing
>DS sales were amazing
>3DS sales are great

>I-it's all a fluke g-guys! The Switch will f-fail I swear!

No, you were just shrieking "Sony always wins baby" throughout 2015 and last year.

Wii was a fucking great console with a superb library of games. Stop being a fucking retard just because Nintendo nuked the competition off the face of the planet.

Nintendo fags are literally THIS young.

Do you not remember the time Nintendo actively enforced copyright claims on let's players who used any of their footage, then proceeded to steal what ever money the video made UNLESS the content creator joined an umbrella division to legally use Nintendo footage giving them a cut of whatever work they produced?

This shit is still happening to this day. Nintendo are the Jews of gaming. If you don't pay them, they'll slap a copyright strike on you and force you to take the video down. But you'd probably think nothing of it, right? I seen people defend this, saying that the company need to 'protect' their image.

So it's only okay when Sony does it?

>Nintendo ACTIVELY claims copyright on videos that have footage from recent games now.
Because, guess what pony, Joe doesn't have permission to use content not his own!
What a revolutionary concept you fucking reddit spacer!
Signing up for NCP means getting PERMISSION to use their content for a fee!
Business fuckin' 101 and Joe chooses to complain like a kid to his kiddy audience because he's not being given free stuff!

No way user, if anything it's more probable that they close all their other divisions and become a videogame only company like Nintendo.

Their videogame division is their mist profitable branch.

Sony did this long before Nintendo did so it's ironic that you try to claim people are young.

So let me get this fucking straight, the same Nintenchildren who spent years crying
Over the PS4's success are now gloating over stock value? The same stock value that can sky rocket the moment you announce a Mario Base Builder?

Whenever sonys financial stat is brought up I can't help of thinking what the state of neogaf will be when it inevitably crashes in within 4 years

Only if they are forced to file for bankruptcy. But even then some other company would purchase Sony, so they'll probably never quit.

They did the same thing when pokemon go launched, then shut up again when the stock dropped back down.

Just the Wii U r-right? Don't count them before they hatch, you may set yourself up for disappointment. Even with the Wii U selling like shit it had the games to possibly push it over the 20-30M margin, yet that never happened. Remember that screen cap saying MK8 alone would draw at least 30M people towards a Wii U?

Here you go, faggot.
PS4 is way better and has better games.

>lol it's their only division making money
But consoles are dead. Even microsoft can see the writing on the wall and are quietly moving into PC gaming.

Nintendo were smart enough to try something different and will carve out their own little niche market like they always do.

Sony are facing utter irrelevance. Even if they released a PS5, what would it actually bring to the table? Sony are a classic example of a company which cannot innovate or adapt.

There's no denying it. If there's any fanboy base that actively claims that it's only okay when X does it, its Sony. Everyone else usually shrugs and accepts it, but ponies will go out and actively defend it too.

I don't understand why the switch is so popular.
I was really hoping that nintendo would die and the chance that some of their games would make it to steam. Guess I'll just keep emulating.

>being this asshurt


And you were making the same fucking whining when the Wii was kicking PS3's ass, so don't start that shit when the Sony faction has done nothing but be a bunch of goldfaced chodes the past three years.

>It's yet another console war thread that will amount to nothing episode

When will all of you guys stop and realize that precious moments of your life are going by because you're too busy fighting for dominance over which children's toy is better?

>But consoles are dead
You should probably tell the millions of consumers buying them that.

ten million people bought a ps4 so far this year since january. You guys must be doing a really bad job getting that memo out.

Because they're doing you a favor, user :)

>It didn't deserve the success or games it got.
Kek, and you think the fucking Wii U did deserve it?
Kill yourself

So... consoles are only dying when Sony and Microsoft are losing...?

Pic related.

Consoles are going the way of the dodo.

>hoping that nintendo would die and the chance that some of their games would make it to steam
Hope for Sony first. They deserve it more.